Daily in Your Presence - May 20

Day 141


On reaching Jerusalem,
Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out
those who were buying and selling there.
He overturned the tables... and the benches.
Mark 11:15


My child, remember My Father's house is a house of prayer, a holy place, a place where heaven feels free to call, and My Spirit has freedom to move. In the same way, I want your heart, My dwelling place in you, to be a place of honor. I force My way into no one's heart. You invited Me in. But when My Father's reputation is at stake, I will act in whatever way to restore holiness and maintain integrity. I will help you keep this home pure.

In defense of Your Father's house and reputation, You showed us Your forcefulness, Lord. I, too, want to defend Your name. In times when courage needs to shine the most, in moments when truth demands action, Your mighty strength is always with me.


Courage is the ability to act on your own convictions, no matter what others do.

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