5 Cozy Autumn Activities the Whole Family Will Love

5 Cozy Autumn Activities the Whole Family Will Love

With fall approaching, it is the perfect time to start looking into some activities to do with your family. Once the heat of the summer has ended, it is time to get outside and soak up the cooler weather. Through the beautiful colors of the trees, the crisp air, and the beautiful sunsets, we can appreciate Autumn with our families. Personally, fall is my favorite season and I have many fond memories associated with this time of year.

While it doesn't get as cold here as it used to, there are still some fall days that feel like they did when I was little. These days were happier without worries or concerns. I reminisce about these happier days when the autumn air brings memories into my heart. Maybe fall is a happy and memorable time for you. During these months, allow your family to start forming a few new memories of their own.

This can be done by getting the entire family involved in fun activities. Think about a few activities you loved as a child or a teen and suggest these ideas to your family. Consult with your spouse and also ask them about what fall activities they enjoyed when they were younger. By you and your spouse bringing some of your own favorite fall activities to the table, it will form deeper bonds with your children.

Ultimately, this is what we want for our families. We want happy, lasting, and joyful bonds to be formed. Nobody wants hurtful or painful memories to be associated with their family. By being involved with your family, it will help positive memories to be formed in your children's hearts. Even your teens will love forming memories with you, even if they try to play it cool.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/vlada_maestro
  • mother and daughter getting pumpkins at pumpkin patch

    1. Going to a Pumpkin Patch

    Going to a pumpkin patch might sound basic, but it is a staple for family traditions. It is not officially fall until the family has gone to a pumpkin patch. As a child, my parents used to take my sisters and me to the pumpkin patch every year, and I always thought it was magical. Once we became teenagers, our parents stopped taking us, and I remember feeling crestfallen that those memories were over. My mom used to have a rule of what was "becoming" as a teenager, and it was not going to the pumpkin patch.

    Therefore, I didn't go to a pumpkin patch again until I was an adult with a friend. I often think about all the beautiful memories that could have been formed if we continued going to the pumpkin patch even as teens. In truth, there is not an age limit for pumpkin patches. Kids of all ages can appreciate pumpkin patches and find joy in them. Regardless of your children or teen's ages, schedule a family fun event to a pumpkin patch this weekend.

    Your children and teens can pick out their favorite pumpkin and bring it home. Once you have picked out a pumpkin, you can move on to the next fall activity for the entire family: carving pumpkins together.

    Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Images By Tang Ming Tung
  • grandfather and granddaughter carving pumpkin for halloween

    2. Carving Pumpkins Together

    Now that your children and teens have their pumpkins, we can start carving them and shaping them into the design they want. If your children are younger, you will need to help them in the carving process. Don't allow them to use sharp objects or to be at arm's length from anything that could cut them. Teenagers can be trusted with sharper utensils, but still be cautious about allowing them to use sharp objects.

    You and your spouse can help your children carve their pumpkins once they have told you what shape or design they want the pumpkin to be. My parents used to do this: We would draw a design on a sheet of paper, and then our parents would carve the design into the pumpkins. This method ensures nobody gets hurt in the process of being creative.

    Once the pumpkins have been carved, place a candle inside the pumpkin, light the candle, and watch the pumpkin light up. Through the illumination inside the pumpkin, it will look perfect for the fall season. Even if your family does not celebrate Halloween, carving pumpkins can still be a fun activity. Carving pumpkins allows your children to express their creativity and creates the perfect bonding experience for parents and their children.

    Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Jose Luis Pelaez Inc

  • Happy family on trail fall leaves parents with child

    3. Going Horseback Riding to Look at the Changing Leaves

    Depending on where you live, there are many parks and stables that allow you to rent horses to explore the nearby woods or fields. While this can be expensive, it is a great activity if your children or teens love horses. Riding horses and taking in the beautiful colors of the leaves will truly be a lasting memory in your family's hearts. It won't be a memory that will easily be forgotten.

    As you and your family are exploring on horseback, point out any special trees or mountains that you see. If you or your spouse knows about horses, you can also talk about the different breeds of horses everyone is riding. If you or your spouse are not knowledgeable about horses, this is okay, too. Try to share with your children and teens how horses are part of God's beautiful creation, as is the changing of the seasons.

    If riding horses is not a doable activity for your family, know that it is completely okay. I have never ridden a horse outside of one time at the fair, and this was in a controlled setting. However, I have seen many of my friends experience happy memories with their families when they go on horseback adventures together. I wanted to include this fall activity just in case there is anyone who wants to try something new.

    Photo credit: ©GettyImages/miniseries

  • Group of friends eating outside fall leaves picnic autumn

    4. Sip on Apple Cider as You Admire the Beautiful Weather

    Fall time is the exodus of better weather. The dog days of summer are over, and we can finally breathe the crisp air of fall. As a family, we can take advantage of this weather by sipping on apple cider and spending some time outside. We can either make our own apple cider or purchase some from the store. Once we have our apple cider, we can go outside and admire the beautiful weather and season God has blessed us with.

    Invite your family to sit outside with you or to go on a walk. Being by ourselves is not much fun when we have an entire family inside. With the fall weather being so nice, your family won't be able to refuse. Talk with your children as you sit or walk outside. Listen to them talk about their day and allow them to share anything that is upon their heart.

    Sometimes, the best memories are formed in simple settings, such as on the back porch or on a walk. Memories are formed between two people who love each other, and we can make these memories either good or bad. Listen to your children, value their opinions, and be a supportive parent as you soak up this fall activity. It will ensure your child feels loved beyond measure when you invest in their life.

    Photo credit: ©GettyImages/bernardbodo
  • Family walking outside among the Autumn leaves

    5. Build a Bonfire and Share Your Favorite Memories

    A final idea to inspire you this fall is to build a bonfire and share your favorite memories with your family. With the help of your spouse, make the bonfire and get it started. Children and teens probably do not need to be involved in building the bonfire as it could result in burns and injuries. However, they can help if you want to toast s'mores while sharing your favorite memories.

    You or your spouse could start sharing your own memories and then rotate between each child or teen. This will ensure everyone gets a turn to share their unique memories and stories. Listen to each of your children or teen's stories and show genuine interest in what they are sharing with you. This will help each child or teen feel seen and known.

    Sharing your memories and allowing your children, teens, and spouse to share them will help you learn more about each other. Building a bonfire and sharing your favorite memories is a beautiful activity because it is getting to the core of what you want to do—spending quality time with your family. Families need to feel safe with each and this cannot happen apart from quality time, a genuine interest, and love.

    Family fun fall activities don't stop here. Craft your own ideas and be on the lookout for any special events in your area. This will enable you to make even more memories with your family. Our kids and teens will not be with us forever as they will grow up. Utilize this time now to form memories with them and help them to know they are loved, cherished, and important.

    Photo credit: ©Getty Images/monkeybusinessimages

    Vivian BrickerVivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.