20 Things You May Not Know about Moses in the Bible

  • Plus Lori Hatcher Crosswalk.com Contributing Writer
  • Updated Apr 20, 2021
20 Things You May Not Know about Moses in the Bible
Moses was famous long before Charlton Heston raised his profile in the 1956 Cecile B. DeMille movie, The Ten Commandments. But did you know these fascinating tidbits about one of the Bible's most important persons?

Here are 20 things you may not have known about Moses... let us know how these enrich your understanding of his response to God's call to lead Israel out of Egypt!

1. Moses was the first abandoned child mentioned in the Bible.

Moses' godly parents hid him for three months to protect him from the Egyptian edict that said all male Hebrew babies must be killed. When they could no longer hide him, they set him afloat in a basket on the Nile River (Ex. 2:3).