Bring Your Bible Day Aims to Encourage Students and Adults to Share Their Faith Everywhere

Elizabeth Delaney

It might seem hard to believe that this year is the tenth year for the Bring Your Bible Day event. The movement was started by Focus on the Family ministries and was initially aimed at students. However, this year, the October 3rd event is aimed at adults, too. While kids are bringing their Bibles to school, adults are being encouraged to bring their Bibles to work, and both groups are also being encouraged to bring their Bibles to social activities and everywhere else they happen to go.

"The goal of this event is to demonstrate Christ's love and respectfully communicate a Biblical perspective, not to engage in debates and confrontations. So even if someone becomes angry with you or is rude, it's important to remain respectful and loving— while at the same time, remaining confident and bold in communicating your beliefs," the Bring Your Bible Day website and conversation guides state.   

"My team looked at the numbers for young people who are leaving the church from high school to college, and research that suggests parents are the No. 1 faith influence on their children in almost all categories," Emerson Collins, project manager for Bring Your Bible Day told The Denver Gazette

"In an effort to instill and maintain the faith, we said let's include parents as participants this year and add young adults, who are the peers and mentors of young students who are in school," Collins said.

He commented that Bring Your Bible Day is also designed to " a confidence in God's word as well as a biblical worldview. We have plenty of stories from previous years about students who were hesitant to take their Bibles to school until Dad said, 'I'll bring my Bible to work if you'll bring yours to school.'"

Last year saw the involvement of over 5000 churches, the participation of over 1,000,000 students, and the representation of over 50,000 schools, according to the Bring Your Bible Day website.  

The number of students who participated last year is the largest amount that the movement has seen since it started, Collins told The Denver Gazette. 

Christians are called to be salt and light everywhere they go. Bring Your Bible Day offers a great opportunity for Christians to strike up conversations about faith with friends, coworkers, and whoever else they encounter in the community, the Bring Your Bible Day website notes.

A few suggestions for Christians to share their faith include giving a Bible as a gift, writing out favorite Bible verses and passing them out, and organizing a Bible study during lunch breaks. Christians are encouraged to be creative and even brainstorm ideas with each other. 

Participants are encouraged to post about Bring Your Bible Day on their social media pages and follow Bring Your Bible on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. In addition, participants can take pictures, record phone videos, and post them on their social media accounts using the #BringYourBible hashtag.

Bring Your Bible Day and Christian rapper Not Klyde have collaborated to design some fun promotional items such as tee shirts, digital flyers, stickers, totes, and patches, which can be viewed and purchased here

Click here to participate in or learn more about the 2024 Bring Your Bible Day event.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/palidachan

Elizabeth Delaney Author HeadshotElizabeth Delaney has been a freelance content writer for over 20 years and has enjoyed having her prose published in both the non-fiction and fiction markets. She has written various types of content, including Christian articles, healthy lifestyle, blog posts, business topics, news articles, product descriptions, and some fiction. She is also a singer-songwriter-musician. When she is not busy with writing or music, she enjoys spending time with friends or family and doing fun social activities such as hiking, swing dancing, concerts, and other activities.