In society, work is simply a means to an end. Secular songs like “Working for the Weekend” tell people that work is simply a chore to get through to get to the fun activities they desire to do on the weekend.
However, when they look back on their lives, the work they completed here on earth will be the thing they are most remembered for. However, work takes on many forms. Raising children, stewarding possessions, and volunteering in the community are all versions of work.
When we utilize our time wisely and give people our time, energy, and resources to work for God's glory, our ultimate purpose is fulfilled. God created work and we will work not only here on earth but in heaven as well.
Here are five ways heaven is not an eternal work-free paradise:
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1. God Created Work

1. God Created Work
Genesis 1:28 says, “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’”
Work is good if it is used properly. Work is a part of all our lives and gives us great joy and a sense of accomplishment. However, when we bow to the god of money or bow to the god of business because we're avoiding other issues in our lives, that's where work becomes a bad thing.
Work is a part of paradise. Work has a specific purpose in God's plan for his people. By understanding the purpose work has in our lives, we can learn to use it properly so not only does it give us satisfaction and fulfillment, but also fulfills the ultimate purpose, which is to give God glory using our God-given gifts and talents.
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2. Work Gives People Purpose

2. Work Gives People Purpose
Genesis 2 says, “Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden, and there he put the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground —trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.”
Furthermore, God told Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28: “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’”
As soon as Adam and Eve were created, God gave them a purpose. He told them to take care of the garden in which he placed them. We all are made with a God-given purpose.
Our lives are made for a reason. Whether we should fulfill that purpose through being a successful CEO of a company or behind the scenes, like helping the homeless, we all were placed on the earth to work.
However, work can become difficult when we focus only on the money we make from our work. The purpose we have through work is way more than just money.
When Jesus talks about “a new heaven and a new earth,” we may be shocked to find that the heaven we encounter looks a lot like the earth we have lived on for so many years.
According to Genesis 3, the Lord instituted hard work, and hard labor is part of the fall. In paradise, work is supposed to be easier.
In heaven, we will no longer toil by the sweat of our brows, but it doesn’t mean we won’t still work. We will not aim wander aimlessly through heaven. Rather we will have jobs with a specific purpose that God ordained for us.
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3. Sitting on Clouds Is a Myth

3. Sitting on Clouds Is a Myth
Many movies and television commercials depict heaven as people in white robes floating on clouds, strumming harps, and singing. However, it is doubtful that will happen. If heaven looks like the earth we currently live in, we will not be in white robes sitting on clouds.
Our purpose will not be to make money or to advance in position like it is on earth. Rather, our main purpose will be to give God glory and to worship him. Work will not have a monetary reward because we will not want for anything in heaven.
God is an all-sufficient God. He needs nothing from anyone. Therefore, if we are made in his likeness, we will no longer need anything, as all our needs will be sufficiently supplied through his provision.
Our worship will not come from strumming harps and singing, but rather through community, healthy relationships, and meaningful work.
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4. Busyness Is Not a Bad Thing

4. Busyness Is Not a Bad Thing
On Earth, we all get the same number of hours. Time is a construct measured in hours and minutes. However, God stepped out of the concept of time as we understand it to be. Therefore, since we will have eternity, there won't be any more busyness.
No longer will we have to stop our work at a certain time because we need physical rest or to feed our bodies. While Scripture does not indicate if we will ever need sleep or food, the reality is those things will be provided for us.
Therefore, we do not need to cut off our days to take our children to activities or to attend worship services. We will be busy but in a different sense than here on earth.
Instead, we will be busy with God's work, no longer trying to fill the emotional needs in our soul, but rather working to give God glory.
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5. Work Is Worship

5. Work Is Worship
1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” We have different ways we work. Whether it's raising children, working a job to make money, or serving in our community or at our church, it's all work.
We can choose to make work the object of our worship, trying to amass wealth or possessions. Or we can choose to work with an understanding that it is God's purpose for our lives.
God did not make us without a purpose. He had a specific plan in mind for our lives. Everything we do orchestrates God’s ultimate plan for the Earth.
For example, a mother who feels unappreciated because she's not paid for all the housework she does as a stay — at — home mom can shift her perspective to understand that raising her children will ultimately grow them into adults that will contribute to the greater good of society in some way.
Her job, although not financially compensated, is incredibly important in God's ultimate plan. He created those children with his specific plan in mind. Similarly, he created that mother with a specific plan to raise those kids so that years later, they can fulfill part of his plan.
This is demonstrated well in many scriptures that talk about the genealogy of the earth. While the genealogy may be difficult to read in the Bible, it does give an indication as to God's ultimate plan throughout the generations. No person is made by mistake and no person is created without a purpose.
When people shift their perspective from one of their worth and value being predicated upon financial compensation, and understanding their ultimate plan in Christ Jesus, work becomes a concept that gives them great joy and meaning.
Work is a difficult concept for Christians to understand outside of a biblical perspective. Society twists work to make people feel work is merely about financial compensation and a predecessor to the weekend for rest and recreation.
However, work is not simply a means to a fun life. Rather, it is to give our lives ultimate meaning and purpose. When we understand that we worship God by participating in every work, God is glorified, and our ultimate needs for purpose and meeting are fulfilled.
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Originally published May 10, 2024.