Similar to many people, I grew up taking flowers to deceased loved ones on Good Friday. This is a tradition that my family has had for many generations. While I am not sure if this is popular across the entire world, it is something that is done in many areas. On Good Friday, which is symbolic of the day Jesus died, many people leave flowers at the graves of deceased loved ones.
We take flowers on Good Friday in anticipation of Easter, which is the day Jesus was resurrected from the dead. In a way, leaving flowers for our loved ones on Good Friday is looking forward to the day that they will be resurrected. At the time of the rapture, deceased Christians will be resurrected first and transformed into their glorified bodies (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Then, those of us who are living at the time will also be transformed into our glorified bodies, even though we have not yet technically died.
Nonetheless, leaving flowers for deceased loved ones is a beautiful tradition that can help us remember them, as well as remember Jesus’ completed work on the cross. Going to a graveyard can be depressing, yet it is a time to pay our respects to those who have passed on. I was never affected by graveyards much until my mom passed away. Now, every year on Good Friday, my family and I leave flowers for her. It is painful to say the least, and I look forward to the day I see her again with Jesus.
Despite my mom being gone for almost a decade, I still miss her. I still grieve, and I’m not sure if the grieving process will ever end. Sometimes it can feel as though the grief will not end until I too am with Jesus. If you are undergoing something similar or are experiencing the recent death of a loved one during this Easter season, know that you are not alone. There are many people who are also going through the same pain, grief, and heartache that you are.
While this does not make the pain go away, it can help you feel less alone. The sad truth is that all of us will experience the death of a loved one at some point in our life. For some, this may be sooner than others. As you are going through this time of grief and loss, turn to God. Know that He is always with you and He will comfort you. It is easy to blame God when things go wrong, but know that it is not His fault. He never intended for anyone to die.
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1. A Prayer for Comfort

1. A Prayer for Comfort
One prayer for those remembering loved ones this Easter is a prayer for comfort. After experiencing the death of a loved one, you may feel as though you will never be back to “normal” again. This is true especially if it was someone close to you, such as a sibling, a parent, or a spouse. Death has a way of changing us, and sometimes this can cause us to undergo extensive periods of grief, depression, and isolation. Whether you have recently lost someone or you are remembering a loved one who passed away many years ago, know that your grief and pain are valid.
Everything you are experiencing matters. Don’t push away your feelings or emotions. It is okay to feel them and to let them pass. We do more damage to ourselves when we try to constantly bury our feelings deep inside us. This doesn’t help us because we end up never dealing with our pain. If you want to help others who are remembering loved ones this Easter season, know that there is much you can do. One of these things can be to pray for their comfort.
A sample prayer could be,
Dear God,
Please give my friend comfort. They have been going through a lot lately and the Easter season has brought up memories of their loved one passing away. Their parents passed away many years ago, yet the Easter season reminds them of their parents. Please give them the comfort of your love and help alleviate any pain they may have. Only you can do these things Lord and I trust you.
In Jesus’ Name, I pray,
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Sarah Mason
2. A Prayer for Serenity

2. A Prayer for Serenity
A second prayer for those remembering loved ones this Easter is a prayer of serenity. Serenity or peace is something that is hard to come by when a person is undergoing intense grief. Some people may have thought they were finished with the grieving process, only to discover that once a memory returns or a certain holiday comes around, that the grief is still there. If this is true for you, know that it is okay. Holidays, events, and memories have a way of causing us to think about our loved ones who have passed away.
When a person is remembering a loved one, they will experience the exact opposite of serenity. There will be tears, sadness, and grief. This is why it is important for us to pray for those who are remembering their loved ones during this holiday season. While many of us associate Easter with happy times, for other people, it can cause them to feel crestfallen. For our brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to pray for them. A great way to do this is to pray for them to have serenity.
A prayer for serenity could look like
Dear Lord,
Please help my friend during the Easter season. All of the beautiful decorations, the warmer weather, and the overall season of Easter is causing them to remember their deceased loved one. They are terribly missing them and they need your peace. Please fill their hearts with serenity and give them hope during this troubling time. Help them to remember you and your goodness.
All this I ask in Your Name,
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Westend61
3. A Prayer for Love

3. A Prayer for Love
A third prayer for those remembering loved ones this Easter is a prayer for love. In the midst of grief, it can be hard to remember that you are loved. When my mom passed away, I remember feeling as though God didn’t care about me or love me. This is a common feeling to experience when a loved one passes away because you know that God could have stopped it. While God can do all things, it doesn’t mean that He will always protect our loved ones from death.
God never intended for any of us to die. This is why all of us dread death — it is not natural. Despite being taught by the secular culture that death is normal, it isn’t. God never wanted any of us to die or experience the grief that comes when a loved one passes away. Rather, we as humans caused death to enter the world because of the fall of mankind. Once Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate from the forbidden fruit, sin, death, and pain sprung into being.
Your friend needs you to help them know that they are loved. You can do this by praying a prayer of love. This could be,
Dear Jesus,
Please help my friend to know your love. They are feeling as though you have abandoned them or don’t care about their pain. Please surround them with your love and help them to know that they are not alone. If possible, please also help other believers to lift them up and help them know that they are loved.
Thank you, Lord,
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Nata Bene
4. A Prayer for Grief

4. A Prayer for Grief
A fourth prayer for those remembering loved ones this Easter is a prayer for grief. While this might sound odd at first, it actually can be really helpful. Many of us have a hard time accepting grief. This is because grief can change your entire life and make things much more difficult. For many people, they want to ignore the pain and bury it deep inside. In other words, they want to do anything to make the pain, grief, and experience go away.
Your friend needs to know that going through grief is normal and that it is okay. There is nothing wrong with taking time to feel the pain, process your feelings, and cry. Even though our culture is a fast, bounce-back-quickly society, it does not mean that you have to follow along with it. Once a person loses a loved one, they will have to take things slow. They might not be up to doing things like they used to and you need to help them know that this is okay.
You can help your friend by praying for them. A prayer for grief could look like,
Dear God,
Please help my friend know that it is okay to grieve. They are feeling as though it is wrong to grieve, but help them to know that there is nothing wrong in taking time to mourn their loss. Please give them support during this time and help me to also be a source of support. I want my friend to know that I am always here for them as well as you are too.
In Jesus’ Name, I pray,
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5. A Prayer for Courage

5. A Prayer for Courage
A fifth prayer for those remembering loved ones this Easter is a prayer for courage. After a person has lost a loved one, it can be hard to face the day. It is more appealing to hide from the world and to stay in bed all day. Instead of getting excited for the day ahead, the person who is remembering a loved one is more prone to want to stay in the dark, away from the world. It can take a significant amount of time to pass before they feel like continuing their normal activities.
This is because grief does not have a timeline. There is not an exact date that the person will feel all better. As mentioned, grief can continue until the person is with Jesus. As a Christian, it is important that we pray for those who are remembering their loved ones. It can be very painful and difficult to face the Easter holiday, which is why they need your prayers. Prayer is powerful and can strengthen anyone. The first step is going to the Lord on behalf of your friend.
A prayer for courage could be,
Dear Jesus,
Please give my friend courage. They have been feeling down lately because of the Easter holiday. Instead of it being a joyful holiday, they are remembering their loved one who passed away a few years ago. Please give them courage to face the holiday as well as every other day. Things are hard for them now, but I trust that you will bring them to a brighter place. I ask all of this in your Name, Lord.
In Jesus’ Name,
A few prayers for those remembering loved ones this Easter are a prayer for comfort, a for serenity, a prayer for love, a prayer for grief, and a prayer for courage. As you pray for your friends who are grieving loved ones this Easter, may they feel cared for and encouraged. And may the season of resurrection give them hope.
RELATED PODCAST: A Christian Meditation for You: "Coping with Grief" - The practice of Christian Meditation helps us live with the peace of Christ. Relax to the sounds of lake waves. How do you cope with grief? Meditate today on 2 Samuel 1:11-12. Find peace and rest during this guided meditation for mind and body with deep breathing, prayer, and scripture.
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Originally published March 07, 2024.