
5 Virtues That Even Introverts Should Have

Published Feb 26, 2019
5 Virtues That Even Introverts Should Have

They say that the best way to kill an introvert is to starve them by putting a stranger in the kitchen. If that's the case, stay out of my kitchen if I don't know you. 

Yes, I am in introvert, and yes, I too am sick of the many blog posts with titles like "5 Ways Introverts are Misunderstood," or "10 Myths about Introverts." So why, you may ask, would I write a blog post about introverts? Maybe because I'm too introverted to say this to your face. 

In all seriousness, my inspiration for writing this article comes from my own shortcomings as a Christian. In a world full of Facebook personality quizzes and Myers Briggs letters, I often attribute my failures as a Christian to my personality as an introvert. And that’s not good. 

I'm not denying that there are introverts in the world--I am one, after all. What I am saying is there are certain virtues that introverts often try to leave to the extroverts, which ought to be observed by every believer. Wouldn't it be nice if the Bible assigned different virtues to different personality types? All the introverts will be responsible for personal devotions, private prayer (not too long, though), meditation, and morbid introspection; all the extroverts will be responsible for the virtues that require any type of interaction with other people. 

Joking aside, the reality is that every virtue the Bible sets forth is for every believer, and there are certain virtues that introverts need to work a little harder at. Here are five of them: 


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1. Selflessness

1. Selflessness

Fellow introverts, let's be honest. Sometime we're just downright selfish. There is nothing wrong with enjoying some "me time," but there is something wrong with putting your personal comfort over the needs of others. Sometimes you just need to take a deep breath, emerge from your dark room, and put others' needs and desires before your own. Don't ever mistake your own selfishness as introversion.

"Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor." (1 Corinthians 10:24)

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2. Initiative

2. Initiative

When a task needs to be done, the introvert moves juuuuust slowly enough for a bubbly, eager extrovert to jump ahead of him and take on the task. Honestly, we're not very good at stepping up to the task. If someone asks for our help, we would love to assist, but don't expect us to make the first move. If you're an introvert, try volunteering without any prompting from others. It may be outside your comfort zone, but that's where we grow anyway.

"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." (James 4:17)

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3. Fellowship

3. Fellowship

Have you ever felt like Church was designed for extroverts? Do you get nervous when the pastor says, "Please take a moment and pray with some people around you"? Do you dread the greeting times in the morning service? Transparency and community? No thanks. Fellow introverts, we must never allow our introversion to get in the way of fellowship with other believers. You have spiritual gifts that your fellow church members need to benefit from and vice versa. Just because you're not skilled at making conversation in the church lobby doesn't mean you're excused from encouraging fellow believers.

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:24-25)

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4. Hospitality

4. Hospitality

In the biblical context, hospitality is associated with having people into your homes. You mean, I have to invite people into my house? My fortress of solitude? Yes, you do. In fact, Hebrews 13:2 says that we are to "show hospitality to strangers” (gasp). Look, no one said that this is an easy thing to do. In fact, the Christian life as a whole is difficult. So have you ever thought about inviting your neighbor over to your house for dinner or to watch the ball game? Have you even met your neighbor? Christians – both introverts and extroverts alike – should be the most hospitable human beings on the planet.

"Show hospitality to one another without grumbling." (1 Peter 4:9)

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5. Evangelism

5. Evangelism

I saved the scariest one for last. Fellow introvert, how many times have you felt convicted about your failure to reach the lost for Christ? When you stink at conversing with strangers, telling them that they’re sinners in need of salvation seems impossible. But here’s the thing: Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, your evangelism should never rely on your own personality. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts and redeems, not your ability to strike up a conversation. So don’t look at your personality as a disadvantage (or excuse). Remind yourself that the Holy Spirit chooses to use you to spread his glorious gospel (2 Cor 5:20). The more you rejoice in it, the more eager you will be to spread it.

“And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness.” (Acts 4:29)

We all have our own weaknesses (I'm sure a similar article could be written for extroverts), but instead of attributing those weakness to a personality type or assigning a Myers Briggs letter to them, ask God for the strength to pursue these virtues for his glory.

Aaron Berry is a co-author for the Pursuing the Pursuer Blog. You can read more articles from Aaron and his colleagues by subscribing to their blog or following them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Aaron currently resides in Allen Park, MI with his wife and daughter, where he serves in his local church and is pursuing his MDiv degree at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary

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Originally published February 27, 2019.


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