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11 Encouraging Reminders for Singles Finding it Hard to Be Thankful

  • Liz Lampkin Contributing Writer
  • Published Oct 01, 2024
11 Encouraging Reminders for Singles Finding it Hard to Be Thankful

Being thankful is an act of humility that believers and non-believers often take for granted. It is showing gratitude for all things, big and small. It is a feeling of joy or appreciation for grace, acts of kindness, and mercy. As stated previously, humanity often takes the act of gratefulness for granted. We frequently miss out on the fullness and beauty that lies within being grateful. Why is this? We, as humans, have become so accustomed to grace, mercy, and kindness that we feel it is our right. So, we often fail to show gratitude for the many things we should be grateful for.

For the single Christian, the journey of singleness has its ups and downs, like any other relationship status. However, during certain seasons of singleness, many unmarried Christians are overwhelmed with negative thoughts because of the idolization of relationships and couples during certain times of the year. While many singles may feel overwhelmed with gleeful images of couples and underwhelmed with positive images of singleness, it's important for them to be reminded of the many blessings that come with singleness and the many reasons to be thankful for it. With that being said, if you are single or you know of singles who may be struggling with finding reasons to be thankful, take a look at some of the ways to remind singles why they should be thankful for their relationship status.

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  • close up of woman looking up joyfully smiling, satisfied in god

    1. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, with or without a mate.

    Psalms 139 verse 14 reminds us that as creations of God, we are made in His image and are wonderful as we are. Many times, singles drift into the belief that we are not enough simply because we aren't married. Or, many singles may believe that there is something wrong with them because they have not found or haven't been found by someone. I'm here to tell you today, and everyday that this is an untruth that must be unlearned. God created you as an individual in His divine image, and He loves you just the way you are.

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  • Man praying over the Bible

    2. You are loved by God.

    God shows us time and again that He loves us and how to love ourselves, but for some reason we often forget how much He loves us. Here are a few reminders: He gave us His only son to die for our sins before we knew we would sin, He breathes life into us every day, He protects us from hurt and harm that we cannot see, and He is keeping us single because He knows the love that we are worthy of. God's love for us is immeasurable, but we often can't see it on our single journey because our hearts and minds are set on things other than Him. Take some time to remind yourself of God's love for you as His single child by reflecting on everything He's done for you during your singleness. When your reflection is done, pray for more reminders of God's love, and keep them at the forefront of your heart and soul.

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    3. You are valuable and worthy of love that is deserving of you.

    A lot of singles desire marriage for many reasons. While there is nothing wrong with those desires, singles need to understand that everyone isn't worthy of the love you have to give, and everyone does not know how to love you. Scripture reminds us that love is patient and kind; it is not envious and keeps no record of wrong. This is the kind of love that a child of God is worthy of. While I understand that it may be hard to watch others get engaged and live in marital bliss, and you may be wondering when God will bless you with your mate if it's in His will, you must understand that the love you deserve is worth waiting for. God is simply waiting on you to love Him and yourself unconditionally so you will recognize the right love when it comes along.

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    4. Be thankful God has kept or spared you from heartbreaks you can't see.

    God is omnipresent. He is everywhere at the same time. He knows all and sees all. Singles, be thankful that God spared you from heartbreak that you did not and could not see. God may have removed you from an unhealthy relationship you wanted to remain in, or kept you from entering one you wanted. And while you may have desired to enter or remain in a relationship, God knew that staying where you didn't belong would have harmed you. So be thankful that God removed you from the unknown.

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  • Happy single woman in home sipping coffee

    5. Singleness is a gift from God.

    Being single is a gift. While it may not be one of the spiritual gifts listed in the Bible, it is indeed a gift that is often overlooked. It's the time in one's life when you discover who you are as an individual. It's also the place where endless opportunities exist to develop a profound relationship with God. In I Corinthians 7, the Apostle Paul encourages singles to remain single. He states that it is good to be single so you can focus on the work God has given you to do. So, singles, if you're struggling to be thankful for your singleness, always remember that it is a particular time of life where you can experience freedom like none other and do as God wants you to. So, be positive about your singleness, and learn to indulge in the beauty of each season.

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    6. Be thankful for freedom.

    Being single comes with a freedom that can be intimidating. Many people don't know what to do with the time God gives them each day, so they often look to others for guidance. Singles, as you journey through every season of singleness, learn to embrace the freedom that comes along with it by finding a purpose in each day.

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  • A man journaling, how to see God do more in your life

    7. Be thankful for the valuable time God has given you to get to know yourself.

    So many times, singles jump in and out of intimate relationships, or they are so focused on having a relationship that could lead to marriage that they miss out on a very important relationship: one with themselves. Singles, be thankful you have the time to get to know who you are as the individual God created you to be. Take advantage of knowing your likes, dislikes, develop new habits, or new friendships. Whatever you are led to do, make sure you take advantage of the time you have and show gratitude for it every step of the way.

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    8. Focusing on your relationship with God.

    Singles, this is the time in your life when you should focus on building your relationship with God. This is the time when you can understand all of who God is to you and who you are to Him, and that's something to be thankful for. God wants you to know Him on a personal and profound level, and there is no better time to do this than when you are single and can focus solely on Him.

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  • Woman waiting patiently, leaning on her arms and looking out a window.

    9. Be thankful for the relationships you had.

    Relationships that have ended are blessings we overlook because we want to hold on to certain people because of how they make us feel. However, what we often need to be reminded of is that people serve a specific purpose in our lives for certain seasons. When those seasons change, people may also change, and we should be thankful for the shift. Each relationship we had/have serve as lessons for you to become a better person for yourself, and your future relationships. So, be thankful for relationships of the past and welcome relationships of the future.

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    10. Be thankful for your circle.

    There is joy, peace, and power in loving the people around you. God places people in our lives to help us on our journey. Family, friends, colleagues, or church members all serve a purpose in our lives and we should be thankful for them. You are not alone in this walk of life, so learn to be thankful for the people God has placed in your life.

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    11. Your life is valuable.

    One final reminder I want to extend to singles is that your life is valuable to God and to those who love you. For many years, singles have been inadvertently told that their lives would mean more if they were married, however, I'm here to remind you that that is far from the truth. Your life is valuable because you are a child of God, He has given you purpose, and you are loved by the Most High God. Always remember that your life has a purpose; you are valuable to God and everyone He places in your space.

    Singles, I know this journey is not an easy one because of the many lies that are often told about singleness. However, always remember that there is always something to be grateful for. Even when times are lonely or hard, always look to God and remember that He gives us unmerited grace and favor every day of lives. And that alone, is something to be grateful for.

    Photo credit: ©GettyImages/AsiaVision

    Crosswalk Contributor Liz LampkinAuthor Liz Lampkin is an experienced writer, teacher, and speaker. She is an advocate for singles who encourages them to live their best life God’s way. Follow her on Instagram @Liz_Lampkin.