The concept of the three days of darkness in the Bible has been a topic of fascination and speculation among Christians for centuries. It is based on a past event in the Book of Exodus that is also connected with similar symbolism to future events in the Book of Revelation.
The biblical three days of darkness has sparked curiosity, fascination, and even fear among believers. Some aspects of the three days of darkness are mysterious because they relate to End Times prophecies that haven’t happened yet. However, we can learn valuable spiritual lessons from studying the three days of darkness.
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1. What Are the Three Days of Darkness?

1. What Are the Three Days of Darkness?
Exodus 10:21-23 transports us back to ancient Egypt, where God is judging sins by covering the land in impenetrable darkness for three days:
“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness spreads over Egypt — darkness that can be felt.’ So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days. No one could see anyone else or move about for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived.”
This darkness was not just the absence of light but a tangible manifestation of God’s power. It demonstrated God’s authority over creation and his unwavering commitment to deliver his people from oppression by the Egyptian rulers.
So, the three days of darkness were more than a physical phenomenon. It was a spiritual reality that pointed to divine judgment on a nation that was caught up in idolatry and injustice.
During the darkness, God’s light shone brightly for his faithful people, highlighting the stark contrast between his righteousness and the wickedness of Pharaoh’s regime. It was a stark reminder that no power on earth could withstand the power of the Almighty God.
Fast forward to the apocalyptic visions of the Book of Revelation. There, we see God using darkness again as a sign of his power and judgment of sin.
Revelation 6:12 describes Jesus opening a seal that unleashes darkness on the Earth: “I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black…”. Revelation 16:10 shows a scene of cosmic upheaval, as one of the bowl judgments poured out on the earth plunges the kingdom of the beast into darkness.: “The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness…”.
This darkness, like the darkness in Egypt, symbolizes God’s righteous judgment upon the forces of evil. While the Bible doesn’t mention how long this darkness lasted during these two prophetic events in Revelation, the symbolism is similar to the darkness in the Book of Exodus, which lasted for three days.
So, the three days of darkness represent God’s authority over creation, God’s justice in the face of evil, and God’s mercy toward those who turn to him in repentance.
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2. Why Will There Be Three Days of Darkness?

2. Why Will There Be Three Days of Darkness?
The three days of darkness gives us insights into the nature of God’s character, his relationship with his creation, and the spiritual struggle between light and darkness.
Just as darkness descended on Egypt during the plagues, a similar darkness may descend on our world during the End Times as a tangible manifestation of God’s judgment.
While the Bible doesn’t say how long that darkness will last, it may last three days like the previous three days of darkness since it represents the same concepts.
That darkness isn’t just the absence of light but a reckoning with evil and a display of God’s power to confront it. The darkness is a wake-up call to people.
It’s a divine invitation to turn from sin and return to God. In the darkness, people will be motivated to seek God’s light. It’s a time when God will test the strength of every person’s faith.
This trial by darkness can also be a refining fire. Just as gold is purified in flames, we who love God can develop a stronger faith. We can emerge from the gloom as beacons of light in a world shrouded in darkness.
During dark times in our fallen world, we can testify to the transformative power of God’s grace. So, the three days of darkness isn’t only about judgment. It’s also about love. Even in the middle of darkness, God’s mercy shines through since Jesus is the Light of the World.
The darkness reminds us that God’s love remains constant. God promises restoration and renewal for those who turn to him in the darkness of our world. This period of darkness, though potentially terrifying, could ultimately lead to a brighter future in God’s grand plan for creation.
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3. What Will Happen During the Three Days of Darkness?

3. What Will Happen During the Three Days of Darkness?
If the future darkness that the Book of Revelation describes does last three days, that event will likely be a challenging yet spiritually positive experience. Imagine a world estranged from God and covered in darkness that shows the spiritual struggles of humanity.
That will be quite challenging to go through! It may be a time when evil spirits are unleashed with unprecedented intensity, seeking to deceive and destroy us. It may also feature phenomena like earthquakes, storms, celestial disturbances, and other apocalyptic events.
These phenomena may serve as signs of the end times, signaling the climax of God’s judgment upon a rebellious world. However, future days of darkness will also be a time of divine intervention and protection for God’s people.
Just as God sheltered the Israelites from the plagues in Egypt, God will surely demonstrate his faithfulness to those who trust in him — just as God has always done. This darkness can be a catalyst for repentance since it will be a dramatic reminder to turn away from sin and toward God.
Those who repent can find forgiveness and restoration in the middle of the judgment because of God’s mercy. Ultimately, the darkness might be a prelude to a brighter future in God’s great redemption plan for creation.
So, while the specifics of what will happen during a future three days of darkness remain mysterious, it’s clear that a time like that will involve both the challenges of spiritual warfare and the blessing of God’s merciful intervention for those who turn to him.
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4. When Will it Be?

4. When Will it Be?
The timing of any future three days of darkness is a mystery. We need to simply trust God’s timing for when it will happen. In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus warns against speculating about the timing of the End Times.
In Matthew 24:36, he says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Throughout history, people have tried and failed to predict the timing.
That only causes unnecessary disappointment and confusion. We don’t need to worry about when the end times will occur. Instead, we should focus on being ready.
Jesus urges us in Matthew 24:42-44 to be spiritually prepared for his return to Earth during the End Times: “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”
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5. The Importance of Spiritual Preparation

5. The Importance of Spiritual Preparation
While we don’t know the specific timing and details of a future three days of darkness, we do know that it’s important to be spiritually prepared for it.
Jesus calls us to live in a constant state of spiritual readiness. We can do so through practices like these:
-Centering our lives around our relationships with Jesus, making it our top priority to live with purpose as he leads us.
-Communicating with Jesus regularly through prayer and meditation.
-Reading and studying God’s Word regularly, asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten us as we do.
-Choosing loving words and actions as much as we can with all the people in our lives.
-Looking for the wonder of God’s work in our lives and joining God in his wondrous work in our world through service.
-Trusting God no matter what circumstances we’re going through and embracing joy in all situations.
-Confessing and repenting of our sins regularly and learning from our mistakes so we can keep growing.
-Sharing the gospel message to help other people find God’s light in our dark world.
The three days of darkness is a wake-up call about the reality of God’s judgment for sin in our world and the urgency of making sure we have relationships with Jesus, the world’s Savior.
While God hasn’t yet revealed all the details of a future time of darkness, God’s purposes will prevail, as they have throughout history.
So, let’s not worry about trying to figure out the timing of when this will happen. Instead, let’s be spiritually ready, as Jesus urges us to do. Future darkness won’t harm us when we’re walking in the light with Jesus!
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Originally published April 25, 2024.