Positive Stories

Parents Overwhelmed As Students Step in to Create Special Wheelchair for Their Disabled Son

University students can make such a difference in the world around them. Children with disabilities face unique challenges that most of us will...
Updated Dec 19, 2024
Parents Overwhelmed As Students Step in to Create Special Wheelchair for Their Disabled Son

In this interview, a young boy named Jackson is a sweet four-year-old who was selected to be given this brand new designed wheelchair. Tulane offered Jackson’s parents this beautifully designed wheelchair to help him be mobile. 

He lives every day with a muscular condition and developmental delay. He does not walk or speak. Jackson grew incredibly by using this device. It helped him learn how to sit up and move. Now, he can stand using a walker. His parents gave the product an A+.  

Tulane proudly shares this accomplishment under the umbrella of their university. Noam says, “They are necessary tools for kids to build independence and strength to get them ready for a larger typical wheelchair.”

A True Gift for Those in Need

Noam Platt found the design inspiration on an Israeli Website. Noam reveals that each chair costs under $200 to build, and an insurance company would charge $1000-$10,000. These chairs are free because students volunteer their time to put them together. 

The university students sign the chairs on the bottom. There is even a special name tag for Sebastian.

A young boy named Sebastian has been living life at 15 months with challenges from having been born at 24 weeks. He has assistance with breathing and eating and could not sit up. His parents are over the moon with gratitude at this chair. He now can sit up and view the world differently. This chair has brought joy into their lives.

This is the type of attitude that we should have as believers when others are in need. God loves a cheerful giver. These students and this professor have modeled that wonderfully to us. 

2 Corinthians 9:7: “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

WATCH: University Students Step in to Create Special Wheelchairs

If you or someone you know is interested in more information about this design or donating, Noam’s company is called Make Good INC. You can visit his website for more information.

This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/CBS Mornings

Originally published December 19, 2024.


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