
7 Faith Leaders Provide Clarity for Christians during the 2024 Election Season

Updated Nov 07, 2024
7 Faith Leaders Provide Clarity for Christians during the 2024 Election Season

Many Christians are finding the 2024 presidential election to be the most intense and volatile in the nation's history during their lifetime. The question of who to vote for and the threat of potential post-election violence has struck fear in the hearts of many Americans. 

Here are 7 faith leaders' thoughts on how Christians can hold on to peace and choose the right candidate to vote for during the 2024 presidential election.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Josearba

1. Pastor Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, posted a video on his Facebook page about his thoughts on the 2024 election.

"… It's a privilege to vote; it's a responsibility, and every Christian should vote," he said.

"Some would say vote your conscience…depends on your conscience. I'd say as closely as possible, try to vote on the basis of the Biblical World View. That's what it comes down to."

Laurie went on to note that, "I don't vote for personality, I vote for policy. I'm not trying to elect the messiah. I already have one. So it's about issues."

He encouraged his congregation to pick one of the two front runners, saying, "Historically, let me just say, God has used flawed people to accomplish His purposes."

To view the entire short video, click here

Photo Credit: ©Facebook/Greg Laurie

2. Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey, Christian finance expert, and founder and CEO of the company Ramsey Solutions, said on a recent show that Christians need to keep in mind that "… You're not voting for a savior. If so, neither one of these [presidential candidates] would be qualified. You're not even voting for a pastor. If so, neither one of these would be qualified. What happens in your house is more important to your success than what happens in the White House. But what happens in the White House does affect your life, and to not vote at all out of disgust is bad decision making paradigm."

He went on to recommend that Christians need to make a list of the 8-10 issues that matter to them the most and choose the candidate who most closely aligns with their view on those issues. It's highly unlikely that either will be a perfect match, but one of them will be a better match than the other. 

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/The Ramsey Show Highlights 

3. Jane Hansen Hoyt

Jane Hansen Hoyt

Jane Hansen Hoyt of Aglow International ministry is asking all Christians who are able to take some time to fast and pray about the coming presidential election. In a statement, she said, "… this is one of the most pivotal elections of our lifetime—the future of our nation is truly at stake. Let's press in and pray together!"

She also released a short video in which she acknowledged that "…the messages of either political party can be very strong, they can bring division, and it can bring a lack of peace. It can even bring [up] – kind of stir [up] anxiety within people." 

She's encouraging Christians to pray for those in authority over us (1 Tim. 2:1-4) and keep in mind that "…Our freedom to speak, our freedom to express the Gospel and the power of Christianity rests in the nation having proper government and allowing the freedom of speech and our messages to come forth in the way that would be effective."

To view the short video in its entirety, click here.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Aglow International

4. Pastor Steven Andrew

Pastor Steven Andrew

Pastor Steven Andrew of American Christian Denomination is asking all Christians across the nation to fast and pray for God's "divine intervention" for this upcoming election and the future of America. 

"Now is the time for the church to arise; we can make a significant impact for God in the future of our country," Andrew told the Christian Newswire.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Pastor Steven Andrew 

5. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA)

Richard Mack

The CSPOA, founded by Richard Mack, former Sheriff of Arizona's Graham Countyreleased a statement in connection to "a national crisis" at America's border and groups of illegals who have criminal intent that have been allowed into the country. The CSPOA is challenging Governors, Attorneys General of each State, and the Sheriffs to step up their efforts to "initiate comprehensive investigations" that will reveal those who are allowing illegals with a criminal background into the country and expose their motives behind such activity, according to the Christian Newswire

Photo Credit: ©Facebook/Casey Whalen

6. Lauren Cooley

Lauren Cooley

Lauren Cooley, executive director of the Institute for Faith and Culture (IFC) conducted a poll in partnership with Rasmussen Reports. The poll included candidate choices of Christian voters for the 2024 elections, Christian voter participation, and whether or not Christian voters believed prayer could impact the election's outcome, according to Businesswire

"Election season is a time for Christians to reflect on how their faith informs their civic action and their choices at the ballot box," she said. "With just days until November 5, this poll serves as a snapshot in time, providing critical insights into what Christians are thinking and how they will impact this election. At this moment in time, it appears Christians are already voting and are ready to engage at the ballot box."

As of October, it was found that 77% of voters identifying as Evangelical Christians either already voted or are planning to vote. In regard to Evangelicals who don't intend to vote, 7 percent felt they weren't qualified, and 10 percent said they felt unable to vote. 

When Evangelical Christians were asked if they believed prayer could make a difference regarding the election's outcome, 73 percent said they believe prayer matters. 

Photo Credit: ©X/laurenacooley

7. John Stonestreet

John Stonestreet

John Stonestreet, executive director of the Chuck Colson Center of Christian Worldview and the co-host of a program called "Breakpoint," was interviewed by Focus on the Family about the importance of voting. Though the interview is from October 2016, what he had to say is still just as relevant today. 

Host Jim Daily asked Stonestreet what he would say to those who have soured on the whole idea of even participating in the process.

"Well, I think that, first of all, Scripture says if we can do good, we should do good, and because we live in this nation, we have the privilege, the ability to vote. And so, it's hard. Sometimes, we don't like either choice ahead of us. I'm in that seat right now. I look ahead, and I think, 'Wow, is this the best that we have?' But you know what? We know that politics is primarily downstream from culture. What we're seeing is a reflection of where our culture is," Stonestreet told Focus on the Family.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Colson Center

Elizabeth Delaney Author HeadshotElizabeth Delaney has been a freelance content writer for over 20 years and has enjoyed having her prose published in both the non-fiction and fiction markets. She has written various types of content, including Christian articles, healthy lifestyle, blog posts, business topics, news articles, product descriptions, and some fiction. She is also a singer-songwriter-musician. When she is not busy with writing or music, she enjoys spending time with friends or family and doing fun social activities such as hiking, swing dancing, concerts, and other activities. 

Originally published October 29, 2024.


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