How many times have you walked away from the greeting card aisle empty handed because you couldn’t find the a card with the perfect message? Or, how many expensive cards have you purchased that “sort of” conveyed what you were trying to say?
This Mother’s Day, forget about commercial greeting cards that miss the mark. Dig deep into the well of sentiment, into some of the amazing things you know to be true about your mom, but have never before expressed.
Here are 10 ideas for extraordinary things to write inside you Mother’s Day card this year. (She will love them!)
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Halfpoint
1. "The single most important thing you taught me was..."

1. "The single most important thing you taught me was..."
Whether they admit it or not, mothers want to know what legacy they are passing down to their children. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, but a sincere accolade can work wonders! If you had to pinpoint one thing that you learned from your mom, what would it be? Write about that legacy in her Mother’s Day card and it will be one she cherishes forever!
Photo Credit: ©Thinkstock/BananaStock
2. "This is what makes you beautiful to me..."

2. "This is what makes you beautiful to me..."
At ages three and four, kids find it easy to say things like, “You’re so beautiful mommy.” As we grow older, however, we forget to let our moms know how lovely they truly are—inside and out. This Mother’s Day, describe the qualities that make your mom stand out above all others. Let her know what makes her beautiful to you.
Photo Credit: ©Thinkstock/Burke/Triolo Productions
3. "The world is a better place because you..."

3. "The world is a better place because you..."
What contribution does your mom make to the world? It may be as simple as taking chicken soup to the neighbors, or as elaborate as being a missionary overseas, but whatever she’s done, let her know that the world is a better place because she’s in it.
Photo Credit: ©Thinkstock/Digital Vision.
4. "I'm honored to be like you..."

4. "I'm honored to be like you..."
Even though most of us have avoided becoming exactly like our parents, we have still gained valuable attributes from them. Perhaps, your mom passed compassion on to you. Or, maybe she taught you to be hospitable. Whatever characteristics you’ve gained from your mom, let her know how honored you are to share her remarkable qualities.
Photo Credit: ©Thinkstock/monkeybusinessimages
5. "This must be how God sees you..."

5. "This must be how God sees you..."
When we are truly grateful for our mothers, we see them in the light of God’s love. This Mother’s Day, let your mom know how God sees her: as a valuable, loved, and amazing woman!
Photo Credit: ©Thinkstock/moodboard
6. "I love what you've passed down to future generations..."

6. "I love what you've passed down to future generations..."
When I think about my own mother, I think about her selfless acts of service and how she’s passed the torch to us. My mom is the first one to take a meal, deliver groceries, or clean house for someone in need. What has your mom passed down to you and your children? I have a feeling she would be deeply honored to read about it in her Mother’s Day card this year!
Photo Credit: ©Thinkstock/Stockbyte
7. "Can we spend more time together?"

7. "Can we spend more time together?"
This simple question may be one of the most important and endearing things you could ask your mom this Mother’s Day. Most moms realize that as their kids grow up, less and less time will be spent together. By making an effort to spend more time with your mom, you are letting her know how much you enjoy being around her. Even something that simple could mean the world to her this Mother’s Day.
Photo Credit: ©Thinkstock
8. "I'm on your side..."

8. "I'm on your side..."
Moms are often very hard on themselves, remembering the things they did wrong, or living with regrets. By letting your mom know that you are on her side, and that the past is in the past, you will be giving her a tremendous gift of grace this Mother’s Day.
Photo Credit: ©Thinkstock/Martinan
9. "I admire your strength."

9. "I admire your strength."
How has your mom shown amazing strength through the years? Perhaps she’s overcome a huge obstacle or persevered through a major illness. Take some time to let her know that you admire her strength. Then, take it one step further by telling her how much stronger you are because of it.
Photo Credit: ©Thinkstock/Kikovic
10. "A thousand times I love you!"

10. "A thousand times I love you!"
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It’s easy to sign our Mother’s Day cards with generic phrases like, “Love you lots,” or, “Love always.” But this year, determine to think outside the box. Be creative! Find a signature that will not only surprise your mom but fill her heart with joy as well.
Lord, thank You for our moms this Mother’s Day. As we honor them with our words, help them feel abundantly blessed. Guide us, Lord, to write messages that make a difference, messages that come directly from Your heart to theirs. Thank You for the opportunity to tell our mothers just how special they are this year. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Jennifer Waddle is best known for words of encouragement as an Author, Speaker and Musician for Women’s Ministry. She currently has three published books on Amazon and is a regular contributor for WomensMinistryTools.com and GotQuestions.org. Jennifer is committed to sharing authentic messages of hope to women of all walks of life. She loves being a wife of 24 years, mom of four, and nana of two. Most of all, she cherishes her time spent in the Word of God, with a cup of coffee and a beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains. Contact Jennifer here: www.jenniferwaddleonline.com or encouragementmama@gmail.com.
Photo Credit ©Thinkstock/shironosov
Originally published May 02, 2019.