Most of us have trouble taking control of our thoughts. Instead of us controlling our thoughts, they tend to control us. This is especially true if you struggle with negative thoughts, self-hate, depression, or anxiety. It can feel at times as though our mind is the darkest place, almost like a storm is in our mind, bringing up the worst thoughts.
If you are having trouble managing your thoughts because of a mental health concern, know that there is no shame in seeking out help. There are doctors, therapists, and mental health professionals who can help you.
Sadly, within Christian communities, mental health is seen as taboo, but it shouldn't be. There is absolutely nothing taboo about talking about mental health, asking for help, or seeing a professional. The stigma that still permeates Christian communities needs to be improved on in order to help everyone live a better life in service to the Lord.
Whether you have mental health concerns or not, it can still be hard to take control of your thoughts. Doubts, worries, and concerns have a way of derailing us. Especially when a major event is coming up, or a big deadline is approaching, our thoughts seem unmanageable.
It is at these times that we need to start being more mindful and try our best to approach the situation biblically. If we don't address the situation biblically, we will never be able to truly help ourselves. In other words, we cannot leave God and the Bible out of the equation.
The Bible has a lot to say about our thoughts, but we will never know what it says unless we are consistently reading it. When you start feeling as though your thoughts are out of control, turn to the Bible.
Reflect on one of the gospels or a Pauline Epistle. Turn your mind to God’s Word and allow the Lord to calm your thoughts. He can do all things and He can give you relief from your overwhelming thoughts.
Turn to Him today and know that He can help you. While many people offer quick fixes, such as yoga or transcendental meditation, know that they will not help you in the long run.
Not to mention neither of these practices are biblical as they were started from Middle Eastern false religions. Choose to follow what God says in order to take back your thoughts. If you don't know where to start, here are five ways to take control of them.
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1. Think on the Good Things

1. Think on the Good Things
One way to take control of your thoughts is to think about the good things. The Apostle Paul tells us, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).
As Paul says in this passage from Philippians, we need to think about whatever is true, pure, noble, right, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. When you have negative thoughts or anxious thoughts come into your mind, run them through this test.
Are these thoughts true, noble, pure, right, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy? If they are not, stop thinking about them. Don't dwell on them, and don't give the devil a chance to make you feel bad. While the devil cannot get inside our heads, he can try to make us ineffective for Christ.
A major way he does this is by causing fear and problems for us. Instead of giving into him, think of the good things and reflect on them. If anything doesn't match with what Paul says in Philippians 4:8, don't spend your time thinking about them.
Retraining your mind will take some time, yet each time you choose to focus on something positive rather than something negative, you are building a new neural pathway. The more you do this, the easier it will be to focus on the good things instead of the bad things.
Your thoughts still might become unmanageable at times, but you will be able to reign them in better. Try to think on the good things and reject anything that goes against Paul’s guidelines in Philippians 4:8.
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2. Take Every Thought Captive to Christ

2. Take Every Thought Captive to Christ
A second way to take control of your thoughts is to take every thought captive to Christ. Once again, the Apostle Paul tells us, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).
From this passage of the New Testament, we see that we are to take every thought captive to Christ. This might be hard at first, but with time and dedication, you can make it a spiritual discipline.
Any thoughts that are not being taken captive to Christ will have the ability to go to dark places. The Lord does not want our minds to go to these places, nor does He want us to drift away from Him.
Bad or negative thoughts have a way of pulling us away from Jesus. Instead of focusing on His love, power, and grace, we start thinking about all the ways we have failed or haven't measured up. The truth is that we all fail and we will all continue to fail.
It would be rooted in pride if someone thought they could never fail. They couldn't have a good day unless they did everything “perfect.” None of us are perfect and God knows this.
Don't allow any negative thoughts or feelings to draw you to start focusing on yourself rather than God. In Christ, we have been given fullness (Colossians 2:10).
Therefore, there is no reason to strive after an impossible goal. Instead, we need to hand every thought over to Christ and take it captive.
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3. Focus on God as He Is the God of Peace

3. Focus on God as He Is the God of Peace
A third way to take control of your day thoughts is to focus on God as He is the God of all peace. The Bible tells us, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace — as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people” (1 Corinthians 14:33).
From these words, we can see that God is a God of peace, not a God of disorder. Thoughts that are rooted in fear, pride, or shame have no place in the life of the Christian. Disordered thoughts also have no place because they do not bring about the life that God has in store for us as His creation.
Instead of fixating on your thoughts and whatever they may be saying, turn the focus on God. Each time an unhelpful thought comes up, think about God and His goodness.
Rest in the knowledge that He is the God of peace and He can bring peace to your weary soul. You will need to get into the habit of focusing on Him rather than your thoughts and this will take work, but trust God with the rest.
Know that He will bring peace and He has already brought you peace in many ways. When your thoughts are giving you the worst case scenario, talk back to them. Tell them that God will bring you peace and He has already done so many good things for you.
The Lord has given you eternal life, salvation, and redemption. The thoughts we encounter everyday are temporary and they will go away with the right steps, but the promises we have in Jesus will endure forever. Remind yourself of this truth whenever the thoughts become too much.
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4. Read the Bible Daily

4. Read the Bible Daily
A fourth way to take control of your thoughts is to read the Bible daily. The Bible is the main way God communicates with us today. If we are not active in reading the Bible, how will we know what God is trying to tell us?
God loves us and He wants us to learn more about the Bible. By reading the Bible, you will hear what God wants to tell you, you will learn more about Him, and you will experience the comfort of His Word. The more you do this, the less your thoughts will take control of you.
In everything, we need to focus on God and His Word. Everything written in the Bible is to help, instruct, and guide us (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Never forget how much the Bible can help you in your life. Instead of feeling overwhelmed when you look at the Bible, take it step by step. You don't have to read the entire Bible in one sitting. Try to read a few verses or a chapter each day.
By doing this, you will start retraining your brain to know Scripture truths rather than believing the lies of your own thoughts. Your thoughts will be your worst critic, yet God will be your biggest source of support.
He will help you in every way possible and direct you in the way you should go. The Bible will help give you clarity in all things and help your thoughts become more manageable. Dealing with constant negative thoughts can be overwhelming, but with God, you can finally silence them.
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5. Give Them Over to Jesus

5. Give Them Over to Jesus
A fifth way to take control of your thoughts is to give them over to Jesus. Whenever you feel the thoughts rising in your mind, give them over to Jesus.
Don't allow them to dwell in your mind. Instead, give them all over to Jesus and trust them in His hands. He doesn't want you to have to carry this burden. Rather, He wants you to walk in the freedom of knowing Him.
How are you to do this if your thoughts are always controlling you? If you continue to allow your thoughts to control you, they will only hinder your life. Jesus died in order for you to have an abundant life (John 10:10).
An abundant life does not consist of overwhelming, negative, and controlling thoughts. You will be able to finally be free from these thoughts once you give them over to Jesus. Go to Him in prayer and lay them down at His feet.
While the thoughts might be very intimidating to us, they don't scare Jesus at all. He is stronger, more powerful, and mightier than any thought that crosses our minds. He can take our bad thoughts and crush them in His hands.
Never underestimate the things Jesus can and will do for you. He doesn't want you to live a life controlled by your thoughts. He wants you to be able to control every thought and be able to remove it if it is not helpful to your life. Turn to the Lord today and give every negative thought to Him.
Taking control of your thoughts can be difficult, but not impossible. A few ways to take control of your thoughts is to think on the good things, take every thought captive to Christ, focus on God as He is the God of Peace, read the Bible daily, and give your thoughts over to Jesus.
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Originally published April 10, 2024.