Yep, it’s about that time. The time of year when you begin to re-evaluate and question options for the next school year, all while holding on to a glimmer of hope that you can finish out this year without any major catastrophes. You just want your kiddos to be able to work together and prevail – to reach that goal line (you know the one you set in place last year around this very same time). But, in complete honesty, as you steamroll ahead, you must admit that you're a tad burned out. And that’s understandable. This year was going to be different (in a good way), and while it has held many blessings, it has brought forth a new set of challenges as well.
You reach for the coffee on the stained-covered table that is scattered with books and pencils galore only to find it is no longer there. The cup must have meandered back into the kitchen, most likely the microwave. You mosey past two kids who already need instant attention (and try not to lose your cool by 8 a.m.) while taking a glaring glance at your oldest who needs a redirecting reminder to stay focused. Thankfully, your fuel for the day is lukewarm and good enough to guzzle down while you get a brief flip through of the second and fourth-grade curriculum. You are on a mission again to set your tribe up for success today.
Oh, sweet homeschooling momma, I see you!
I know the burdens are heavy and the pressure seems insurmountable. I know you want to do this for the right reasons, yet the stakes are high and the strings are many. You question everything you are doing and wonder deep down if your kids are learning anything. I know the need to protect them and love them while giving them a well-rounded education. But…I also know that, in the process, you can often feel depleted and completely worn out. I know. I know because, for many years, I homeschooled too.
So, as I send you virtual hugs, I would like to take a moment to pray for you! All the sacrifices you are making right now will pay off—I assure you! So, while you are in the trenches, and getting somewhat cozy at that kitchen table that holds all your precious people and their unending schoolwork, take a moment to breathe. Then take some time in your day to read aloud these prayers and let God’s love and peace wash over you.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/vadimguzhva
1. Prayer for Peace

1. Prayer for Peace
Gracious God, I lift up Your dear daughter today. Please grant her peace and remind her that You are with her throughout her day. As the noise and demands build, causing her to feel stretched thin, please help her find moments to savor and soak in Your goodness (Psalm 27:14). I pray for a special blessing of peace that can be tucked within her day. Whether that is to simply step outside and let the rays of sunshine warm her heart or to take the dog for an extra-long walk, I hope she finds places to absorb peace. I pray that You meet her there in that stillness and quiet, allowing her to feel the warmth of Your presence (Psalm 46:10). Touch her heart in the way she needs most, reminding her that she is seen and adored and that You see the good work she is doing. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/AleksandarNakic
2. A Prayer for Patience

2. A Prayer for Patience
O Lord, it is so hard to be patient at times, especially when we are pulled in a thousand different directions. As I lift up this sweet homeschooling momma, I ask that You give her insurmountable patience to handle all the obligations, demands, and temperaments that surround her home (Psalm 37:7-9). Please lead and guide her children to listen and follow directions, striving to do their best, while equipping this mom with the abilities to carry out this educational mission that You laid on her heart. Help her to be slow to anger and even slower to speak, picking her words wisely (James 1:19-20). Give her the capacity to make her home a safe and welcoming place to harbor love and learning. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Manuel Tauber-Romieri
3. A Prayer for Balance

3. A Prayer for Balance
Father, You tell us to surrender our lives to You. So, I ask that You grant this dear mom the ability to hand it all over to You—her worries, fears, and concerns, to all the schedules, activities, grading charts, and other demands she carries and desperately tries to manage. Examine her heart and the hearts of her children to find areas in their lives in which they need to balance and make the best use of their time (Ephesians 5:15). Keep them free from distractions and things that sway them away from the purpose You have laid out for them and their family. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Halfpoint
4. A Prayer for Strength

4. A Prayer for Strength
Jesus, grant this sweet momma strength that can only come from You. Motivate her to accomplish the goals that lie before her and fill her with hope. When she becomes overwhelmed or misses a mark of self-proclaimed achievement, set her free from any guilt and help her move forward with an earnest energy to continue and forge ahead. Please give this family, and especially this dear mom, wisdom and discernment when it comes to making choices for her family and the best ways to educate her children (Philippians 4:13). Amen.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/DragonImages
5. A Prayer for Friendships

5. A Prayer for Friendships
Lord, this walk and journey of homeschooling can often feel ever so lonely. We are thankful that You have given us so many opportunities to educate our children that include a variety of communities to plug into. So, I humbly ask that You graciously provide this mom and her children fellowship with a like-minded community in which they can grow and learn while also fostering their spiritual growth. Give them sweet friendships that will encourage them and hold them accountable to You, while also meeting a need for companionship (1 Thessalonians 5:11). I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/FatCamera
6. A Prayer for Grace

6. A Prayer for Grace
O God, we are so grateful for Your never-ending mercy and grace. It is so reassuring when we hit rocky patches or encounter hard days. While we know those days will come and we will have moments that lead us to do or say words that accompany guilt and shame, I pray in those moments that we cry out to You. With that, I lift up this precious mom and ask that You saturate her heart with the Truth so that when the liar is loud, she can combat him with the flames of Your powerful Word and Truth, dismantling any temptation, guilt, or sin. Remind her that Your grace is enough and that it is through Your power she can and will prevail (2 Corinthians 12:9). Thank you for loving us and giving us the precious gift of Your grace. Amen.
Sweet homeschooling momma, I pray you feel loved today. Tuck these Scriptures and prayers in your heart. Hold them close and know that if God has called you to teach your children as part of His plan and purpose for your family, trust Him. He’s got you!
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/StockRocket
Originally published February 13, 2024.