How You Can Really Know Jesus - Love Worth Finding - October 15

October 15, 2024 – How You Can Really Know Jesus
John 14:21
Sermon: 1828 Faithful in Bible Study, Part 2

Pray Over This

“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
John 14:21

Ponder This

If you read and study the Bible but don’t apply it, it’ll backfire on you. Inspiration apart from obedience will cause the Word of God to sour in you just like food you eat but fail to digest. You must put these things into practice. Don’t sing, “O How I Love Jesus” if you’re not receiving and keeping His commandments.

Many of you are saying, “Jesus Christ is not real to me. I wish He were real to me. Why isn’t God more real to me? Why is it that some people seem to be so happy in Jesus? Why is it that some people say God is very real and dear and precious to them? He is not to me!” Listen to the words of Jesus in today’s Scripture. You can study the Bible and learn about God, or you can obey the Bible and know God. Bible study gives knowledge about God; walking in His way gives knowledge of God.

You must receive the saving author of the Bible; you must recognize the sovereign authority of the Bible; you must resolve a serious analysis of the Bible; and you must respond with a steadfast application of the Bible. Act on the truths of God’s Word, and I promise this Bible will become real to you.

  • When is it challenging to apply the Word of God? Why?
  • What is some truth from the Word that you need to apply to your life?

Practice This

Ask God to help you obey His commands.

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