As 2024 was coming to a close, I came across this quote by Charles Spurgeon that hit home. The Prince of Preachers asked the following question, "Am I, in all respects, more like My Master Jesus than I was a year ago?" This question is perfect for an end-of-the-year reflection for all professing Christians, and it is a question that one should not take lightly. It should make one ponder in what ways did we reflect Christ the past year. Concurrently, we must ask, how did we not reflect Christ?
I get that it is not an easy question to answer because, many times, we fall short and fail to reflect Christ, especially when we become spiritually complacent during the year. Now, while it is easy to become discouraged upon one's self-reflection, I want us to consider another question, as we are now in 2025: How can we live more like Jesus in the new year? Here are 4 ways to serve as motivation in getting started.
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1. Spend Time with Jesus

1. Spend Time with Jesus
As the saying goes, "You are like those who you spend the most time with." How much more significant does that saying hold when it comes to communing with the King of kings? It is a given for all believers to spend time with the Lord. After all, we are to know Him (John 17:3), as that is what eternal life entails. Eternal life is not dying at going to Heaven; it is knowing Christ, who has given us eternal life through His sacrifice on the cross. Therefore, we should not be stagnant but intentional when it comes to spending time with Jesus. It is the highest of privileges that, sadly, we have taken for granted. However, that changes when we make the effort because then we realize our need for Him and can do nothing without Him (John 14:6).
Spending time with Jesus can come through reading the Holy Scriptures as well as praying. Fasting can also come in handy when you want to forgo food or any distractions. It is a time in which we minister unto Him, and He ministers unto us. Now, as we spend time with Christ, the end result is a desire to become more like Him because we love Him and want to honor Him with our lives. According to Donald Whitney in his book Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life, he shares how closeness to Christ is tied with conformity to Christ.
"Spiritual disciplines are those personal and interpersonal activities given by God in the Bible as the sufficient means believers in Jesus Christ are to use in the spirit-filled, gospel-driven pursuit of godliness, that is, closeness to Christ and conformity to Christ."
As we desire to live more like Christ in 2025, consider actually spending time with Him as it is the foundational principle where we can cultivate conformity to Him.
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2. Fellowship

2. Fellowship
As the Church, we are the bride and body of Christ. Far from a social club or organization, the Church is composed of sinners saved by the grace of God through Christ. As we walk this walk of faith, we need the presence and encouragement of our brothers and sisters in the Lord to draw closer to Him and reflect Him in our lives. I always think of the Proverbs, "iron sharpens iron" (Proverbs 27:17) because having that fellowship with our believers contributes to our spiritual growth. No Christian is an island or lone ranger, as we are all one in Jesus (Galatians 3:28).
In his epistle to the Church in Corinth, the apostle tells the Christians there, "Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1). Friends, godly influences are also essential to growing spiritually because we can learn from those who are more seasoned and matured in the faith. As an apostle, Paul was the spiritual leader to the Corinthians as well the other churches he wrote his epistles to (Ephesians 5:1; Philippians 3:17; 1 Peter 2:11; 1 Thessalonians 1:6). That is something that the apostle knew as he encouraged them to imitate him as he imitates Christ. Pastors, encourage your congregation to do the same. But that begins with ministers seeking to grow to be more like Christ in their own time; otherwise, they won't be able to be the godly examples that they are called to be.
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3. Sharing the Gospel

3. Sharing the Gospel
"From that time, Jesus began to preach, saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." -Matthew 4:17
As Jesus began His earthly ministry, He preached a message of repentance and said we should be part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). Being like Jesus entails sharing the Good News as it calls people to turn away from sin and unto the Lord. Just as we heard the gospel preached to us, so we are to preach to others. This is often challenging as we shrink back due to fear that the message won't be received or met with hostility. Yet Christ says, "I am with You through the end of the age," meaning that He is with us every step of the way. He guides us and empowers us through the Holy Spirit so that we can be encouraged to spread the gospel throughout the world. This Good News is too good to remain unshared; thus, we should be like Jesus as we share it wherever we go.
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4. Love & Compassion

4. Love & Compassion
Christlikeness entails showing love and compassion to everyone. To the Church, being quick to forgive and encouraging one another. To the world, sharing the gospel and showing them the love of God through our actions. We are to serve those in need as we serve Christ (Matthew 25:35-40). Love and compassion go hand in hand and should never be separated. We can't say we want to be more like our Savior and not extend both things that are characteristics of Him. Let us not be like the Pharisees, who became prideful in self-righteousness that we neglect the least of these.
Now that we have officially started 2025, many people have committed to a type of resolution that they seek to accomplish throughout the year. These goals typically are seen as losing weight, getting in shape, and making more money, to name a few. Overall, these kinds of goals are for the improvement of one's well-being, and by all means, go for it! But for the Christian, our resolve should not only be geared towards the betterment of self but how we can reflect our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ more this coming year and every year. Although we will fall short, let us remember that we are works in progress and be encouraged that God will complete the good work that He began (Philippians 1:6). In the times that we live in, we as the Church are to shine the light of Christ in this dark world now more than ever.
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Originally published January 07, 2025.