
10 Biblical Baby Names for Boys

10 Biblical Baby Names for Boys
Are you expecting a little bundle of joy? Do you just love coming up with names? The Bible is a great place to look for baby name inspiration! Which Bible name would you choose for your son?

1. Aaron: "mountain of strength"

1. Aaron: "mountain of strength"

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: "a teacher" "lofty" "mountain of strength" "iluminator"

Context: Aaron, a Levite, was the son of Amram and Jochebed and older brother of Moses and Miriam. He is first mentioned in ( Exodus 4:14). God appointed him to be Moses' interpreter.

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2. Benjamin: "son of the right hand"

2. Benjamin: "son of the right hand"

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: "son of the right hand" "fortunate"

Context: Benjamin was the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel and brother to Joseph. Benjamin is one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

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3. David: "well-beloved"

3. David: "well-beloved"

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: "well-beloved"

Context: David was the son of Jesse (great-grandson of Ruth); he defeated the warrior Goliath and went on to be the second king of Israel. The line of David traces its way to the birth of the Messiah.

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4. Ephraim: "fruitful"

4. Ephraim: "fruitful"

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: "fruitful" "bearing fruit" "increasing" "double fruitfulness"

Context: Ephraim was the second son of Joseph and younger brother to Manasseh. He was the leader of one of the twelve tribes of Israel; the Tribe of Joseph was split into two divisions led by Ephraim and Manasseh.

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5. Isaac: "laughter"

5. Isaac: "laughter"

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: "laughter"

Context: Isaac was the promised, covenantal son of Sarah and Abraham. He was the husband of Rebekah and father of Esau and Jacob.

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6. Judah: "the praise of the Lord"

6. Judah: "the praise of the Lord"

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: "the praise of the Lord" "confession" "praised" "celebrated"

Context: Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. He interceded for his brother Joseph's life and convinced his other brothers to sell Joseph instead of kill him. He led the Tribe of Judah and is of the lineage of Jesus.

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7. Nathan: "given"

7. Nathan: "given"

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: "given" "giving" "a giver" "rewarded"

Context: Nathan was a Hebrew prophet during the reigns of David and Solomon. He was one of King David's closest advisors, and God chose to speak to David through Nathan on a number of occasions. David also had a son named Nathan.

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8. Peter: "rock"

8. Peter: "rock"

Origin: Greek, the Aramaic translation is Cephas.

Meaning: "rock" "stone"

Context: Peter was a disciple of Jesus; his original name was Simon "hearer." He and his brother Andrew were fishermen and working partners with John and James, the sons of Zebedee. Jesus changed Simon's name to Cephas, which was translated as Peter in Greek.

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9. Samuel: "asked of God"

9. Samuel: "asked of God"

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: "heard of God" "asked of God"

Context: Samuel was the son of Elkanah and Hannah; Hannah dedicated her son to God (to be a Nazarite) before he was born. She took him to the temple where the priest Eli trained him and he heard the voice of God. He was a prophet and judge, and he annointed the first king of Israel, Saul, under God's direction.

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10. Timothy: "one who honors God"

10. Timothy: "one who honors God"

Origin: Greek, from Timotheus

Meaning: "honor of God" "valued of God" "one who honors God"

Context: Timothy was a Greek Gentile by birth, but he was raised by his Jewish mother Eunice and Jewish grandmother Lois. Timothy was a companion of Paul and an evangelist; he carried out mission work with Paul.

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Originally published February 01, 2017.