James 1:2-3 says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." The Bible tells us that because we know Jesus, we have reason always to be joyful. However, that's easier said than done. When life deals one blow after another, it isn't easy to be joyful in these circumstances. However, there are ways to maintain joy in our lives, even in the most difficult circumstances. I have a friend who's battling cancer. Whenever she posts on Facebook, she starts with the words, "Today is going to be a good day because…" I know she has battled many years of excruciating pain and constant disappointments during her cancer journey. Yet, she always remains hopeful that God will fully heal her of her cancer. What a testimony to God to constantly be joyful even when the pain is so unbearable it's difficult to function. She inspires me to continually be joyful even when life is not going my way. If you struggle with maintaining joy like I do, here are five secrets to maintaining joy in your life:
1. Shift Your Perspective

1. Shift Your Perspective
When we are going through difficulties or hardships, it is easy to focus on what we've lost. It's easy to focus on how life is not going our way, or we're not moving forward as we would like. Yet, God gives us our trials for a reason. He does these things not only to test us but also to refine us into more Christ-like characters. When we come out of a trial, we become more faithful and have more perseverance, and all those trials produce godly character. If you were going through a difficult situation, think about what God might be doing through it. Sometimes, the shift in focus will help us get through another day. When we think about the ways God will use us through our trials, this gives us reason to have joy.
2. Cling to God

2. Cling to God
No matter how bad life gets, we can trust that we know a Savior who desires intimacy with Him. He yearns for us to spend time with Him, to cling to Him, and to pour our hearts out to Him. The goal of these things is not to get our way or manipulate God to do what we want. Instead, it is merely to enjoy His company. God is the only God who boasts that He wants intimacy with His followers. The reality is that even on our worst day, we can have hope that our Savior always acts on our behalf and in our best interest will help us maintain joy even in our darkest days.
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3. Look on the Bright Side

3. Look on the Bright Side
Personalities vary from person to person. Each person has a different personality type. Some people like to be optimistic about things; others are more pessimistic about life. Joy allows us to look on the bright side of life. Betty White once said her mom told her that even when things are going wrong, at least one thing in your life is going right. Focus on that, and it can change your outlook. That's a great way to look at life. Focus on the things that are going well in life. Even when dealing with health challenges, financial hardship, loss of friends, betrayal, or loss, focus on the things God has given you that give you joy. Some days, you may be able to focus on many things to give you joy. On other days, you may only be able to focus on one. Focus on the one and allow yourself to look on the bright side.
4. Someone Always Has it Worse

4. Someone Always Has it Worse
While it's easy to focus on tough circumstances, there's always someone who has it worse than us. If you need convincing, scroll through your social media feed. At least one of your friends is always going through a more difficult hardship that requires prayer. While our hearts break for our friend's tragedy, it can also comfort us that we are not the only ones going through trials. Even when our bank account is empty, and we don't know where our next meal will come from, consider all the homeless people who don't even have a roof over their heads this evening. When we're on week two of battling a terrible cold, consider all the people who can barely breathe due to cancer today. Even when life is at its worst, think about all the people who don't know God. Not only do they have to suffer the same hardships as us, but they also don't know the hope they can place in God. Even worse, they cannot put their hope in things being made right in heaven. Take a moment and pray for those who have it worse than you.
Even if you don't know their name, ask God to protect them, guide them, and comfort them. Pray for all those in your life who don't know God. Consider the heartbreaking reality that if they die tomorrow, they will not enjoy the intimacy of seeing Jesus face to face. Take joy in the fact that, as Christians, if life were to end tomorrow, we have the hope of eternal life with God.
5. Things Can Get Better

5. Things Can Get Better
There is a saying that says, "This too shall pass." One of the best parts of knowing God is that we can always place our hope that tomorrow, things will get better. Even during the worst storm of our lives, it eventually ends. No matter how bad life gets, we can always do our best to clean things up. If things are damaged beyond repair, we have the beauty of having a clean slate in life. We can always start over; we can always start a new chapter. There's always a chance of turning a failure into a success. With God, all things are possible. We can take joy in knowing that God is with us in difficult circumstances. We are never alone, and he is working on our behalf. One day, life will get better. Life is never bad all the time. Although we can go through difficult seasons in life, life is just that: a season. Seasons change, and within weeks—sometimes days—we can go from a difficult season to one of great success and prosperity.
Joy is a choice. We can choose to focus on our losses, heartbreaks, and trials. Or we can choose to focus on our successes, the blessings, and our triumphs. It's all about how we choose to look at life. With God, there's always a reason to be joyful. Choose joy during trial and difficulty, and you will not only have a brighter outlook on your future but also look different and even more attractive to people who don't believe in God. Your trial may be the thing that draws people to God because of your reaction to it. And that alone is a reason to have joy.
Originally published March 15, 2024.