Wisdom from the Psalms

Wisdom From The Psalms 9/24

September 24
Psalm 119:9
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word.
It was a strange feeling to be back in control. The last few years were just a fog in Al's memory. He had spent them in a haze of dope and alcohol. Thank God that Janet came along. She saw the trouble he was in and offered him a friendly hand. She had invited him to her church, and there he found a circle of friends that he'd decided could never exist. Miraculously, withdrawal had been easier than he dreamed. The church people rallied around him and gave him all the support he needed. Now he was clean, and he owed it all to God.
God is the great purifier. He will remove all that is impure in our lives and fill us with good things. We no longer need earthly crutches, because we have found total healing in the Lord. All that is required is a willingness to change. The Lord will help us do the rest.
Prayer: Make me a new person, Lord. I may not be hung up on drugs, bu t there is plenty in my life that should not be there. Help to wash it all away, and replace it with Your blessed love. Amen.

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