
5 Profound Reasons Why Showing Up Matters in Christianity

Updated Feb 23, 2024
5 Profound Reasons Why Showing Up Matters in Christianity

A famous adage says, "Half of life is just showing up." Although people may dismiss this statement, there's some truth to it. While technology tries to replace in-person church attendance, small groups, and other in-person communication, connection and intimacy can only be achieved through events that we do in groups or one-on-one. Technology cannot replace the connection and community we receive when we attend something in person. We make friends and receive strength, correction, and grace when we need it the most. Furthermore, when we attend in-person events, we not only receive encouragement from the people around us, but we give encouragement as well. Here are some reasons why showing up matters in Christianity:

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1. It Demonstrates Faithfulness

church people small group friends meeting

Faithfulness is one of the fruits of the spirit. We can demonstrate faithfulness by simply attending church or our small group each week. This is especially important on the weeks when we're overly busy or tired and simply don't feel like going in person. Our lives may make excuses as to why we won't attend. Yet, people know they can count on us when we show up in other people's lives. Showing up demonstrates our faith and our faithfulness to God, who commands us, "not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:25). If COVID taught us anything, it's that we may one day live in a country where attending church and small groups may not be as easy as it is today. We live in a free country where we can worship in freedom where and when we want. However, there may come a day when we don't have those same freedoms. When we are faithful to naturally giving ourselves to others, God is faithful to give us a blessing in return.

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2. It Means We Are Dependable

One woman comforting another as they talk

Anyone who wants to serve in their church community must demonstrate regular attendance and adherence to the church's mission and vision. It's impossible to do that simply by watching online or on a screen. Dependability is key when acquiring volunteers for various ministries within the church. When we use our gifts for the Lord, we change church culture. We can influence our culture to become more missional and remind them of the mission and vision to make disciples. Some of the most influential people in my spiritual walk are those who attended church faithfully for many years. Church is not just a building to go to. It is a community in which we must participate. When we are dependable and demonstrate regular attendance, we tell people we are serious about our faith and believe in our church's mission. When we communicate these both in overt and covert ways, leaders can pinpoint us as people with whom they want to invest their mentorship so we can become people who will influence the church in the future.

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3. It Produces Perseverance

Two women walking down a street in their community; making an impact on your community.

Jesus showed up on earth to minister to God's people. He showed up as a human who walked the earth and grew up almost entirely in obscurity. But when God called him to begin his ministry, he immediately gained credibility among those who knew him the best. This was especially true when he began to do miracles. When he drove out demons or healed the sick with God's strength, people began to believe him because they knew him as a lowly carpenter.

Furthermore, when he just went through his trials of being crucified, he volunteered to participate in a difficult situation that he knew would cause him great physical, emotional, and mental turmoil. Yet, he did so that the will of God could be accomplished. When we show up in various ways God calls us to, we produce within ourselves perseverance. This is true not only when we feel like worshiping the Lord but also when we're going through trials and don't feel like celebrating. For example, someone who is struggling with cancer may find excuses not to attend regular church worship. However, those who come each week and faithfully put their hands in the air, worshipping the Lord even when they're in immense pain, demonstrate perseverance. Perseverance produces Christlike character that people notice. Perseverance is key when it comes to overcoming obstacles and trials in our lives.

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4. It Develops Our Spiritual Gifts

womans hands reaching out toward light, spiritual gift abuse

We are all wired uniquely with spiritual gifts that God has only given us to use. While many people in the church may have the same spiritual gift, we are used by God to use our gifts in a way only we know how. When we don't show up for our Christian friends or to worship together, we rob others of experiencing our spiritual gift. We are blessed not only to use our gift for God's glory, but we rob others of receiving their blessing when we don't show up. God did not wire us with spiritual gifts to sit home alone. Instead, we are to be used in community together so that we may benefit each other. Whether we use our gift of encouragement, wisdom, or teaching, each person who connects with us will benefit greatly from receiving our wisdom based on the gifts we're using. Some people may walk into church bearing the world's weight on their shoulders. By connecting with others, they may leave with an immense amount of peace and comfort, knowing that they belong to a Christian community that loves them enough to show up regularly and help them during their time of trouble.

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5. We Show Christ to the World

World and light

When we show up to Christian events or worship regularly, we benefit believers and are equipped to go out and share Christ with others. As we regularly attend church, we become equipped to share what we're learning with people outside of our church. Church is not only meant to benefit our ears with good spiritual teaching; it is supposed to equip us so that we may be able to give a reason for the hope we have to those around the world who don't know Christ. We will never be developed in that way if we don't show up regularly. Furthermore, we develop trust and intimacy with people we see regularly. We will not be able to see people regularly if we don't show up. For example, if someone wants to use their gift of evangelism, he may want to frequent the same coffee shop or restaurant each week. When he does so, he'll get to know the people who attend that shop regularly. As he attends, he may strike up a conversation with someone who doesn't know Christ. Because he placed himself in a situation and faithfully showed up, God will use him in ways he may not understand now but may yield greater fruit later in life.

Showing up is an integral part of the Christian walk. Don't allow laziness or technology to deter you from attending events that will not only cultivate community or connection for you in your own life but will equip you to share the gospel message with others in the world.

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Writer Michelle LazurekMichelle S. Lazurek is a multi-genre award-winning author, speaker, pastor's wife, and mother. She is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services and host of The Spritual Reset Podcast. Her new children’s book Hall of Faith encourages kids to understand God can be trusted. When not working, she enjoys sipping a Starbucks latte, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and her crazy dog. For more info, please visit her website

Originally published February 21, 2024.