
5 Creative Ideas for Cultivating Your Current Friendships

Updated Sep 03, 2024
5 Creative Ideas for Cultivating Your Current Friendships
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Life gets busy. With the demands of life piling up like a huge mound of dirt, God still calls us to foster our fellowship with one another. Hebrews 10:25 tells us, “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” As Christ’s return draws closer and closer, even in our day and hour, it’s a good practice to cultivate our current friendships. Close fellowship can spring forth timely encouragement. 

So, when was the last time you paused to play? In other words, has it been a while since you took a load off to enjoy a fun or relaxing day with a friend? Sometimes we just need a gentle reminder to cease from our labors and rest. And rest can look like spending unhurried time in prayer and reading the Bible to learn more about our closest friend, Jesus Christ. Other times, it could resemble scheduling some much needed time out with friends. 

However, if you’ve found yourself fresh out of creative ideas for cultivating your current friendships, then here are a few to consider trying out. 

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/SrdjanPav

1. Plan a Local Getaway

Group of teenage girls on a road trip

You can either rent an Air B&B home for the weekend or book a stay at a nearby resort. No flights. Just a quick drive away. Pack light. And remember to take a mental load off as well. Simply enjoy this moment away as you spend time with a friend or friends for some much-needed rest, relaxation, and fun together. Oh, and don’t forget to pray for a safe drive there and back.  

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/SolisImages

2. Invite Your Friends Over for Pizza and a Puzzle

Pizza with Friends

Prepare ahead of time for the type of puzzle you guys would like to put together. That could be fun within itself, with all the ideas flowing. Also, decide what kind of pizza everyone would like early enough so that you can avoid time delays in getting the party started. Furthermore, some music should be added to the mix by having praise and worship playing in the background. Putting together a puzzle while talking, laughing, and sharing a meal together can be so much fun! Acts 2:42 encourages, “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and fellowship and to sharing in meals, and to prayer.”

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Carol Yepes

3. Pray and Fast as Friends

friends praying

Now, this might not be the most creative idea, but I think it’s worth the mention. You can create a prayer agenda for your friend or friend group for a collaborative fast. During your sacrificial time together, you can pray for each other’s families, finances, and futures. While also lifting each other up through your tasks and tribulations. First, Thessalonians 5:11 states, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are doing.”

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Jack Sharp

4. Meet up for Bible Study at a New Coffee Shop or Restaurant 

4. Meet up for Bible Study at a New Coffee Shop or Restaurant 

Grow stronger together spiritually. Change up your scene. Instead of studying at home alone, invite a friend or a couple of friends to join you for diving deeper into a book of the Bible or a topical study over coffee, tea, breakfast, lunch, or dinner at a new coffee shop or eatery. Fellowshipping together over a refreshing or soothing beverage or feasting on food that nourishes your soul, body, and spirit can be quite fulfilling! 

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Justin Kendra 

5. Send Each Other a Care Package in the Mail

Woman Receiving a Care Package

You are friends, so most likely, you know what your friend or friends might enjoy in a box full of goodies. It can be sentimental, spiritual, or something new. Whatever you decide, really consider them and imagine the anticipation and excitement they’ll have when the mail arrives at their doorstep. Don’t forget, you’ve got a package coming too! So, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Choose your package with care. 

Nurturing your friendships takes time, effort, and even a little creativity to keep them growing strong. I want to encourage you as I encourage myself to nourish your relationships with love and light. Shine bright as you enjoy your time together, relaxing and having fun! Fertilize your friendships with peace, patience, and pausing intentionally to spend time in prayer and God’s word together. Good friendships are not always easy to find. So, when you have them, cherish them and take good care of them because a good friend will enrich your life. Choose to cultivate your current friendships, even the new ones.    

Related Resource: The Great Friendship Crisis and How to Cope

In this week’s episode of The Encourager Podcast, join me as I chat with expert Jewel Hohman about "The Great Friendship Crisis." Jewel provides insightful explanations about what led to this crisis, identifies the most tender years for friendship, and shares her personal journey to resolving friendship challenges. Listen in, and be sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify so you never miss an episode!

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Ivan Pantic

This article originally appeared on For more faith-building resources, visit

Courtnaye RichardCourtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in Christ, character, and calling. She is an author and sought-out speaker. Her speaking appearances include She Speaks, Hope*Writers Tuesday Teaching, Christian Parenting Conference, and Entrusted Women’s Conference. In addition, her blog and podcast, Inside Out with Courtnaye reaches thousands of women across the globe! She is also the founder of the faith-based marketing and mentorship agency, Inside Out Media Group, LLC, where she’s worked with platforms such as PBS, CBN, TCT Networks, and Yahoo. Connect with her at or on Instagram @insideoutwithcourtnaye.

Click here to see the full list of Inside Out with Courtnaye episodes!

Originally published September 03, 2024.


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