The Fourth of July is a favorite holiday of many people. It can be extremely exciting for children to look forward to all the events of the Fourth of July holiday. As a child, I was so excited to go to the pool, have a cookout, and catch lightning bugs at the end of the day. Every family has their own unique traditions when it comes to the Fourth of July; however, there is nothing wrong with adding in a few new activities.
New activities will build new memories with our spouse and our children. Our children will only stay young for so long, and we need to savor each holiday with them while they are still young. As they grow up to be teens, they might not be as prone to want to do things with their parents. If you want to make the most of this Fourth of July with your children, try a few of the fun activities below.
1. Water Balloons

1. Water Balloons
During the summer months, it was common for my mom to send my sisters and me outside with water balloons. The water balloons were both a game as well as a way to cool off. For the Fourth of July, it is the perfect activity. It is normally over 80 degrees during July, which is why it is a great time to play with water balloons—just make sure you are wearing clothes that you don't mind getting soaked with water.
I suggest going outside with your children to play with water balloons. Your children will love your company and feel valued as individuals. It is all too common for parents to leave their children out to play, yet they never come back to join them in the fun. Go outside with your children and play water balloons with them.
It will be a joyful occasion and get your Fourth of July celebration off on the right foot. Ignoring your children or relying on their siblings to keep them company will affect them over the years. It will convey to them that they are not worthy of your time. Choose to change the narrative today and move forward with a heart of being there for your children
2. A Family Bike Ride

2. A Family Bike Ride
A family fun activity you could try for the Fourth of July could also be a family bike ride. In my city, bike riding has been growing in popularity and I've been thinking about picking it back up. I rode my bike a lot during high school; however, I fell out of practice by the time I graduated college. Whether you are a seasoned biker or trying to get back into things, a family bike ride could be the perfect addition to your Fourth of July celebrations.
When you are choosing a time for your family bike ride, try to plan either in the morning or in the evening. This will ensure nobody gets overheated. Make sure you also bring bottled water for everyone. Hydration is very important and on a day such as Fourth of July, it is even more important. If you and your family are going on a longer bike ride, it might be a good idea to pack water-based foods, such as watermelon or grapes.
By bringing bottled water and water-based foods, you can ensure nobody gets dehydrated. Children are more susceptible to getting overheated than adults, which is why they need to be closely monitored. If there is ever a time your child, your spouse, or yourself needs to take a break from riding their bikes because it is too hot or they are tired, choose to take a break. Even if you are short on time or if you want to get home, taking a five-minute break will benefit everyone.
3. Going to the Pool and Truly Being Present with Your Children

3. Going to the Pool and Truly Being Present with Your Children
Going to the pool sounds basic, but it is not as common as you might think. Personally, I have not been to a pool with my family since I was thirteen years old. This was a long time ago, and in truth, I have missed it. Going to the pool with my family was fun because you got to swim and soak up the sun while still staying cool.
Consider taking your family to the pool this year for the Fourth of July and see how much fun you will have. When you go to the pool with your family, make sure you are truly present with your children. Do not ignore them underneath a giant umbrella. Choose to be present with them and participate in any games they want.
If they want to have a swimming race or play beach ball, play with them. They will love Mom and Dad joining in for the water time fun. While many parents think their children would prefer to be by themselves while they are in the pool, they actually don't. Be present in their lives and choose to have a great Fourth of July pool party.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/skynesher
4. Going Somewhere Special for Ice Cream

4. Going Somewhere Special for Ice Cream
There is much debate across the world wide web about ice-cream. "It has too much sugar. It has too much fat." Rules like these to your children will only result in a child with an unhealthy relationship with food in the future. Since ice-cream is seen as off-limits, they will overindulge whenever ice-cream is being offered. Rather than having strict rules for your children, allow them to have ice cream when they want, especially for the Fourth of July.
This will take away the "forbidden fruit" ideology from your children, and they will begin to eat ice cream more intuitively instead of thinking, "I have to eat as much ice cream as I can while mom and dad let me!" Switch the monologue to a healthier relationship with food and allow your children to enjoy a special treat for Fourth of July.
Moms and dads should also get a special treat for the Fourth of July because the holiday is not only for children. Allow you and your spouse to have ice cream and a fun time celebrating with your family. If going out to an ice cream shop is not doable, getting a gallon at the grocery store, toppings, some fruit, and sprinkles is also a great option. Family fun Fourth of July celebrations do not have to break the bank; they can be budget-friendly.
5. Finishing the Day with a Family Movie Night

5. Finishing the Day with a Family Movie Night
A great way to end the night is to have a family movie night with your family. After a long day of being outside and being active, most of us are going to want to stay in an air conditioned room with lots of rest and relaxation. What better way to spend a restful and relaxing evening with our family than watching a fun movie? Family time is quality time; however, sometimes it is helpful to watch a movie together rather than having to talk the entire time.
If this is not true for your family, then that is great! However, for many families, there needs to be some time where there can just be the sound of the movie and the calming reassurance that we don't always have to be active in conversation. Playing a movie at the end of the day is a great way to do this, and it is relaxing. Yet again, the activities you choose for your own Fourth of July celebration can be up to you. This is just a suggestion, so don't be afraid to switch things up and do your own special celebration.
It can be challenging to find a family movie in the present day, but most of the time, a cartoon movie or a Disney movie should be safe. You can also look online at Angel Studios' website as they have many family friend movies you can stream. Some are free, and others are available by donation only. Choose what will work best for your family.
Stay Safe This 4th of July

Stay Safe This 4th of July
The Fourth of July holiday is a wonderful occasion to spend with our families. It is right in the middle of summer and a great excuse to get outside. Water activities, other outdoor activities, and inside activities can all be great fun for your family. Look over the list above and see if any of them are ideas you want to add to your own Fourth of July celebration. If you want to try a few and leave out the others, that is perfectly fine. You know your family better than anyone; therefore, you can customize your celebration to best fit your family.
As always, stay safe during the Fourth of July holiday and make sure proper sun protection is being applied. Sunscreen is essential and will protect you and your family's skin from harmful UV rays. Reapply every two hours or as directed by the label on the sunscreen. It is also important to stay hydrated and to stay cool. Ensure your family is trying to get eight cups of water each day and to take time to cool off when they get too hot.
By ensuring the safety of everyone in the family, it will ensure a wonderful Fourth of July holiday.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/vgajic
Originally published June 14, 2024.