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10 Reasons for Christian Singles to Be Thankful, Even When It’s Hard

  • Liz Lampkin Contributing Writer
  • Published Oct 09, 2024
10 Reasons for Christian Singles to Be Thankful, Even When It’s Hard

Being thankful is a heartfelt act of gratitude that believers from every walk of life and every journey of discipleship express for different reasons. Some give thanks for answered prayers or unexpected blessings. Others give thanks for blessings many often overlook, such as waking up every morning, having peace of mind, or even having the use of our limbs. Every day is a day for thanksgiving. While sometimes life's challenges can make it hard to see and understand how thankful we should be, there is always something to be grateful for. For singles, many may find it hard to be thankful because they allow their relationship status to fill their hearts and minds with grief and negative thoughts about singleness. Not only this, but many singles often become impatient with God as they await His answers to their prayers. However, Christian singles can always find reasons to be thankful for the many ways God expresses His infinite love for us on the healing journey, no matter the relationship status. Here's how.

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    1. You are loved by God.

    One of the first of many reasons singles can be grateful is the fact that they are loved by God. Scripture reminds us that God loved us so much that He gave His only son for our sins. Not only this, but God displays His love for us by supplying our needs, showing us kindness, and showing us His infinite patience and forgiveness. God's love for us is the example of how we should love one another and how we should love ourselves.

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    2. God's daily provision.

    Every day God allows us to open our eyes is another day to experience His love through the many ways He provides for us. Singles, God loves us so much that He sees fit to provide the needs we can see, those we can't, and future needs. God knows what we need before we ask Him. Not only this, but when God provides our needs, He gives them right on time. And that's something to always be thankful for.

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    3. Your single calling.

    God gives us strength every day to do what He has called us to do.

    As a single Christian, God has given you a specific calling in your singleness. With this calling comes a great responsibility to minister to saved and unsaved singles that come your way. You're called to a life of discipline, ministry work inside and outside of the church, and so much more. While singleness may seem burdensome at times, unmarried believers need to understand that the call to singleness is a gift ordained by God and is filled with purpose beyond seeking marriage.

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  • 4. Spare your heart from heartbreak.

    4. Spare your heart from heartbreak.

    Many singles have a common goal of marriage. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be married, many singles must understand that God may have removed someone from their lives to spare them from heartbreak. I understand that the ending of a relationship is a heartbreaking experience, but think about it. How would things have ended if God allowed you to remain in a relationship He knew wasn't good for you or your former mate? You could have possibly fallen into deeper heartbreak or depression if God had not released you. So singles I say to you, be thankful that God released you from a relationship, and allowed your heart to break. If you hadn't experienced it, you wouldn't know the Divine healing of God, and honestly, you would have remained the same. Whether we want to believe it or not, heartbreaks are good for us because they change our perspectives and can change our lives for the better if we allow them to.

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    5. Healing through heartbreak.

    You can't experience all of God's goodness until you've had certain experiences in life. While no one wants their heart broken, the reality of life is that heartbreaks are a part of the journey. The beauty of them is that they allow you to release the pain of losing love, and they allow you to experience God's love through healing. So, singles, be thankful for the journey to healing and a chance to rediscover love.

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    6. The love God gives us through others.

    There is a song by gospel artist Hezekiah Walker and the Love Fellowship Choir called "I Need You to Survive." The lyrics clearly show believers that it is in God's will that our needs are supplied with God's love with the help of those he places in our lives. While it may seem as though you are lonely because you don't have a mate, please know that you are not alone, and God loves you so much that He places those you need in your life at the right times. And that's something to be thankful for.

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    7. God's divine timing.

    God is a God who extends His love, grace, and mercy to all of His creation. He knows our every need, and He is always on time with everything we need. While the pressures of life and impatience often make it difficult for us to understand God's timing, it's important to remember that God's timing is always best.

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    8. God's covering through grace and mercy.

    As we go through each day, God covers us with His love, peace, and protection. There are so many things God sees fit to spare us from—things we see and things we don't see; we should be thankful to Him for His constant protection.

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  • Sad couple on couch breaking up

    9. For relationships that ended.

    People come and go in our lives for a reason and a season. While many times, we want to hold on to those who made an impact in our lives during a certain time, it's important to understand that God removes people from our lives for our good and for theirs. It's also important to be thankful for those relationships, as they brought lessons and blessings to enrich our lives.

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  • Woman praying on the shore

    10. Be thankful for answered prayers.

    When we go to God in prayer through faith, we know that He will answer us according to His divine will for our lives. Not only does He answer our prayers, but He gives more than what we could ever imagine. I know that many singles pray for their soulmate, and God has yet to answer that prayer, but you must be assured that if it is in His will that you are to marry then when He sees fit, He will answer that prayer. In the meantime, it's important to remember to be thankful for the prayers God has already answered and thank Him in advance for blessings on the way. Often, when we take God and His blessings for granted. While life can be difficult and filled with many hardships, there is always a reason to be thankful. Singles, if at times you're finding it hard to find a reason to be thankful, take the following steps:

    -Take time to pray and ask God to help you through your hardships. Pour out your heart to God and ask Him why you're going through whatever it is you may be experiencing, and ask Him to clear your heart and mind so that you can allow Him to come into your presence.

    -The next thing you can do is ask for help during times when you find it hard to be thankful. Reach out to a trusted contact and have a heart-to-heart with them about what you're feeling. You can even ask them to pray with you so that you can rediscover reasons to be thankful.

    -Lastly, you can take some time to calm your emotions and focus on the positives of any difficult situation. Many times, we overlook God's blessings because our feelings are in an uproar. However, we can't allow our emotions to take over our faith in God, knowing that He will take us through every trial He's allowed to come our way.

    I know at times it may be difficult to find reasons to be thankful, especially when life is constantly throwing curve balls your way. However, as believers, we must always look to the hills from where our help comes from, and know that God will never leave us in despair.

    Difficult times come and go in order for our faith in God to become stronger. The stronger our faith is in Him, the stronger we become for Him and the work He has for us to do. And, yep, you guessed it, that's something to be thankful for. Singles, be encouraged through good and bad times, and know God is always with you. Don't ever take for granted the love that God shows us. He is right there when we need Him, even when it feels like He has left our side.

    Pray through your difficult times, and always find time and a reason to give thanks to God.

    Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/simonapilolla

    Crosswalk Contributor Liz LampkinAuthor Liz Lampkin is an experienced writer, teacher, and speaker. She is an advocate for singles who encourages them to live their best life God’s way. Follow her on Instagram @Liz_Lampkin.