Peace is one of those innate desires of the human heart. It is a need that we have even at the deepest level of our souls. We all long for it, and in a world filled with turmoil and upheaval, with wars, rumors of wars, horrific news reports, and chaos everywhere we look, it is easy to find yourself living a life that longs for peace, for quiet and calm.
In the bible, Shalom is the Hebrew word used, which means peace. C. Plantinga, a Christian author, tells us Shalom means more than just peace. It means “Universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight – a rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts fruitfully employed, a state of affairs that inspires joyful wonder as its Creator and Savior opens doors and welcomes the creatures in whom he delights. Shalom, in other words,” he declares Shalom, “is the way things ought to be.” Oh, to live in a world where we can state things are the way they ought to be, how God ordained them to be at the beginning of scripture in Genesis 1 and 2.
Thankfully, as Christians, we can know peace in our hearts even when peace is not the word we would use to define our environment. Scripture tells us that peace is not only found in Jesus but is also the prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). One of the best ways to lean into God when we are struggling is to pray scripture.
Photo Credit: ©Pexels/John Ray Ebora
1. A Prayer for Hope during Difficult Times

1. A Prayer for Hope during Difficult Times
Here is a prayer inspired by Romans 5:1 and John 16:33 to pray in seasons where peace seems unobtainable from trial and trouble:
Dear God,
I thank you for saving me. I can declare it is well with my soul even when my surroundings are in turmoil because I am in a relationship with you. You are the prince of peace, and I know this to be true because scripture is true in all that it affirms. Lord, remind me that since I have been justified by faith, I have peace with God through my Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for preparing us for the turmoil to come. You did not leave us abandoned, but you prepared your people. Even though there will be trial and trouble, we can breathe easy knowing that we are the overcomer and the conqueror of sin and death, and because of that, we can know true peace in our souls. We can know peace in and through you. We can take heart, and we can trust in you to fulfill all that you said you would. I thank you that I can know peace because even though these days are filled with fear and anxiety, you will be the ultimate winner in the days to come. The battle between Satan and you will only end with one true winner, and that is you, Jesus. In that truth, I will place my trust, and I will live in peace because of it. Thank you.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Photo Credit: SWN Design
2. A Prayer for Peace of Mind

2. A Prayer for Peace of Mind
I often times find my mind wandering, and there, in that moment, I find myself longing more for peace, but in this case, it is peace of mind. God is so good to us because even in those moments, He is with us. His presence, His love, and His grace are always available to us, even when our minds betray us. These days, I often pray the words of Psalm 61:2 and Deuteronomy 31.
Dear God,
I thank you for being a savior who stays; you do not leave me, you do not walk away, and when my mind is betraying me, I can still declare you to be good. You are a rock, a refuge, and an anchor in the storms of this life. But Lord, as the Psalmist cried, so will I. When my heart is overwhelmed, it leads me to the rock that is higher than I am. Lead me and my mind to you, Jesus, and help me to focus on what is good, right, and Holy, not on the things that seek to destroy, steal, and kill. Anchor my mind in the truth of your word, and help me focus on it and meditate on it day and night. Jesus, help me remain calm and remove all anxious thoughts. Holy Spirit, take your place as preeminent in my mind; I ask this in your name,
Photo Credit: SWN Design
3. A Prayer for Provision

3. A Prayer for Provision
When our finances leave us struggling, we need Jesus to help us achieve provision and peace. In those days, I find myself praying the words of Philippians 4:19 and Genesis 22:
Dear God,
I know you to be my provider, the God who is Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides, as Abraham named you. I know you are the God who will supply every need I have according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Today, as my mind struggles to sort my finances, remind me that you are who you say you are, and you will meet my needs and help me to navigate my finances. I pray that you will open doors to increase my income or you will show me areas in which I should cut back. I pray that you will show me where I am able to be generous to others, even in this season of stress and uncertainty. Let your peace reign in my heart,
In Jesus name, Amen.
Photo Credit: SWN Design
4. A Prayer for Assurance

4. A Prayer for Assurance
A prayer we can pray when we are doubting our worth is:
Dear God,
I thank you for your birth, which brought peace, and as Luke 2 reminds us, the glory of God and His peace are available to those on whom God's favor rests. I have asked you into my heart, and as a result, I am a Child of God. Therefore, I know God's peace is available to me. I say this not as an entitled child but as one who knows that resting in Jesus, I have your peace available to me. I thank you for that, and I rest in that truth today. You are the God of Peace, and I know peace in my soul because of that relationship. I know peace in my soul not because of anything that I do but simply because of who you are. I thank you for coming down from heaven so that we may know you and that my worth is not what dictates this relationship, but it is available because of your great love for us, your creation. I thank You that You call me your child, that You father me, that You are the one who calls me a royal priesthood, you chose me, you call me beloved, and that you, King Jesus, are my friend. You are the reason I have worth. You created me, and I thank you for doing so with love, building into my life the kingdom purpose and giftings that I can use to follow after you and help partner in building the kingdom of God. Thank you for loving us and offering peace as a gift to us.
In your name, Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Ric Rodrigues
5. A Prayer for Protection

5. A Prayer for Protection
Philippians 4:7 reminds us that peace protects us; therefore, we can pray:
Dear God,
I want to thank you for being the author of peace and for peace flowing from your throne because it is who you are. I thank you for the peace of God transcending all of my human understanding, that your peace is not something I can ever get my head around, but it is readily available to me. I thank you for your peace guarding my heart and my mind in Jesus. You are the God who loves us, and you protect us. As your word says, you guard us and hedge us with you. I thank you that this is the truth even when it doesn’t feel like it is. I thank You that You are the refuge we can hide in when life is too much to bear, that You are the shield that protects us from the enemy's fiery arrows, and that You are the one who fights for us even when we don’t realize that we are in a battle. I thank you that you are our father, our friend, our king, and our companion.
In your name, Amen.
Photo Credit: SWN Design
6. A Prayer for Wisdom

6. A Prayer for Wisdom
A prayer we can pray when we need peace around a decision that needs to be made is:
Dear God,
I think of all the decisions I have to make today, specifically this one choice that needs to be made. Lord, I do not know what to do, and so I am choosing to bring this choice and lay it down at the feet of Jesus, trusting you will reveal to me by scripture, revelation, or word from the Holy Spirit what you would have me do. I know the word of God says,
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as if you are working for the Lord and not human masters.” -Colossians 3:23
But, Father, I would like to put my hand to the tasks you have set for me and not work hard on whims that take me far from you. I trust that as you gave wisdom to Solomon, you will impart wisdom to me now and help me make this decision. I know you know tomorrow already. You already know what is planned years from now, and I know you have designed and ordained the correct steps for me to walk in; please reveal those to me and give me peace about this choice. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Photo Credit: SWN Design
7. A Prayer for Peace in Our Country

7. A Prayer for Peace in Our Country
A prayer for peace in our country.
Dear God,
I pray now, having heard the stories of war and riots, looting, and chaos that is taking place in streets near my home. In cities, my feet have never touched, and in countries far from me. God, I ask that the peace that passes understanding reign in those places. I know Revelations talks of wars and rumors of wars increasing in the end days, and I understand this is part of the last days and signs before your imminent return, but God, I pray for peace over cities tonight that are torn apart by racism, by violence, by fear and by those who are simply caught up in the madness. God, would you set your hand and your wisdom on our cities and prevent this from taking place? Protect and bring peace to the minorities and open the eyes of those who seek to destroy. God, we ask you to place peace over us and let peace rule and reign in our streets. We trust you, God, to do what is right.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Related Resource: Thinking Christian about Our Rights, Freedoms, and Political Participation
In this episode of The Thinking Christian Podcast, James and Nate discuss the politics of the day. They attempt to differentiate between civic and sacred acts in relation to voting, as well as encouraging Christians to recognize the symbolic "freight" that certain candidates carry for wins and losses. Listen in, and be sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify so you never miss an episode!
Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Karolina Kaboompics
Originally published August 23, 2024.