Today, more than ever, we all are feeling the effects of stress, whether from our families, our jobs or even the news on our screens (mobile, TV, tablet, or otherwise). For over 300 million individuals, this stress and anxiety can be overwhelming, leading to depression and other mental disorders.
However, taking a moment of quiet and finding your own place of peace to reflect on God’s Word and His promises has been shown to increase emotional health, aid with stress relief and improve sleep. With Abide, there are hundreds of meditations for whatever you are dealing with, but these are some of the best for any time and place.
Here are ten meditations to help go through your busy day, stress free:
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1. Making Wise Decisions

1. Making Wise Decisions
Sometimes the hardest part of the day is deciding to get out of bed. From the mundane — What am I going to have for breakfast? — to the major — Is this really where I want to be in my career? — every day is filled with one stressful decision after another. Start the day by choosing to lean on God’s wisdom for all the difficult questions you will face.
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2. Reducing Anxiety

2. Reducing Anxiety
As you start your day, you may be wondering how you’re going to get through it. The morning news show on TV lists yet another threat to your safety. And there’s a chance you might run into that one person you’ve been avoiding. Or maybe you just have an oppressive feeling of anxiety with no discernable cause but very noticeable effects. Taking some time to stop and consider what God has to say about anxiety can help bring you back to a place of peace.
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3. Wait for the Lord

3. Wait for the Lord
Just as you finally get moving to tackle the day, the slow-downs start. First, waiting in line at the café for a cup of coffee. Then traffic once again makes your commute an eternity. Instead of letting your impatience and anger take control, use the time to reflect and see if God is using the wait as an opportunity to speak to you and help remove your stress.
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4. Purpose at Work

4. Purpose at Work
Another day, another to-do list. Whether you’re a top account executive or a stay-at-home parent, a best-selling artist or a mom-and-pop store owner, you have an important role to play in the world. It’s easy to lose sight of this unique purpose that you have been given in the thick of the emails and phone calls and meetings. This meditation will help you get back on track with your calling to keep you motivated as you work.
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5. How to Deal with Difficult People

5. How to Deal with Difficult People
Bill from the office next door lost the quarterly report. You get the fourth call this week from your child’s school asking you to meet your child at the principal’s office. Your spouse’s boss once again passes them over for a promotion. Some people seem to enjoy making our life challenging, yet as Christians, we are called to love them. Talk about needing some peace?! When you find yourself getting angry at them, take a moment to remember that God still loves them and you can too.
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6. Find Strength to Resist Temptation

6. Find Strength to Resist Temptation
Temptation can take many forms — that extra donut in the break room or a way to download movies without paying for them. Maybe it’s that person you’re drawn to who is not your spouse or that game of golf when you would normally be in church. Whatever temptation you’re dealing with, God wants to help you resist it and give you what your spirit really needs.
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7. Gaining Respect

7. Gaining Respect
At the end of the day, after all the planning meetings, discussions and other business are accomplished, how do you want to be remembered when you go home at the end of the day? What legacy do you want to leave behind? How do you want to be known? Gaining respect takes time and forethought. Take some time to ask how God would be respected, and how you might acquire some respect through Him.
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8. Giving and Receiving Love

8. Giving and Receiving Love
The day is winding down, and you think over the events of the day as you spend time with your family. Whether regretting a mistake or trying to find the words to connect with your family members, sometimes you can feel separated from peace, serenity, and love. Instead of looking inside yourself to fill the void, try to focus on what God says about love — how He loves you, gives you the peace to love yourself and shows you how to love others.
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9. Contentment in Christ

9. Contentment in Christ
Preparing for bed, you may begin to think about the days to come, your plans, goals and desires. While it’s okay to dream of a better tomorrow, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the challenges you see ahead. Instead, use this time at the end of the day to be content in the moment, trusting God to provide for you and eliminate unnecessary stress.
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10. Help With Sleep

10. Help With Sleep
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Originally published September 10, 2018.