‘God Did It’ Says 18-Year-Old after Waking Up from a Coma Following a Crash


Diego, 18, of Fowler, CA, had been in a coma for almost 40 days following a motorcycle crash. Miraculously, he woke up, and his family calls it a “walking testimony of their faith.”

They Received a Call No One Would Want to Get

On June 17th, Diego’s parents, Jasmine and Carlos, received a call no parents wanted to receive. That he had been in a motorcycle accident. His father told Fox 26 that during the phone call, he heard someone say something about trying to revive him. Doctors later told them to “prepare for the worst, hope for the best,” and that’s precisely what they did.

Diego talks about seeing the light when he was facing life or death in the hospital in Fresno, CA. His family members stayed by his side, and they were told that he had suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI.)

“I remember that night when we were in the ICU. I searched up Traumatic Brain Injury,” Diego’s mother says. “And what to do and what not to do like as a mom. You’re like, what am I supposed to do?”

After Almost 40 Days, He Started to Show Some Response

She learned that the number one thing to do was never to leave your loved ones alone, so someone was always by Diego Diaz’s side.

In July, after almost 40 days, Diego started to show some response. “I truly felt like that moment was like the light turned on. After that, I felt so, so much faith. I felt so strong,” Diego’s dad says. “I was like, he’s going to make it. He’s going to make it. He’s going to make it.”

And what a relief it must have been for his parents and family to know that he was back with them and God had brought him back. His parents will never forget that day, especially after the doctors told them that if he didn’t wake up soon, they would have to declare him brain-dead.

He Got on His Knees and Prayed

“I just got on my knees and I mean I poured my heart out to God. And I begged him. I begged him to keep him, and I also begged him, I said if you’re not going to keep him here with quality of life, just take him with you,” Diego’s dad shared.

According to Fox 26 News, every sentence that Diego spoke after he woke up contained God. “Every time they want me to talk, I’m always like, ‘God did it,” the young man said.

Diego Diaz graduated high school just a few weeks before the crash. He had signed to play football at Arizona Christian University on a scholarship and had recently been baptized. He was able to go back to his former teammates and thank them for all their prayers. The university also told him that the scholarship would be his whenever he was able to attend, even if he could no longer play football.

They Are Driven by Hope and Faith

Diego and his family are genuinely driven by hope and faith. “Everyone calls me a miracle,” Diego says. “But it’s God’s miracle. This is him showing he’s still alive. He’s still strong. He still has miracles. He just used me as a picture.”

The family is taking Diego’s recovery one day at a time. Many prayers to Diego and his family as he continues to heal from his accident and his Traumatic Brain Injury.

WATCH: Diego Diaz Wakes Up from a Coma

“Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.” – Jeremiah 33:6

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/KMPH FOX26 News