
25 Free Email Devotionals You May Not Know About

Updated May 04, 2018
25 Free Email Devotionals You May Not Know About

When Christians hear the word, devotion, it’s likely that they’ll imagine a small, hardback book with gilded pages and a silky ribbon attached to it. Those are great; I love those tiny books. But when I look in the Bible, even in the dictionary, devotion tells a different story. I like Google’s definition of devotion: “love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.” In the Bible, Hezekiah finds out from a prophet that he will not be healed of his serious illness. Naturally distraught, Hezekiah cries out to God in 2 Kings 20:3.

“Remember, LORD, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.”

God knew and remembered this man’s devotion. Before Hezekiah left the Temple, God told the prophet Isaiah to tell Hezekiah: “This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you,” 2 Kings 20:5. And Hezekiah went on to live in devotion to God on this earth for another 15 years.

This is a list summarizing 25 free email devotionals that are researched, written, formatted, and sent out to inspire your love, loyalty, and enthusiasm (aka: devotion) for the LORD. When God’s people devote themselves to him, he notices and remembers. Sometimes “having quiet time” or “doing devotionals” can feel like it doesn’t really matter. But bowing your heart and sacrificing your time – one of your most valuable resources – to the LORD matters. He sees your devotion and remembers. Many of these email devotionals include provoking questions, journaling prompts, prayer suggestions, and additional scripture to read. Whether you’re looking to spend 15 minutes or 45 minutes in a new devotional, we’ve got you covered.

Discover one that’s right for you by browsing through these summaries and reading a sample.

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Bible Pathway

Bible Pathway

This daily devotional from Bible Pathway Ministries takes readers through the Bible in one year, 15 minutes a day. It’s a great choice for readers who just want a short Bible study, rather than a topical or lifestyle devotional.

You can expect insights from a chapter of Scripture and a “Thought for Today” towards the end. The devotional also includes a “Prayer Suggestion” and a “Word Studies” section, which functions like Bible footnotes. Also, the “Christ Revealed” section shows a connection to Jesus from the day’s scripture.

Sample this one on 1 Kings 5 about King Solomon building the Temple.

Bible Study Minute 

This devotional features a variety of topics and authors, but the content is always anchored in God’s Word. The Monday - Friday devotionals are often adapted from or articles. If so, the devotional will include a link to the original article, so you can dive deeper into the subject later when you have more time.

You can also expect a savable or sharable image with the day’s Bible verse in the artwork. These are uniquely designed for each devotional. Sample this one: Are You Weary in the Center of God's Will?

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Malik Mccotter Jordan

Praying the Names of God

Praying the Names of God

This Monday-Friday Bible study devotional is written by Ann Spangler. Spangler is a bestselling author of Christian books like Women of the Bible and Sitting at the Feed of Rabbi Jesus.

This devotional is based on Spangler’s two books, Praying the Names of God and Praying the Names of Jesus. The first half of the year covers the names of Jesus, and the second half of the year covers the names of God.

Have you come across a name for God in the Bible and wondered what it really means? By reading this devotional, you will get a chance to pause and ponder these names, understanding them in a deeper way. You can expect to learn more about God through his names like Bridegroom/Husband, LORD, Friend, Bright Morning Star, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and others. Spangler also leads readers to pray based on the day’s devotional in the section, “Praying the Name.”

Sample the first of four days praying this name of Jesus: Bridegroom/Husband.

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Devotionals by Your Favorite Pastors:

Devotionals by Your Favorite Pastors:

Daily Hope with Rick Warren

Warren is the pastor at Saddleback Church in California, a Southern Baptist church. This Monday – Friday devotional includes a “Talk About It” section with a couple questions, great for discussion groups or journaling. You can expect Biblical, topical content and principles to give you hope and meaning in following Christ. Sample this one:  God Is Looking for Faithful People.

Alternative View with Dr. Tony Evans

Dr. Evans is the pastor at the non-denominational Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX. Alternative View is a Monday – Friday devotional. You can expect one or two verses, a practical biblical application, and a “One Minute Please” section that gives you a quote or lyric to help you remember the devotional. Sample this one on Overcoming Temptation.

A Daily Word with Dr. Ed Young 

Pastor at Second Baptist Church in Houston, TX, Dr. Young shares his insight from Scripture in this daily devotional. You can expect thoughts from God's Word that will help you find strength, resolve, peace and comfort. Sample this one on Hebrews 13:5.

Insight for Today From Chuck Swindoll

Swindoll offers a Monday – Saturday devotional. These devotionals are excerpts from his published works like Why, God? Calming Words for Chaotic Times and Living the Psalms: Encouragement for the Daily Grind. Here’s a sample: The Value of God’s Creatures.

Swindoll is the senior pastor at Stonebriar Community Church, a nondenominational church near Dallas, TX.

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Devotionals on Worldview and Culture:

Devotionals on Worldview and Culture:

Holy Land Moments with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

This Sunday – Friday devotional dives into the Bible to learn more about the Jewish roots of Christianity. This unique devotional, for both Christians and Jews, almost always selects passages out of the Old Testament for its devotional subject. The author, Rabbi Eckstein, is an Israeli American rabbi and the president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. Check out this sample, Live to Bless, Not to Impress.

Sweet Freedom with Sarah Palin

Every Monday, this devotional will arrive in your inbox to join Sarah Palin as she explores the bedrock of the Bible for answers to the pressing issues of our times. You can expect short meditations that are based on Bible verses, as well as a “Sweet Freedom in Action” section that will guide you into applying that day’s verse and meditation. Palin is a bestselling author and Republican politician. These devotionals come from her book, Sweet Freedom. Sample this one about Giving Fears to our Father.

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Daily Courage from Open Doors USA

Daily Courage from Open Doors USA

This daily devotional brings you stories of those suffering for Christ. In a devotional that is usually two or three paragraphs, Christians living in extreme situations all over the world tell their stories of God’s faithfulness. You can expect to be encouraged by these stories that reveal the gospel of Christ is still clearly at work, even where human powers try their best to suppress it. This devotional is not only encouraging to read, but it will also help you remember to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ living in persecution. Sample this one written by Ghassan Khalaf from Lebanon. Also read Mona Khauli from Lebanon talk about what faith means to her.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Devotionals for men and women:

Devotionals for men and women:

Encouragement for Today

This Monday – Friday devotional is written by variety of women with Proverbs 31 Ministries.  You can expect a passage of Scripture, a longer devotional, and a “Reflect and Respond” section with questions to deepen what that day’s devotional teaches you. Sample these: What Fear Won’t Tell You and Heavenly Minded and Earthly Good.

One Year Devotions for Men

This daily devotional is written by Stuart Brisco. He invites men into a year of walking by faith through men’s issues. Brisco is an author and former pastor at the non-denominational, Elmbrook Church in Wisconsin. You can expect a longer devotional with a passage of scripture and a “For Further Study” section at the end, inviting you to read a larger portion of related scripture. Sample this one on Conflict Resolution and this one on Accepting Responsibility.

Girlfriends in God

This Monday – Friday devotional aims to equip women for their journey to the heart of God. The devotionals are authored by the writers at Girlfriends in God, a non-denominational ministry. You can expect a Bible verse, a longer devotional, a prayer that’s written out, and a “Now It’s Your Turn” section guiding you into a time of reflection and application. Sample these: Escaping Stress – Part 1 and The Handprints of God.

NIV Devotions for Men and NIV Devotions for Women

These weekly devotionals are from the NIV New Men’s Devotional Bible and the NIV Women’s Devotional Bible. The women’s devotional emails also sometimes come from True Identity. Both include Bible verses and devotional paragraphs as well as reflection questions and related reading from the Bible.

From the NIV Men’s devotional, you can expect content every Tuesday written by men for men designed to help you draw closer to God. Sample this one: Life’s “Do-Overs.”

From the NIV Women’s devotional, you can expect content written by women for women every Monday to offer you a fresh perspective on God’s Word. Here’s a sample: Finding Sanctuary.

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Devotionals for your family:

Devotionals for your family:

Hands On Faith for Families

This weekly devotional is from the Focus on the Family ministry. You can expect a short devotional every Monday based on a theme from a scripture verse and a prayer suggestion. You’ll also find a “Play” section with an idea for a game to play with your kids. The following “Talk” section offers a spiritual conversation starter based on the game that day.

Sample this one, Share Your Faith, and this one, Don’t Be Deceived.

NIV Devotions for Couples

This weekly devotional will show up in your email every Wednesday. You can expect a portion of Scripture and content from the Couple’s Devotional Bible. It includes a “Let’s Talk” section with discussion questions to spark conversation with your spouse.

Sample this one on Having and Raising Good Kids and this one, Affirmation Experiment.

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Daily Living for Seniors

Daily Living for Seniors

This daily devotional offers perspective and strength for the unique challenges of aging. It’s written by Senior Living Ministries and contains a Scripture passage, a relatable devotional, a “Prayer Challenge,” and sometimes “Questions for Thought.” Sample this one about How you can be used to impact eternity.

Bible Studies for Students

This weekly devotional is from the NIV Student Bible and will arrive in your inbox every Thursday. You can expect a verse within the devotional as well as a link to read the whole chapter. It also offers a short devotional and a “Life Questions” section to challenge students in applying scripture to life. Sample this one: Remedy: A cure for a universal sickness.

Photo Credit: Thinkstock

Other devotionals we love:

Other devotionals we love:

Morning & Evening, with Charles Spurgeon

This devotional is sent out twice everyday – one for the morning and another for the evening. Sample this evening meditation from Charles Spurgeon on Revelations 3:20.

Desiring God with John Piper

This is a weekly devotional, sent out every Monday and written by John Piper with words to instruct and encourage good doctrine. Sample: The Value of Learning History: A Lesson from Jude.

The Case for Christ

This weekly devotional is from the NIV Case for Christ Study Bible, sent out every Tuesday. You can expect a Bible passage and content that addresses pressing theological questions. Sample this one: Can Jesus’ Exorcisms Be Explained by Psychology?

UpWords, with Max Lucado

This weekly devotional is written by Max Lucado to share stories and inspiration that will enliven your week. Every Friday, you can expect an encouraging devotional based on the Bible. Sample these: Stop Being Uneasy about Your Life and A Time Claimed for God.

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Devocionales en español:

Devocionales en español:

Aventuras en la Historia Sagrada

Todos los lunes, lea devocionales semanales de Tu Historia Preferida. Muestra este: Dios Sabe...Cuando Me Siento Solo - Parte 1.

This is also available in English in a separate email devotional, Adventures through the Holy Bible.

Desde El Corazón Del Padre

Todos los lunes, este devocional semanal ofrece inspiraciones de la autora Kathi Macías para una mayor aproximación al corazón de Dios. Muestra este: Salmo 63:7 RV.

Also, the second half of each devotional is translated in English!

Each of these devotional email subscriptions are of no cost to you, and a lot of them even offer free eBooks and other downloadable resources. Check out the Devotionals section on for even more options.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Originally published May 03, 2018.


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