Bible Pathways - April 3, 2006

April 3, 2006
Read 1 Samuel 8
In Today's
Samuel's evil sons;
During the history of the judges, Samuel accomplished more as a spiritual leader than any other judge. And it came to pass, when Samuel was old . . he made his sons judges over
The first test of the new king came when Saul was told that Nahash the Ammonite king had put his army in position to attack (11:1). The Ammonites had not attacked the Israelites since Jephthah, a hero of faith (Hebrews 11:32), had defeated them many years before (Deuteronomy 2:19; 23:3-4; Judges 3:13; 10:7; 11:5). Responding to this current threat, Saul called together men from all the tribes of
Saul led the Israelites in a spectacular victory. As he finished his first battle, he gave credit tot he Lord as he shouted: To day the LORD hath wrought salvation in
Saul had a good beginning, but pride and self-will soon became his way of life that resulted in a succession of failures. This illustrates the temptation that often follows success, the deception of pride that inevitably leads to a self-centered life where Christ is no longer Lord (Matthew 16:24-27). The assumption that we have the ability to make decisions as to what is best for our lives and no longer need to pray for guidance should remind us that Jesus said: Without (Apart from) Me ye can do nothing that has eternal value (John 15:5).
Word Studies:
8:3 lucre = money gained unjustly; 8:9 protest solemnly = make a serious objection; 8:12 ear = plow; 9:2 goodly = handsome; 9:7 spent = used up; 9:16 captain = leader since God was the true King; 9:26 spring of the day = dawn, the first coming of light; 10:1 vial = a container; 11:1 encamped against = put his forces in position to attack.
Christ Portrayed:
Through Samuel who faithfully served
Prayer Needs:
Pray for The International Shortwave Radio Broadcast sponsored by Ora Anderson · Staff: Dr John A. Hash · Country:
Memory Verse for the Week: I Samuel 15:22