
10 Things to Do if You're Alone on Christmas

Updated Dec 20, 2017
10 Things to Do if You're Alone on Christmas

Christmas is one of those holidays that is amazing for catching up with those that are closest to you—friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, etc. But for many, Christmas can be one of the loneliest times of the year.

Maybe you’ve just moved across the country, experienced the loss of your closest friend, or recently had a falling out with your family. No matter the reason, going through Christmas alone can be a painful experience. Trust me—I know. I spent a handful of Christmases sitting on the couch wallowing in my self-pity.

But I’ve finally realized something. Just because I’m alone for Christmas doesn’t make the day any less worthy of celebration.

There are many simple ways that you can combat the loneliness this December and gloriously celebrate Christmas. So here are my top ten ideas for things to do if you’re alone this Christmas:

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Tinatin1

1. Call a Family Member or Friend

1. Call a Family Member or Friend

If you’re alone on Christmas because distance is keeping you away from family or friends, go ahead and give them a call!

I was in Thailand in the middle of a year-long mission trip the first time I spent Christmas away from my family. Because of limited internet access, a phone call with my family was rare. Getting to talk with my parents, brother, grandparents, and cousins was the best present I could have ever asked for.

What’s even better than getting loved ones on the phone is getting them on a video call!

Living across the country from my parents prevented me from spending Christmas with family last year. So instead, I Facetimed my parents and opened gifts for them. It was a fun and special way to “spend Christmas” with my folks!

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Ridofranz

2. Give Back

2. Give Back

Spending Christmas alone can be a dangerous trap. It’s so easy to fall into the pit of despair and wallow in self-pity all day long.

One of the quickest ways to ensure you stay out of this trap is to give back your time! Find a place to help serve Christmas dinner to those less fortunate. Spend Christmas at a nursing home to brighten someone’s day. Volunteer at a shelter for the homeless for the day.

Or you could look for ways to be a blessing to others. Wrap up a bunch of small gifts and then hand them out to people who are out alone in public on Christmas. Go out for lunch or dinner and ask to join someone else who is eating alone. The possibilities are endless!

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/BrandXPictures

3. Treat Yo' Self

3. Treat Yo' Self

Do you have nothing planned for Christmas because it doesn’t seem worth the effort for just one person? Well, stop that! Jesus is worth the celebration, and you are worthy of doing the celebrating.

Make yourself your favorite dinner. Take a long, luxurious bath. Indulge in your favorite guilty-pleasure reality TV show. Make this day joyful for you!

Eating pizza in bed while binge-watching Project Runway? Live it up!

Because you have an entire day all to yourself with a pretty clear agenda, you have a beautiful opportunity to spend it exactly how you want. You have no obligations! Bask in the freedom to make this day as perfect as possible!

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock

4. Get Outside

4. Get Outside

There are very few things in life that are better than getting some fresh air, but many people forget this is an option on Christmas day.

Depending on where you live, you could go for a hike in the mountains, sit on a beach, or hit up a local park. You could even just walk around your neighborhood, listening to Christmas carols and admiring Christmas decorations! Just get outdoors and revel in the God’s awesome creation.

Plus, getting moving and filling your lungs with fresh air is going to leave you with a great attitude and a thankful heart (and it will leave you with a guilt-free reason to have a second helping of Christmas cookies!).

Photo credit: Pexels

5. Have a Christmas Movie Marathon

5. Have a Christmas Movie Marathon

You guys—there are so many Christmas classics that you could realistically have a week-long movie marathon! Pick from your extensive list of favorites: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Elf, any of Hallmark’s original Christmas movies, you name it!

As a champion of movie marathons, here are a few pro tips. Make sure you have everything you need for the best Christmas movie marathon ever! Comfy pajamas: check! Your favorite pillows and blankets: check! A supply of popcorn and candy that seems unreasonable for one person: check! Get yourself all set up to lounge around and enjoy the Christmas spirit!

Bonus points for using your pillows and blanket to build a fort. It’ll unleash your child-like sense of wonder!

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6. Relive Your Memories This Year

6. Relive Your Memories This Year

Christmas is the one-week marker until you’ll be celebrating the new year! What a perfect time to reminisce about all the previous year had to offer.

Ask yourself how you’ve grown. What were your most significant challenges? What were your biggest successes? How has God been faithful to you throughout the year? Give thanks for all that has happened, good and bad!

Then begin thinking about the new year. To what are you most looking forward? What are some of your goals? Where do you want to be by this time next year? Make sure you invite God into this conversation. Ask Him to guide your steps and to continue to be your Rock.

Your heart is going to be overwhelmed with gratefulness and aflutter with anticipation for all of God’s good gifts to come.

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock

7. Do Something Creative

7. Do Something Creative

God is the ultimate Creator. So why not spend some time on Christmas doing something creative?

Paint, knit, bake, sew, draw, build, sing, dance, write, etc.

But I’m not creative, you think to yourself.

That’s not true at all! You bear the image of the ultimate Creator! You are creative, and now is the perfect time to practice.

You can always start with something simple. Maybe experiment with making a dessert! (In my experience, you can’t mess up anything involving chocolate and peanut butter, but that’s just my opinion).

The crucial part of creativity is allowing your walls to come down. Break out of your usual routine and do whatever feels freeing to you!  It doesn’t matter if the final product is Instagram worthy. Just have fun!

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/lolostock

8. Spend Some Uninterrupted Time with God

8. Spend Some Uninterrupted Time with God

Christmas is the perfect day to spend uninterrupted, quality time with the Lord. I mean, how often is your schedule this open? You don’t have to hurry through your Bible time to get to work. You don’t have to cram your prayers into your commute. Exhaustion isn’t going to cut your nighttime journaling in half.

But before you get started, make sure you remove all distractions. Leave your phone on silent in a different room. Put your tablets and computers there, while you’re at it.

Grab your Bible, your journal and, of course, your coffee, and get cozy by the tree. Then take it nice and slow. Delight yourself in your time with God. Savor it like you would spending time with your best friend.

Photo credit: Pexels

9. Take a Road Trip

9. Take a Road Trip

Is there a nearby city you’ve always wanted to visit? A camping area? Maybe you just want to see more of the country!

Whatever your destination, a holiday weekend can make the perfect time for a road trip. It’s as simple as packing a bag and getting in the car!

And while you shouldn’t have any trouble finding open gas stations or public restrooms, you may want to pack a cooler of food. Sometimes finding a restaurant can be tricky. Also, make sure to check the weather for your trip. Winter weather can make the roads unbearable!

The best news is that you’ll have your destination practically to yourself! Relax, enjoy, and make some holiday memories!

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Ivanko_Brnjakovic

10. Start Traditions

10. Start Traditions

I used to think that I had to wait until I was married before I could start my own Christmas traditions.

Oh, how wrong I was!

Any of the things on this list could become your new tradition. Think about what you want Christmas day to look like for you.

Maybe you want a Christmas so calm and reflective that it looks like the front of a greeting card. Maybe you want to have an active Christmas, where you soak in God’s creation with a prayerful and thankful heart. Or perhaps you’d like a Christmas of complete rest. (Hey—God did create a day of rest!)

Whatever you want Christmas to look like, now is the time to go for it!

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/JessicaRuscello

Lindsey Brady is a brand-new wife and stepmother who loves to spend time in nature or going for long runs. When she's feeling a bit more sedentary, she'll watch an entire season of any Food Network show in a single sitting. You can follow her on Instagram at real.slim.brady. 

Originally published December 20, 2017.


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