
10 Things Christians Can Pray for on the National Day of Prayer

Updated May 05, 2022
10 Things Christians Can Pray for on the National Day of Prayer

Once a year on the first Thursday of May, Christians gather together to pray for our nation. It’s the National Day of Prayer, a day set aside for America to seek God in faith and unity. t’s easy to pray generically and ask God to bless America. From reading the Bible, we know and understand God loves the details of our lives. Our Heavenly Father wants us to live in a continual attitude of prayer. Here are ten prayer starters to spark your prayer life during the National Day of Prayer:

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1. Pray for our nation to be united.

1. Pray for our nation to be united.

Ephesians 4:3 exhorts Christians to “make every effort to keep unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” In this time of great division, we must ask God to bring us together in one spirit. Only he can help heal our divides. Pray we may focus on where we can agree and celebrate those aspects, so we can live in live in unity and harmony.

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2. Pray for unity in the Church of America.

2. Pray for unity in the Church of America.

As we look across the landscape, it’s easy to focus on our differences. Instead of this emphasis on what makes the church different, ask God to touch your heart and attitude. Then with the right attitude, you can celebrate the Bible and call on God to bring oneness to the Church of Jesus Christ. Help us to focus on the Gospel, our Faith in Jesus Christ and the perfect Word of God.

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3. Ask the Lord of the Universe to bless our families, workplace, communities and cities.

3. Ask the Lord of the Universe to bless our families, workplace, communities and cities.

Many people today are in living crisis. Divorce and brokenness in the home are rampant inside and outside the church. Many people are living with real financial issues and severe illnesses. To pray with Belief that God can work in the midst of all this is a tall order. As Christians, we know that nothing is impossible for God. In faith, ask God to bring forgiveness and repentance and healing to every home and community in our land.

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4. Help us to see others as the Lord of the Universe sees them.

4. Help us to see others as the Lord of the Universe sees them.

We know God loves everyone unconditionally, yet our human hearts are evil and prejudiced. Lord, cleanse our hearts and minds. Give us a love for others—no matter what their background or ethnic background. In Jesus name, help me to love others and to show it every day in my actions and attitudes.

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5. Pray for a spiritual awakening in America.

5. Pray for a spiritual awakening in America.

Some people believe it is our human effort and skill which will unite America. Yet from our faith and understanding of the Scriptures, we know true unity does not come from our human will. The Scriptures tell us that only God through a Great Spiritual Awakening can bring unity and prosperity to our Land. Let’s ask in faith Our Heavenly Father to move in a powerful way and bring revival to America.

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6. Pray for the leaders in our government.

6. Pray for the leaders in our government.

When we pray for our leaders, we must remember there’s no authority on Earth that has not been set by God. Let us approach the throne of God, which is above all thrones, believing he rules over the affairs of men. Use specific names as you pray in Jesus’ name for our leaders. Ask God to give wisdom to the leaders of the federal government and specifically the executive, judicial and legislative branches so they may be united in their work for the American people. Then pray for State government: executive, judicial and legislative branches. Finally ask God’s blessing on the local executives, judicial and police and first responders.

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7. Pray for our military — the leaders and the soldiers.

7. Pray for our military — the leaders and the soldiers.

Ask the Lord to give them courage and divine protection, especially as threats rise and conflicts rage. Pray each member of the military comes into a personal relationship with the Lord. Pray that the Lord would mightily use military chaplains to influence lives for Christ.

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8. Pray for uniting truth to overcome divisive lies.

8. Pray for uniting truth to overcome divisive lies.

At the heart of every division is a lie — about who we are, who God is and how we ought to live according to his truth. Pray truth might overcome every falsehood in America today, from distortions in the media to the lies we accept in our daily lives. Pray that the Church sees through and combats these lies and stands strong for truth.

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9. Pray for the leaders in our communities.

9. Pray for the leaders in our communities.

This includes business leaders, city council officials, those serving in the school board, the teachers and administrators in our schools, the mayor and our first responders. Pray they may lead and serve in humility and truth, seeking the unity of our communities.

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10. Ask God to touch America.

10. Ask God to touch America.

Ask God for reconciliation where there is conflict in broken relationships. Pray for people to return to the truth of the Bible and a restoration of unity and love in the mighty name and power of Jesus.

The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 3. On that, millions of Americans will cry out to God with one voice to heal and unite our land. You can also join a local prayer gathering or host one of your own. In the evening, you can watch the National Observance on Daystar Television Network and online on or Facebook.

Let’s pray for America, together.

Dr. Ronnie Floydis the senior pastor of Cross Church and president of the National Day of Prayer. His new book “Living Fit: Make Your Life Count by Pursuing a Healthy You” (B&H Books)releases June 1. Follow him on Twitter@ronniefloyd.

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Publication date: April 26, 2018

Originally published May 05, 2022.

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