Bible Pathways - April 20, 2005
April 20
Read II Samuel 23 -- 24
In Today's
The last words of David; David's last recorded sin; David builds an altar; his sacrifice; the three-day plague
David never lost a battle in his 40-year reign. Although he had often prayed for the Lord's direction during his early years of conquest, his desire at this time to take a census of his army was obviously not based on any threat by invaders and it resulted in a three-day plague which killed 70,000 people. When we ignore the Word of God, Satan is quick to suggest wrong thoughts, as he did with David. And Satan stood up against
It would be inconceivable for God to actually force David to commit this sin and then, before the census was completed, to destroy 70,000 people because of it (see 24:15; I Chronicles 27:24). The Holy Spirit directed the writing of II Samuel to let us see that everyone is under the sovereign will of God but that He allows us to stubbornly go our own way, for He will not violate our free will.
There is no record that taking a census was prohibited. But the Law did state: When you take the sum of the children of
Because of this violation, a plague spread over the land. David's tragic experience is a reminder of how important it is that we pray one for another that the God of peace . . . Make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 13:20-21; compare Titus 3:8).
Word Studies:
23:10 clave = clung; spoil = plunder, loot; 23:13 chief = foremost, captains; 23:14 hold = stronghold; 24:14 a great strait = great distress; 24:16 stay = do not move.
Christ Revealed:
Through the silver which David used to purchase the threshing floor upon which he built an altar to the Lord (II Samuel 24:24-25). Silver symbolizes Christ's redemption offered for all. And (Judas) said to them, What will you give me, and I will deliver Him to you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15).
Prayer Needs:
Pray for The International Shortwave Radio Broadcast in honor of Linda Kennon · BP Staff: Barbara Jean Jackson · Government Officials: Sen. Pat Roberts (KS) and Justice John Paul Stevens · Country: Taiwan (22 million) in eastern Asia · Major languages: Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese · Limited religious freedom · 93% Chinese religions; 4% Protestant · Prayer Suggestion: Ask the Lord to make you willing to go wherever He wants to send you (Isaiah 6:8).
Memory Verse for the Week: I Thessalonians 5:17