Steve Harvey Gives Dying Man on Family Feud $25,000 of His Own Money


Steve Harvey was taken aback when he asked a contestant on Family Feud why his tears kept flowing after winning the $20,000 prize.

“Finally, he won the $20,000, and he just fell on his knees, and he wouldn’t stop crying,” Steve Harvey shared. “I was talking to him after the show, and I said, ‘Hey man, you were pretty emotional about the $20,000.’”

That’s when Steve finds out some shocking news about the man. “He says, ‘Steve, I’m terminally ill. I’ve got 3 months to live, and because of my illness, I can’t get insurance. I need this money for my family.’”

The prize money that the man won on Family Feud would be used so his family would not be burdened with his bills. This touched Steve so much that he gave this brave man an additional $25,000 of his own money. How generous!

“Steve Harvey, you're a beautiful human being,” writes one person online after watching this video clip on YouTube. “You gave that man and his family more than just money; you gave them hope to carry on. God bless you and your family!”

“What an amazing gesture of kindness and love. Thank you, Steve Harvey, for setting an example for all of us. God bless this man and his family,” comments another person on YouTube.

What a wonderful act of kindness from Steve Harvey, and may we also look for ways that we can be generous to those in need. And it doesn’t always have to be with money! By serving others with our time and talents, we are also showing them God’s love.

Hebrews 6:10 says, “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Steve TV Show