
10 Goals for Singles to Have During the Season of Lent

Updated Feb 16, 2024
10 Goals for Singles to Have During the Season of Lent

Lent. The time of year when believers across the globe recognize the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It’s the season where believers partake in fasting, giving alms, and prayer to help us remember how merciful God has been and to show love to others. Fasting or giving up something is one aspect of the Lenten season that helps us focus our attention on God and listen to what He has to say. While many believers are gearing up to participate in 40 days of Lent to commemorate Christ and His sacrifice, many may not know where to begin. For single believers, many may participate in the typical sacrifice; giving up certain foods, releasing certain habits, and attending various liturgical services. These are fine to participate in, but why not add new activities to the single lenten journey that could enhance your life in more ways than one? If you don’t know where to begin, look at the list below and see where you fit in.

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1. Release worrying about your relationship status.

Woman swiping on a dating app

Worrying results from a lack of trust in God and His will for your life. Many singles are often so consumed with their relationship status and how they can change it that they often miss out on its beauty. This year, for Lent, I challenge singles to release the sense of worrying about their relationship status and allow God to fill their hearts with His goodness, grace, and mercy.

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2. Develop your prayer life.

A young black man praying, Why we must choose to change

Prayer is communication with God. It is the time set aside each day where we show adoration to Him for who He is, confess our sins to Him, give thanks to Him for what He’s done in our lives, and submit our requests to Him with humility and confidence, knowing that He will meet our every need. This year, for Lent, singles should be intentional about establishing a healthy prayer life. They can start by selecting a time at the beginning of their day when they will go to God in prayer. Next, they can decide where they will pray. It’s best to find a place where there won’t be any interruptions so they can focus on this time with God. Last, they can identify Scriptures on prayer for reading that will encourage them to know what God says about prayer.

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3. Develop strong and consistent Bible study habits.

open Bible to psalms on table with coffee mug, psalms for encouragement

Reading the Bible is essential for believers. Without it, we will have a limited understanding of how we should go about our daily lives. During this season of Lent, singles should focus on reading the Bible daily and developing study habits that will help them understand God’s Holy Word so much that the words become a part of how they live. Take some time to find 40 Scriptures or 2-3 books of the Bible to focus on during Lent. Once you’ve identified the readings, set a designated time to read and study the Bible daily for your spiritual growth.

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4. Challenge yourself to move beyond the 40 days of fasting.

Bible on a plate turned to Daniel

Fasting during the season of Lent is a time-honored tradition. During this time, people sacrifice certain foods and habits to imitate Christ’s sacrifice before His journey to the cross. It’s also a practice people engage in to become close to God. While this is a noble act, singles and others should push themselves to fast and pray beyond Lent this year. Drawing nearer to God is something that all believers should strive to do regularly, and fasting should be a regular habit.

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5. Reflect on and release relationships and connections that don’t support your single journey.

Women friends having coffee talking on couch

Everyone has relationships of different kinds that have an impact on their lives. Many are positive; many are negative. Some are helpful, others not so much. Relationships are vital for survival, but some can hinder your growth. During the next 40 days, take some time to evaluate your relationships. Think about those who have helped you prosper on your single journey and those who have not. Think about those relationships that have strengthened your values and views on living single. For the relationships you deem important and healthy to your journey, keep those people around and nurture those relationships. Find a way to release those you have found to hinder your path without hurting the people involved. Relationships are an essential part of life. However, healthy relationships are key for growth.

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6. Show 40 acts of kindness towards other singles.

two guy friends sitting on mountain men boys

During Lent, take some time to be kind to someone who is single. Send a card, treat them to dinner, share a kind word, or pray with them to strengthen and encourage them on their single journey. A small act of kindness can go a long way for someone who may or may not be struggling on this journey.

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7. Pray for past partners.

A woman praying, The Joy of Loving God with 'All Your Soul'

Take time to pray for partners from previous relationships, no matter how things ended. So many times, we focus on praying for ourselves and our future mates that we forget the people we were once involved with. While things may have ended abruptly or in heartache, it’s important to forgive them, forgive yourself, and pray for their healing and prosperity. This will help you in your healing journey and help you to grow in your walk of discipleship.

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8. Give daily thanks for the gift of singleness.

man in sweater laughing, what does the Bible say about laughter

Many times, unmarried believers only focus on the reasons why they are single: divorced, widowed, a recent breakup, or a recent heartbreak, rather than focusing on the blessing that it is. During this season of Lent, take some time to thank God for blessing you with the gift of singleness. Over the next 40 days, make time each day to write out one reason to be thankful for your singleness. For example, God may have removed you from a relationship that was hindering your relationship with Him, or a toxic relationship may have damaged your self-esteem without you knowing it. There are many positive reasons for being single, and showing gratitude for it is healthy.

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9. Practice abstinence.

9. Practice abstinence.

Many people hear this and instantly think this means to abstain from sexual activities outside of marriage. While this is something unmarried Christians are called to do, abstinence means more than abstaining from sex outside of marriage. You can abstain from consuming alcohol, overeating, self-doubt, or any other bad habits that may hinder your growth and your relationship with God. Take some time to identify what you will abstain from this year during Lent, and try your best to make it a habit beyond the 40 days.


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10. Practice forgiveness.

10. Practice forgiveness.

Forgiveness is something that all believers are called to do every day. While this may be one of the most difficult tasks, we must forgive others as much as Christ forgives us. This year, during Lent, take some time to intentionally practice forgiveness. Forgive those who have hurt you in the past and the present. Pray for them and yourselves every day, multiple times a day, until the weight of unforgiveness has been released from your spirit. You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel.

The Lenten season comes around yearly to commemorate and celebrate Christ and His sacrifice for humanity. This year, take some time to be intentional about how you will spend the forty days of Lent to become closer to God and to become a better, stronger single Christian.

Photo credit: Unsplash/Artem Kovalev

Crosswalk Contributor Liz LampkinAuthor Liz Lampkin is an experienced writer, teacher, and speaker. She is an advocate for singles who encourages them to live their best life God’s way. Follow her on Instagram @Liz_Lampkin.

Originally published February 14, 2024.