Thanksgiving is one of the saddest holidays to be alone. There can be any number of reasons why a person finds themself in that situation, but the key to shifting the situation from one of loneliness and sadness is to look for an outward focus of some sort.
Here are 10 activities to help shift your focus and cultivate a heart of gratitude when you’re alone for Thanksgiving.
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1. Serve Meals at a Soup Kitchen, Homeless Shelter or Church

1. Serve Meals at a Soup Kitchen, Homeless Shelter or Church
Most cities have feeding programs, whether that takes the form of a soup kitchen, the inside of a homeless shelter, or a community center. Sometimes there are even churches that will serve food or deliver food baskets to families in need during the Thanksgiving holiday. Participating in a program such as one of these will make Thanksgiving seem more meaningful. There may even be a beautiful opportunity to make a new friend or two because of those whom you’re serving alongside.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Zinkevych
2. Organize a Thanksgiving Meal at Your Church

2. Organize a Thanksgiving Meal at Your Church
The purpose of this would be to invite singles (whether widowed, divorced, or never married) and those who don’t have family local to the area and can’t travel. This can be a beautiful time of fellowship with people who can lean on each other and even have a common faith.
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3. See a Movie in the Movie Theater

3. See a Movie in the Movie Theater
Believe it or not, movie theaters are usually open on Thanksgiving Day. Treat yourself to a good movie and perhaps dinner at the theater, or at least some popcorn and soda. Maybe look for something lighthearted or something with an inspiring story to give yourself a reason to smile and feel good. A few places to find current movie reviews are PluggedIn, Cinemark Faith-Based Movie Reviews, and Christian Film Blog.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/skynesher
4. Find a Beautiful Place to Go Hiking

4. Find a Beautiful Place to Go Hiking
There’s something about being out in God’s beautiful creation that brings peace to the soul and delight to the senses. Treat yourself to a hiking destination you’ve always wanted to check out but have just never had the opportunity to explore.
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Zbynek Pospisil
5. Join a New Social Group

5. Join a New Social Group
One great place to find pretty much any type of social group you can think of (including hiking) is a website called Meetup.com. The way it works is you create a profile that includes your interests (or maybe new interests you’d like to explore) and the system connects you with groups of people in your area that have those same interests. The free website service is a nice way to meet new people and make new friends while doing what you love to do and having people with whom to share it.
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6. Spend Some Time in the Psalms

6. Spend Some Time in the Psalms
There are many Psalms that are Psalms of thanksgiving. Pick one and have your own Bible study that involves using a study Bible and maybe a concordance and really delve into the message. A few ideas for Psalms to study include Psalm 8, Psalm 19, Psalm 24, Psalm 30, Psalm 138, Psalm 139, Psalm 146, or Psalm 150.
Photo Credit: ©Sparrowstock
7. Catch Up on Your Reading

7. Catch Up on Your Reading
Maybe it’s just one book. Maybe there’s a stack from which you can choose that you just haven’t had the time to delve into. Take some time for an unhurried day of reading and maybe a cup of hot chocolate or warm cider.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/YakobchukOlena
8. Consider Exploring a New Hobby

8. Consider Exploring a New Hobby
So you have the entire day to yourself. This is a great time to explore the possibilities for a new hobby. Maybe begin to learn an instrument such as the guitar. Other possibilities include crocheting, woodworking, whittling, or jewelry making that will allow you to repurpose all the jewelry you never wear but can’t seem to get rid of either. A new hobby can lead to homemade Christmas presents that have a lovely personal touch and are deeply appreciated by friends and family. If none of these suggestions for hobbies jump out at you, Google the word “hobbies.” There are a ton of other ideas.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/ChatkarenStudio
9. Consider Adopting a Pet

9. Consider Adopting a Pet
Whether it’s a kitten, puppy, bird, or some other animal you’ve always thought might be fun to have around but just never took the time to seriously consider, this might be the time. Kittens and puppies are just fun to cuddle and play with. They often seem to know when you’re down and will provide some comfort when you really need it.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Monoliza21
10. Have a Virtual Thanksgiving

10. Have a Virtual Thanksgiving
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If it’s not possible to be with friends and family in person, maybe it’s possible to visit via Zoom or Teams and have a virtual dinner together. You can cook a little something, and they have their meal. You plan to connect at a mutually convenient time to share dinner virtually, perhaps even sharing about the characteristics you admire in each other the most.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Drazen Zigic
Originally published November 21, 2024.