He Will See It Through - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - October 2, 2024

Michelle Rabon

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“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

Sometimes I think I have everything under control—well, maybe it is more along the lines of I would like to have everything under control—but I fail miserably. Daily, I'm filled with frustration because things have not gone according to plan, or I am trying to fix the unfixable. All because I believe that I am the one with all the control. 

The reality is that there is actually very little within my control. 

The older I get, the more I appreciate this truth. Yet, there is a sting on the other side of this reality: I have wasted many years chasing control. 

I have lost sleep at night thinking that I haven’t done enough to protect my family from sickness. I haven’t done enough to prevent bad things from happening. I haven’t done enough in my job. It’s the things that we desire to control that really rob us of joy. It distorts our understanding of who God is. 

My greatest foe of this generation is anxiety. There is nothing that challenges your desire for control more than anxiety. It comes in many forms: general anxiety, health anxiety, phobias, OCD, panic attacks, etc. 

The younger generations are living in a constant state of anxiety. 

Anxiety in its most general sense comes from the desire to control, the desire to know the future, and the inability to rest in the unknowns. Now, it has a few more complexities than that; however, in most cases, it is fueled by the same problem; our complete and utter inability to control things. 

A healthy amount of anxiety can be helpful in keeping you safe, but an out-of-control level of anxiety has you chasing control. 

In Philippians, Paul is writing to the church and reminding them of where their joy is found. He is reminding them that Christ is the source of that joy. In order for us to rest in the joy that Christ brings, we must first understand who He is and what He has done. 

Anxiety isn’t a foreign topic in the Book of Philippians. Paul references it in his letters often. Anxiety is not a problem just for today, but for many generations. We are not the first of the human race to wrestle with the need to control or worry about the what-ifs. 

Paul begins his letter with the reminder that Christ is, in fact, the one who is in control. 

The work that Christ began, He will complete. He will see it through until the end. We don’t have to worry about how we will get there or when it is not for us to worry over or be anxious about. There is freedom in this truth. 

What does it look like to dwell in the truth that Christ is in control of all things? What will it do for our anxious thoughts, fears, and conspiracies? When we dwell in the reality that Christ is sovereign and in control of everything, we can walk in wisdom and freedom. 

It’s not an excuse to live recklessly; walking in wisdom is required. Living in a way that honors Christ is required. But, I don’t have to lose sleep tonight over the what-ifs. I don’t have to waste energy or painful possibilities. It means I trust the results to Christ. 

Anxiety doesn’t have to be the ailment of the day. Knowing God, His character, and His control gives us room to breathe and rest. 

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, that you are in control of all things. Thank you that you are the Almighty and I am not. Thank you that your character and presence are enough to silence the anxiety in my heart and mind. Forgive me where I have sought to control everything around me and the what-ifs that could come. Help me to rest in who you are and walk in faithfulness. When anxiety strikes, remind me of who you are and speak peace into my heart and mind. Help me to dwell in the reality that you are sovereignly in control of all things. Amen

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Prisci

Michelle Rabon is helping women be disciples who make disciples.  Michelle has her MDiv in Ministry to Women from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently serving as Women’s Ministry Director in her local church. She is also the author of Holy Mess. When she is not writing or teaching, she enjoys reading, being close to the ocean, and drinking a lot of coffee. You can connect with Michelle at

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