A Prayer to Stay Attached to Jesus | Your Daily Prayer

Alisha Headley

Father God,
We are so thankful that you loved us so much that you sent your son Jesus in human form to walk this earth and to teach us how to live a life of fruit while still here on earth. Lord, we are sorry for the times that we go about our days and attach to nothing but ourselves or our agenda or the world around us. We know that apart from you, it’s an unfruitful and unfulfilling life. Please prompt us throughout the day to always stay attached to you and never stop speaking to you in prayer. Please prompt us to stay so attached to you that we don’t turn to other wells in our lives for satisfaction. We know you are the only source but when we stay unattached from you, we often forget this. As we stay attached to you, we fall more in love with you, and we thank you for loving us in return. We praise you God, for you are a good Father.
In your name we pray, Jesus, amen. 

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