Bible Pathway

Bible Pathways 10/19/04

October 19

Read Mark 14 - 16

In Today's Reading:

Jesus' last Passover; Gethsemane; Peter's denial; Jesus before Pilate; Jesus' crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension

Simon, a leper who had been healed by Jesus, lived in Bethany, a small town less than two miles south of Jerusalem on the slope of the Mount of Olives. Just a few days before Jesus was crucified, Simon invited Him and the apostles to his home for supper. As they sat eating, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard (perfume) very precious (costly); and she broke the box, and poured it on His head (Mark 14:3; also Matthew 26:6-13; John 12:1-8).

This ointment of spikenard was valued at more than 300 pence - about a year's wages for a common laborer (Mark 14:5; Matthew 20:2). John records that it was Judas who spoke up, saying: Why was not this ointment sold . . . and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag (money purse), and bore what was put therein (John 12:5-6). To Judas, anything that was poured out upon Jesus was wasted; he coveted the money that the ointment might have brought. Jesus replied: Let her alone: against the day of My burying she has kept this. For the poor you always have with you; but Me you have not always (12:7-8).

The lost opportunity to sell the ointment and pocket the money, coupled with the strong rebuke from Jesus and the great honor bestowed upon Mary, probably angered Judas, who went to the chief priests (Mark 14:10). Judas' purpose in accepting Jesus' call to be one of the 12 apostles became clear when he said to the chief priests: What will you give me, and I will deliver Him to you? (Matthew 26:15-16). When they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money (Mark 14:11). The betrayal, and even the amount paid to Judas, had been foretold by one of the Lord's prophets 600 years earlier: I said to them . . . give me my price . . . So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12).

Our generation is no different than the one in the time of Jesus. Human nature remains the same. Every person must make the personal choice whether to accept or to reject Jesus as Savior and Lord of their lives. The question asked by Pilate must still be answered: What shall I do then with Jesus who is called Christ? (Matthew 27:22).

Word Studies:

14:31 spake the more vehemently = protested emphatically; 14:65 buffet him = hit Him with their fists; 15:15 scourged = whipped, flogged; 15:38 twain = two; 16:16 damned = to condemn, to give judicial sentence.

Cross References:

For Mark 14:27: See Zech. 13:7. Mark 14:62: See Psa. 110:1; Dan. 7:13. Mark 15:24: See Psa. 22:18. Mark 15:28: See Isa. 53:12. Mark 15:29: See Psa. 22:7-8. Mark 15:34: See Psa. 22:1. Mark 16:19: See Psa. 110:1

Prayer Needs:

Pray for BP Staff: Kenneth Roy Roberts III · Country: Uganda (23 million) in eastern Africa · Major languages: English and Luganda · Religious freedom · 51% Roman Catholic; 30% Protestant; 10% animist; 7% Muslim · Prayer Suggestion: Ask the Lord to bring our nation to repentance (I Kings 8:33-36).

Memory Verse for the Week: I Corinthians 3:17