Time with God - October 23

Wednesday 23rd October

2 Corinthians 4:18

“We look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

Put your values in the right order!

This verse is part of a passage where Paul is talking about the things that motivate him to keep on sharing the gospel with people. He says that what keeps him going in the life of a witness for Jesus is this re-ordering of his priorities. 

If all you notice are the things that are seen (physical realities that are temporary—deadlines, bills, people’s faces, things you own or want to own), then there will be no motivation at all to live as a witness for Jesus. That priority will be rapidly crowded out by the urgent busyness of life.

But when you change your focus—when you realize that these things that are seen are not the most important things in your life, because they are temporary—when you focus in on the things that do really matter, the eternal things (the inner lives and hearts of people—their brokenness and need for God, God’s desire to pour his love out on them through you), then you start looking past the surface in your conversations with people. You become more aware of where they are in their journey towards God, and you get involved to help them take the next step on that journey.

How would today be different than usual if you had your focus on these eternal, unseen issues of life?

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