Bible Pathways 05/24/2003
May 24
Read II Chronicles 10 -- 13
In Today's Reading:
Rehoboam succeeds Solomon; Jeroboam leads revolt of the 10 tribes; Rehoboam forsakes the Law of God; Shishak invades Judah
The leaders of Israel met with Rehoboam with a reasonable request — that he ease the excessive taxes his father had imposed upon them. They also asked that he discontinue the forced labor which had persisted since they first began building the gorgeous palaces, stables, and chariot houses, luxurious parks, and other spectacular structures within Solomon's famous kingdom. If Rehoboam would consent, the leaders agreed to pledge their loyalty to him.
Rehoboam's first decision as king was a major blunder. His arrogance led ten of the tribes to secede and form the northern kingdom. Rehoboam was left with only a small part of the original promised land. Only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained. But, how could he have made wise choices since he had no interest in pleasing the Lord?
When Solomon was made king, David urged him to remain faithful to God by keeping His commandments. Then he would be assured of true success. Sadly, however, there is no record of Solomon urging his own son, Rehoboam, to remain faithful to the Lord.
There is no mention that Rehoboam began his reign with altar sacrifices and prayer as his father had done. What we do read is that, three years after Rehoboam became king, everyone knew that he had no interest in doing the will of God, and all Israel followed his example.
The same spiritual principles are true today. Though we may be unaware of it, if we humbly seek the Lord, our lives will be guided by His Spirit to accomplish His perfect will and purpose. The self-willed have only human reasoning to depend upon and thus are doomed to eternal failure. But the Christian will, by faith, look to the Lord for guidance.
Devotional commentary also refers to: I Kings 2:3; James 4:6.
Christ Revealed:
Through the Gold Lampstand — the only light within the Tabernacle (see II Chronicles 13:11). Jesus isthe only true Light of the world(see John 9:5).
Word Studies:
10:10 loins = waist; 11:15 devils = goats, idols, demons.
Prayer Needs:
The Bible League · Government Official: Gov. John Rowland (CT) · Country: Comoros (563,000) in the Mozambique Channel of the Indian Ocean · Major languages: Shaafi Islam (Swahili dialect) and Malagasy · Limited religious freedom · 99.7% Muslim; .2% Roman Catholic/Protestant · Prayer Suggestion: Ask the Lord to help you to be willing to go wherever He wants to send you like the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8).
Optional Reading: I Corinthians 11
Memory Verse for the Week: Ephesians 6:17