If you’ve never researched the history of Mother’s Day, it would be worth your time to do so. It might interest you to know that the woman credited for Mother’s Day being established as a national holiday was never married and was never a mother. She simply wanted to acknowledge and celebrate the sacrifices that mothers, including her own, made for their children.
Mother’s Day has a become one of the most popular American holidays and results in more phone calls than any other day of the year. But, don’t let all the festivities fool you. This Mother’s Day there will be women among you who will be wearing smiles, but under that happy face is a sad, restless heart. There will be women among you wishing they had a mother worth dedicating a national holiday to, and there will be women among you wishing they had children of their own that would one day rise and call them blessed.
This Mother’s Day, take a moment to survey the women around you. You may or may not know each of their personal stories, but you can be sure they each need prayer. My hope is that the following 15 examples will give you insight as to what the women around you might be experiencing this Mother’s Day. And may this serve as a reminder that no flower, card, or gift will benefit those around us as much as our prayers.
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1. The Barren Woman

1. The Barren Woman
Every day can be hard for the barren woman, but facing the day we set aside to celebrate motherhood can cause unbelievable pain and expose the emptiness of the womb. If you know a woman who struggles with infertility, pray that she will find comfort this Mother’s Day. Pray that she would feel the presence of the Lord in her life and find fulfillment in Him. Pray for the Lord’s will to be done in the life of this woman and that her heart would be open to and satisfied with His plan for her regarding children.
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2. The Woman Whose Child Has Passed Away

2. The Woman Whose Child Has Passed Away
There are countless mothers who have outlived one or more of their children. Whether through miscarriage, abortion, stillborn birth, or the death of an older child caused by endless scenarios, the memory of that life goes with the mother every step of every day. Mother’s Day, however, can exasperate the pain of that loss and place a dark cloud over what should be a day of celebration, especially if the mother does not have the hope of seeing her child again in Heaven. Pray for these women. Pray that their hearts would be full of sweet memories and that the Lord would give them a peace that passes understanding. Remember that a mother who has lost a child will never forget, but fears that others will. If you know a mother who has lost a child, give her a hug this Mother’s Day; let her know you remember and that she is in your prayers.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Pawel_Czaja
3. The Woman with a Missing Child

3. The Woman with a Missing Child
There are as many as 100,000 active missing persons cases at any one time in the United States. Whether those missing are children, teens or adults, they all have mothers. We don’t often think of the women who face Mother’s Day with a missing child, but they exist and there are more of them than we realize. Pray that these women would find comfort and strength in the Lord and that they would lean on Him when overcome by sorrow. Pray for patience as they wait, day after day, for answers. Pray, Lord willing, that the missing would be found. If you know a mother with a missing child, let her know you remember, that you care, and that she and her child are in your prayers.
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4. The Woman Whose Child Has Special Needs

4. The Woman Whose Child Has Special Needs
Like all children, those with special needs are a blessing from the Lord and bring unspeakable joy to their families. But, depending on the special need, there can also be unspeakable exhaustion and physical, mental, emotional and financial strain. Many women with children who have special needs are forced to reform their hopes and dreams to fit the capabilities of their children, which can lead to anxiety and depression. Pray for these mothers that the Lord would provide for their every need as they care for their child. Pray the Lord would fill them with patience and perseverance and allow them deep, restful sleep. Pray for opportunities to support these moms and let them know you lift them up in prayer.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/LSOphoto
5. The Woman Whose Children are Estranged

5. The Woman Whose Children are Estranged
There will be women among us this Mother’s Day who won’t receive a card, a hug, or a thank you, not because they don’t have children, but because their parent/child relationship has been severed. For these women, pray that the Lord would heal their brokenness and restore their family bond. Pray, if these women need to forgive, that they would forgive, and if they need to be forgiven, that they would seek forgiveness. Pray that hard hearts would be softened and that the Lord would be glorified through reconciliation.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Discha-AS
6. The Woman with a Full Nest

6. The Woman with a Full Nest
Whether a mother has one child at home or 10, her nest needs prayer. Whether a mother works outside the home or claims the “stay at home mom” status, it’s easy for her to question her every decision and count the ways she’s failing. Mothers need encouragement. Mothers need prayer. Pray that the mothers around you would look not to the world, but to godly women for advice and encouragement. Pray they would find their worth in the Lord, not by comparing themselves to other mothers. Pray that nurturing their child’s soul would be their top priority and that they would extend grace to themselves, as well as to their children. Ask God to strengthen and protect their marriages and look for opportunities to give this mom a helping hand.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Monkey Business Images Ltd
7. The Woman Whose Nest is Empty

7. The Woman Whose Nest is Empty
Many women look forward to the empty nest years, but others dread it. After years with a home full of noise and busyness, the silence of an empty nest can be deafening, causing anxiety and depression. With no children at home to care for, many women feel they no longer have a purpose. Pray the Lord would show these women that there is still work to be done. Pray the Lord would open their eyes to the younger women needing discipleship and to the newer mothers who would greatly benefit from the wisdom and experience of a veteran mom!
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8. The Woman Raising Her Child Alone

8. The Woman Raising Her Child Alone
Many women, for many different reasons, find themselves with the unexpected title of single mom. Even with the help of friends and family, single parenthood can be exhausting and lonely. Pray that this woman can find hope, strength, and fulfillment in her Heavenly Father. Pray for energy, rest, and wisdom as she raises her children; for a softened heart towards the father of her children and that she would find support, encouragement and respite from her church family. The specific needs of a single mom can vary - pray that the Lord would make you aware of how you might be a blessing to the single mom in your life.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/m-gucci
9. The Woman Raising Bonus Children

9. The Woman Raising Bonus Children
Being a stepmom (AKA bonus mom) can be a wonderful experience, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. If a woman is a bonus mom to children whose birth mother has passed away, Mother’s Day can trigger grief and resentment in the children. If a woman is a bonus mom due to a divorce situation, the children will likely put their efforts into celebrating their birth mom. This isn’t the case for every bonus mom, but many admit they experience all the mental, emotional and financial strain of parenthood, but experience very little love and respect in return. This can lead to depression and division in the marriage. For these women, Mother’s Day can cause deep hurt and disappointment. Pray that God would strengthen and equip these women as they care for their families. Pray that God would soften the hearts of every family member, that they might display the grace of God in their unity and love for one another.
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10. The Woman Raising the Adopted Child

10. The Woman Raising the Adopted Child
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We live in a fallen, broken world and because of this, many children are left orphaned. We can praise God for the women who welcome these children into their homes and give them the unconditional love of a mother. Despite this, many experience feelings of abandonment, rejection, anger, identity crisis, and trust issues. Studies show that adopted children often struggle with misplaced anger and aim their emotional struggles at their adopted mothers. These women need prayer. Pray that the Lord would fill them with patience, wisdom and deep, deep love. Most importantly, pray that these mothers would remember that they will never be able to meet the every need of their adopted child. Pray their children would come to know the Lord and find the perfect peace that only He can give.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/digitalskillet
11. The Woman Raising Foster Children

11. The Woman Raising Foster Children
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We live in a world where children of all ages need temporary, loving homes. Thankfully there are women willing to open not just their homes, but their hearts. Pray that the Lord would protect and strengthen these women’s marriages and that He would give them soft hearts as they meet the emotional demands of these children. Pray for wisdom as they represent God by offering love, grace, security and stability. Pray that Lord would equip them for all unforeseen challenges and surround them with a godly support system. Pray that God would protect their hearts as they pour into these children knowing they will not likely be a forever family. Pray these women have ample opportunities to speak of God, whose love is perfect, unfailing, and ever present.
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12. The Woman Who Acts as a Spiritual Mother

12. The Woman Who Acts as a Spiritual Mother
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Many women act as a spiritual mother to the younger women in their church body. These mothers are often burdened with the struggles and sins of the younger women. This burden of love can leave the spiritual mother feeling drained and inadequate. Spiritual mothers often sacrifice time with their biological children to pray for and build up their spiritual children, making them question their priorities and time management. Pray that the Lord would allow His Spirit to speak through these mothers as they encourage and minister to their spiritual children. Pray for patience and wisdom as they strive to live out Titus 2:3-5. Pray that they would manage their time wisely and that their biological families would give them grace and encouragement as they work for the kingdom.
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13. The Woman Who Doesn't Know Her Mother

13. The Woman Who Doesn't Know Her Mother
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There are women among us whose mothers passed away at an early age, or women who were given up for adoption, or whose mothers simply walked away from their family. These women, while they may have been raised with a mother, don’t know the mother that labored and gave birth to them. Mother’s day can be difficult for these women as they are reminded of this great loss. It’s easy for these women to get distracted by “what if” questions: “What if my mother had lived?” “What if my mother hadn’t left?” “Why didn’t my mother want me?” These questions can become all consuming and lead to discontentment, anger, and depression. Pray that these women would trust in the Lord’s plan for them, that they would seek contentment in Him, and find deep, meaningful relationships in the godly women He has placed in their lives.
Photo credit: Pexels.com
14. The Woman Whose Mother Has Passed On

14. The Woman Whose Mother Has Passed On
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Many women spend Mother’s Day grieving the absence of their own mother, missing the encouragement and companionship she provided. For others, the mother-daughter relationship was never healthy and these women spend Mother’s Day reflecting on disappointment and anger. Pray that both of these women can find a healthy balance in the reality of their situation and that they can find comfort and fulfillment in the Lord. Pray they are able to concentrate on and celebrate in their present circumstances and that they can both find an appropriate way to remember and honor their deceased mothers.
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15. The Woman Who Simply Doesn't Like Her Mother

15. The Woman Who Simply Doesn't Like Her Mother
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Mother’s Day is intended to express love and appreciation. But what about the woman who simply doesn’t like her mother and doesn’t feel love and appreciation towards her? For this woman, even picking out a Mother’s Day card can feel overwhelming because the cards are full of sentiments that just aren’t true for her. Pray that this woman would desire to honor God by honoring her mother, even if she doesn’t deserve honor, and that she would show her mother respect, even if she doesn’t deserve respect. Ask the Lord to soften this woman’s heart towards her mother and to remind her that the only perfect parent is her Heavenly Father.
Beth Ann Baus is a wife and homeschooling mom of two boys. She is a writer and blogger who pulls from her own experiences of abuse, anxiety, depression and Tourettic OCD. Beth is an advocate for women struggling with sexual sin and strives to encourage young wives and mothers by pointing them to the grace offered only by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You can read more about her at www.bethannbaus.com.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Photodisc
Originally published May 11, 2017.