Being single is one of the most amazing seasons of a person's life to experience. It's also the journey in life people have in common before they begin their season of relationships. This time period in one's life can be exciting and fulfilling depending on how one views and values singleness. As the holiday season approaches, many singles may feel they are missing out on a valuable piece of life due to their relationship status. However, in every season of life, there is always something to be thankful for. If you're single and may fall into a slump around the holidays or any other day because of your relationship status, take a look at the following list of reasons to be thankful you're single.
1. You can focus on your relationship with God.

1. You can focus on your relationship with God.
Many believers, not just singles, tend to neglect the most important relationship they can foster: their relationship with God. Building your life with Christ should be a priority in your life, no matter what your relationship status is. While you're single, you can focus on God and His Divine Will and purpose for your life. Does this mean engulfing your life with ministry work? No, it does not. It simply means that you work on developing your personal, intimate relationship with God. You can do this by establishing your prayer life, reading, studying, meditating on God's Holy Word, applying God's Word to your life, and so much more. Having a profound relationship with God can benefit your life and those around you in unimaginable ways. Be thankful for this season of your life to take time each day to focus on your relationship with God.
2. You can focus on creating a healthy relationship with yourself.

2. You can focus on creating a healthy relationship with yourself.
Healthy relationships are the key to a fulfilling life. However, you can't have healthy relationships with others if you don't have one with yourself. Being kind to yourself, affirming who you are, forgiving yourself for making mistakes, leaving room for you to make mistakes, and using them as lessons are all things that can be done to establish your own healthy lifestyle. Take time to focus on yourself every day. Take your mental temperature, learn to listen to your emotions, and acknowledge your needs. You must have a healthy relationship with yourself in order to recognize what healthy relationships look like with others.
3. You can explore your options for love.

3. You can explore your options for love.
All relationship statuses have their benefits. One advantage of being single is that you have the opportunity to explore your options for love before you settle down. This is also the perfect time to learn what love looks like for you, how you show love to others, and how you receive love. While the period of exploration can be daunting at times, it is a journey that everyone experiences with different outcomes for different lessons to take with you to make you better. So take some time to reflect and be thankful for the opportunity to be selective with whom you want to share your life with.
4. You can engage in solo travel to discover your favorite places in the world to visit.

4. You can engage in solo travel to discover your favorite places in the world to visit.
Taking trips alone is fun and exciting. You get to experience a new place to do whatever you want on your own timeline. Many people are often skeptical about solo travel because they fear that they won't have anything to do or they may get lonely. However, if planned carefully and correctly, solo trips can have the most amazing impact on your life. Take some time to start planning solo travel to get to know who you are and see more of God's wonderful creation. And that will give you something more to be grateful for.
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5. Singlehood creates a new sense of freedom if done right.

5. Singlehood creates a new sense of freedom if done right.
Being single brings about a sense of freedom many fail to take advantage of. You're allowed to think, say, and do without restraint. It provides an outlet to learn how to be self-sufficient. It allows you to learn how to regulate your mind and emotions for yourself. It's when you can become the best version of yourself before sharing your life with someone else. Many singles may desire to be married or have children, and there's nothing wrong with that. However, having additional responsibilities too soon or at the wrong time in your life can bring about feelings of bitterness and regret. That's why it's important to embrace your single freedom and be thankful for this time.
6. A chance to learn how to develop deeper relationships.

6. A chance to learn how to develop deeper relationships.
Quality relationships are vital to someone's health, growth, and survival. Today's society is filled with numerous shallow rules regarding dating, marriage, and friendships, and it's hard to decipher what quality relationships look like. During your single journey, take some time to create healthy friendships, family relationships, working relationships, and any other type of relationship you desire. Be intentional about who you spend time with and how that time is spent. Learn to be okay with being vulnerable, learn to listen to others, and learn how to voice your feelings. Developing deeper relationships can have a profound effect on you and others around you. While you're single, and even when you're dating or married, take some time to develop deeper relationships to help you through this thing called life.
7. It teaches you how to be independent and dependable.

7. It teaches you how to be independent and dependable.
While we all need people to survive, we also need to know how to do things on our own. During your season of singleness, you can learn how to have a productive life without a partner so that when the time comes, you will know how to maintain your joy. Not only will you know how to maintain your joy, but you will also be able to share it with others. Being independent and dependable are qualities that many have, but they don't quite know how to appreciate or share them with themselves or others. Be thankful for this time of singleness to learn how to be independent and how to be dependable for others and yourself.
8. It's a time for you to develop a mature understanding of love.

8. It's a time for you to develop a mature understanding of love.
Love is patient. Love is kind. It keeps no record of wrong. It is not envious. It rejoices with the truth. It is selfless. It is not resentful. It is not arrogant or rude. It is selfless. It is wise. Love is an action word that people often confuse with a feeling. Developing a mature understanding of love and what it looks like as an individual is key during your time of singleness. It's important because you have to know what mature love looks like for yourself so you'll recognize it when it comes along in all of your relationships. Be thankful that you have this time to yourself in your season of singleness to understand and develop a sense of mature love.
9. You can get in touch with your feelings.

9. You can get in touch with your feelings.
Feelings are the emotions you experience that often take you on a rollercoaster of experiences. They change from minute to minute each day, and sometimes they're overlooked, and this must stop. As a part of your single journey, take time to get in touch with your feelings. Learn how to acknowledge each emotion you're feeling and get to the heart of why you have those feelings. You can also learn how to express your emotions in healthy ways, keep track of your emotions, and seek help when things become overwhelming. Getting in touch with your feelings will benefit you and all those you have relationships with.
10. You can learn to show others how to treat you.

10. You can learn to show others how to treat you.
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During this season of life, it's important to know your likes, dislikes, habits, wants, needs and desires. Being self-aware will help you show others how to treat you, but you have to know how to treat yourself first.
Being single is one of the most amazing seasons in a person's life. Taking time each day to show gratitude for your singleness will give you a new outlook. There's always something to be grateful for, no matter what season of life you're in or how things may seem. Take some time each day to reflect on your singleness and learn to be thankful for it. Whether it's being thankful for the end of a relationship or the start of a new one, always remember there is always something to be thankful for.
Originally published October 30, 2023.