Power Point - Dec. 20, 2006
December 20, 2006
I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
--Philippians 1:6
What really matters to you? Is it your relationship with Christ and with others, or is it your accomplishments and accolades?
One of the ways God is preparing you and me for heaven is by teaching us that the relationships we have formed here on earth are the only things we can take with us when we go to be with the Lord.
I recently conducted the funeral of a dear woman in one of my former churches who had shared 65 years of loving marriage with her husband. Being with the family for this friend’s homegoing reminded me that when the end comes, we won’t want to be surrounded by our degrees, trophies, and awards, but by our family and friends.
Discovering what truly matters in light of eternity is a lesson we have to keep learning and relearning as we go along. And learning that is part of what Christ does as He works in our life each and every day. It’s so encouraging to know that He will never give up on us!
With this assurance to stand on, let’s learn today that Christ is working in us to get us ready for heaven. And part of being ready means not wasting our time on things that we won’t care about when we are knocking on heaven’s door.
As a Christian, you are on your way to heaven—no doubt about that! But what are you doing in the meantime that will matter for eternity? Take a look at your schedule and ask yourself how much of your time is devoted to building your relationship with Christ, loving and serving others, and helping the lost know Christ? If the answer to this question bothers you, be ready to make some adjustments.