It can be so hard not to give up on a long-awaited dream or goal when you’ve been striving and praying for what seems like forever and still nothing. Whether you’ve been running into brick walls or coming across hurdles or delays for years or even decades, it’s frankly easier to quit under the tension of balancing faith and disappointment.
Even when you feel called, gifted, and equipped to achieve your goal, sometimes it even feels silly to keep on dreaming when you’ve been sacrificing your time, energy, and money for what seems like an embarrassingly long amount of time and you’re still not where you thought you’d be.
Here are four truths to remember when feeling ready to throw in the towel and drown your sorrows in Netflix.
1. Your Dream Might Not Be Yours to Give Up
Before life began for each of us, God had a dream, and it was you. We weren’t arbitrary afterthoughts or half-formed experiments. Jeremiah 1:5 says God knew us before he even formed the world. Each of our lives has a purpose, and every good desire, talent, personality trait, and skill was intentionally ingrained in us by Him. So, when we’re aching in our bones to see a dream fulfilled, God’s right there with us. He knows how badly we’re dying to record those songs, start that nonprofit, or write that book because he gave us the desire to begin with.
The next time you’re tempted to hit pause or give up entirely on your goal, remember God’s not giving up on you. Then consider the alternative. If you quit now, won’t you be caught wondering whether your business would have taken off in a year or two? Or whether the ministry you had such passion and conviction for might’ve actually taken shape if you’d hung in there? Don’t we all want to look back on our lives, knowing at the very least, we honored our dreams by trying as hard as we could, without holding back to get there? If the answer is yes, then quitting is simply not an option.
2. Obstacles Are Normal

2. Obstacles Are Normal
Most successful people will share that they’ve not only experienced times of defeat, disappointment, and stagnancy, but most were tempted to quit. Author J. K. Rowling’s continuous rejection before finally publishing her Harry Potter manuscript is a perfect example. She was a broke, depressed, divorced single mother simultaneously writing a novel while studying and trying to make ends meet. Anyone relate?
God rarely offers an opportunity that doesn’t involve opposition. Often enough, when God extends the chance to level up, we have to stretch ourselves and apply faith through a struggle or two. Once we do arrive (and we will!), God receives the glory, and it strengthens the faith of those around us as a result. When feeling ready to give up, try to focus less on the wait and more on the why.
Instead of feeling disheartened about how long it’s taking for the change we desire, focus more on what we’re meant to embrace, accomplish, learn and enjoy during the wait. God’s delays are always purposeful. Perhaps we need a bit more refinement, or he has something for us to accomplish before ushering us into the next season.
3. Sometimes It’s Just about Timing

3. Sometimes It’s Just about Timing
When working hard and losing patience for a dream to come to fruition, the enemy would love for us to believe one of three lies: God’s given up on us, it’s never going to happen, or we’re underqualified. But the truth is, if our dream isn’t quite panning out yet, chances are God’s just “making it good.” Only God knows the exact season and circumstance needed for our ultimate success, so in many cases, what we perceive as slowness or even complete stagnancy if a blessing in disguise.
Instead of focusing on what hasn’t happened yet or how much time, money, and energy we’ve invested in our dream with “nothing to show,” try getting into the habit of thanking God ahead of time for the success ahead. This will increase your faith and convert anxiousness to hope.
If you’re trying to make a name for yourself in the art world, or you’ve been trying to build up your side hustle, or you’ve started a ministry and things just aren’t picking up like you thought they would…keep going. There are unknown opportunities, circumstances and open doors ahead. We just need to trust in God’s timing, relying on Him for renewed faith and strength, daily.
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4. Beware of Burnout

4. Beware of Burnout
Sometimes when working hard on a project or goal for so long, we can get caught up in the weeds and let the stress and disappointments overshadow our motivation and inspiration. Hard work with little results can lead to burn out, if we don’t replenish our hope and inspiration. Every few months or so, schedule a day where instead of working, sit back and review your overall plan. Analyze (and appreciate!) how far you’ve come and meditate on your long and short term goals are.
Make sure you’re allocating the right amount of energy to the appropriate areas of your business, strategy, or ministry, and take time to envision what your journey should look like over the upcoming quarter or so. Pray for direction, affirmation, wisdom, and a fresh wind of inspiration. This really lifts our spirits, providing new direction when needed and, most importantly, a welcome dose of motivation.
5. Stay Connected to Your Dream

5. Stay Connected to Your Dream
When losing heart and feeling hopeless towards a dream that hasn’t blossomed yet, try and meditate on why the dream exists in the first place. If you’re trying to get a tutoring business off the ground, think about why you tutor to begin with. You love kids and feel satisfied by helping them overcome learning obstacles. So why quit trying, as long as your heart’s still in it? Sometimes, our unrealistic expectations of timing and our own perceived chronology of success crush our enthusiasm and squelch our spirit. If you still feel connected to your dream or goal, it’s reason enough to keep going.
The most important truth to remember when being tempted to quit, is that God simply never gives up. He’s always working for our good, always there to provide strength and guidance, and He never gets discouraged by our setbacks or “slow” progress. He’s rooting for us, and his plans for our good are unstoppable. Whether you’re working towards a fitness regime or trying to rebuild your marriage, He won’t give up on your efforts, so don’t let the enemy convince you otherwise.
Here are some great Scriptures to meditate on when you feel ready to give up. Consider writing them down and posting them around your living space or using them as screensavers. Never give up!
Do Not Grow Weary
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
Do Not Lose Heart
Consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:3 (NIV)
Lean on His Strength
We can do all things through Christ! I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:1 (NIV)
Keep Pressing On!
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 (NIV)
Jessica Kastner is an award-winning writer and author of Hiding from the Kids in My Prayer Closet. She leads Bible studies within juvenile detention centers with Straight Ahead Ministries and offers unapologetically real encouragement for women at Jessicakastner.com.
Originally published February 19, 2025.