
5 Biblical Resolutions for Singles to Have in the New Year

Updated Dec 22, 2023
5 Biblical Resolutions for Singles to Have in the New Year

As we approach yet another year, it is common practice to set resolutions, goals, and aspirations, but what if this year you did so in the category of being single? This is not resolving to be single; it is taking at face value the reality that you are still awaiting what God may have for you. Instead of wallowing in sadness or ignoring your true feelings around being single, it is taking this time and, along with God, setting tactical and practical goals to utilize this season of your life to be spent well. Setting biblical resolutions for the New Year might just change your entire perspective and outlook as you flip the calendar.

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1. Put the Lord First

Woman sitting by a window, journaling; 2 Things I Do to Support My Mental Health

The first and most important resolution we all should have, single or not, is to place God first. We often throw around the term that, as a single, you are "waiting for God's best," but have you ever considered that He has already given us His best husband in Christ? Any earthly spouse would then, therefore, be second best. Exodus 20:3 makes it clear, "You shall have no other gods before me." By definition, a false god or idol is something that we place before God, and at times, when single, it is a slippery slope to find oneself desiring marriage more than God. This is why it is so imperative to watch the heart, the mind, and the mouth. Remember that nothing and no one can satisfy, love, or fulfill as the Lord can. If you have found yourself in a season where it is challenging to put Him first or you do not feel that you love Him above all else, take it to the Lord. He already knows, and by releasing it to God and awaiting His response, you may find He takes you on a journey where you find more love for Him than ever before. Make the conscious effort this resolution season to put God first, not just for this year, but for all of this life.

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2. Know God Has the Timing

Man checking his watch in alarm

Fear creeps in, and doubts swirl our heads that there will never be a time where a spouse is given or a family grown. Although marriage is not for everyone, it is very uncommon for marriage not to be given, and typically, if it is not the portion allotted for you, there is peace within and a mission for something else. No matter what this life holds for you, you can stand firm in the resolution not to fear the timing of your life. Do not cave or give way to the lie that you are somehow forgotten, forsaken, or unimportant to the Lord. Remember the words given in Ecclesiastes 3:1, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Resolve this year to hold firm that the timing of your life is precise and that fear has no place in your mind to think otherwise.

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3. Cultivate Community

church people small group friends meeting

We were made for community, and a great resolution to make and keep is to cultivate godly community in your life. Think upon the Church in Acts of how they lived; "Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." (Acts 2:46). Having a stable and life-giving community is a gift and something that you can truly invest in during this season. In many ways, it is better to invest in community while single because there are more opportunities than if you had to consider someone else's schedule or obligations of life as well. Ask the Lord to help you find a biblically-rooted community; you never know who you might meet or what foundational connections might be formed from such a group.

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4. Work on Yourself

Woman in a therapists office

A season of singleness also holds the wonderful opportunity of working on yourself. Perhaps you have issues handling anger, but you do not desire to stay in that way of living. Psalm 37:8 reminds us, "Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil." We read these truths, but at times, we do not know how to go about fixing those flaws within us. 

Resolve to seek the Lord for help, to seek therapy if needed, and to do the inner work. You may find that you don't struggle with anger, but you have baggage that you do not desire to bring into a relationship. It is nearly impossible to enter into a relationship without any issues (for we will not be made perfect until Heaven), but this season could hold significance for you to not focus on getting into a relationship but on your own well-being. Sit with the Lord and ask him to highlight to you things to work on and the steps to take so that you can walk confidently into the future in a healthy way.

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5. Relationship with God

back view of young woman reading Bible outdoors

Make the resolution to grow deeper in your relationship with God. This is much like the first resolution of putting Him first, but it is to come to know Him more in-depth. John 10:27-28 shows, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." God desires not just to have a surface-level relationship with you, but one rooted in His Spirit, one where trust is firm, and you discover more about Him and, in time, who He made you to be. The first step to truly knowing who you are is to know the One who made you! This can be done through prayer, journaling, studying the Word, and actively inviting God into situations you are living out daily. Don't underestimate how the greatest relationship of all is that of the one you can have with the Lord. He loves you, and in working on that relationship with Him, you can genuinely know what it means to be filled with joy, love, and life.

Photo credit: ©Unsplash/Priscilla-du-preez

Happy New Year!

Asian man standing outside in a city, looking up, hopeful

The New Year holds so much potential and promise; only God knows what will unfold. If you are entering this season single, don't count it as an issue or problem but as a gift. Perhaps God wants to do greater things than you ever thought possible during this time, so partner with Him to set goals and resolutions that you will carry into this new season and then see how perspective shifts, life changes, and how you grow as a person. This may be the very year that you experience more life than ever before. It could all start with resolving to partner with Him in what once appeared to be a problem to be solved in being single. Happy New Year!

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Ippei Naoi

Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomedis available everywhere nowConnect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram 

Originally published December 12, 2023.