The end of the year has a way of bringing to the surface all the year's greatest cuts or the hardest days spent in tears. The memories seem to play back, with them a wave of sadness, grief, and uncertainty of what a new year could bring. If this is you or someone you know, let's take it all before the Lord. God is not indifferent or callous to the things that hurt the hearts of His children, and the most effective and positive thing we can do is to connect with Him through prayer.
1. Prayers for an Aching Heart

1. Prayers for an Aching Heart
Father God,
If anyone understands what it means to have an aching heart, it is Your Son, Jesus. Jesus was betrayed by His best friend, Judas. Heartache was not far from Him as He agonized in the Garden of Gethsemane, and we know that He can sympathize with us as we experience heartache on this earth. Father, we pray for Your comfort, peace, and love to meet the brokenhearted. Lord, we pray that those who can offer love and support will come alongside these hurting spirits, and we pray that they will not lose hope. Please bring them what healing only You can.
In Jesus's Name,
2. Prayers for Healing

2. Prayers for Healing
Father God,
You are the ultimate healer of all that hurts, has been so horrible shattered, and feels so beyond repair. We draw strength from Psalm 147:3, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
Lord, please bind these wounds and restore crushed spirits in the way only a Creator can. We pray that the wounds that exist now would one day be the strongest part of a testimony, the place where You met them and where the story was changed in a powerful way. We know in Your Word that You bring goodness and glory from even the hardest of stories (Genesis 50, Romans 8), and so we implore You to do that now for this weary soul.
In Jesus's Name,
3. Prayers for the Hopeless and Lonely

3. Prayers for the Hopeless and Lonely
Father God,
Those who have had a terrible year likely have a despondent spirit in life right now. When storms come, we seem to lose courage steadily until we reach a point of feeling entirely hopeless. Feelings of loneliness can also erupt in these trying times, and it is then that we need to remember the greatest hope of all is found in You and You alone. Please send unique messages to each person needing a reminder that You are still with them and there is reason to stand firm in belief that goodness awaits. We pray that they will pray the prayer of David in confidence and in faith found in Psalm 27:11-13, "Teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path
because of my oppressors. Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, spouting malicious accusations.
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
Lord, we pray that there would be a renewed spirit of hope found solely in You, not in self-reliance or in a human to fix such things, and that there would be a firm footing that goodness will be seen in the land of the living. We pray, too, that they will know that hope in You is not limited to just this life but to the life to come in Heaven as well.
In Jesus's Name,
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/tommaso79
4. Prayers to Be Prepared for Your Story

4. Prayers to Be Prepared for Your Story
Father God,
You are the greatest author and the best story maker of all. Any good story has moments where things can feel uncertain or unknown, but that does not mean the story is in vain. We know that You are always up to something good, and so we pray for the person who has found themselves in the ambiguous part of their story to trust You in the process. We also pray that in this moment, they would choose to look to You for guidance and instruction so that they may be prepared for the one-of-a-kind story You have in store for them. If they need to work on a skill or area of life, if they need to surrender something they have clung to desperately, or if they need to take a leap of faith help them to do so with Your help. Lord, we pray that they will be equipped for the journey ahead now and that they will grow in dependance, reliance, and assurance in trusting Your lead.
In Jesus's Name,
5. Prayers for the Newly Single

5. Prayers for the Newly Single
Father God,
This year may have been one in which a person found their relationship status shift for the first time in a long time to single. This can be a jarring change, but it is not one that must feel like defeat. Help newly single people not fall prey to the belief that they are not enough, are too much, or will be alone forever. Instead, remind them that their worth is found in You and You alone. Help them to hand You their pen for their love story and to watch and see that You have something in store better than they could have ever possibly imagined.
In Jesus's Name,
6. Prayers for Future Spouses

6. Prayers for Future Spouses
Father God,
We want to spend a moment to pray for the future spouses of the currently single souls being lifted today. More than likely these future husbands and wives are wondering when their lives will change, when things will come together for their good, and they are hurting too. Please guide them and refine them to become all they need to become. Please deliver them from the temptation to settle or to step outside of Your will and help them to find their focus and hope in You and Your direction. We pray that more than anything You will be the Light of their lives, their first and greatest love, and the source of their joy and salvation. We thank You in advance for all You are doing behind the scenes and in Your timing.
In Jesus's Name,
7. Prayers to Know His Presence Better

7. Prayers to Know His Presence Better
Father God,
Above all else we pray that singles praying these prayers for themselves or those praying these prayers for someone they care for will come to know Your presence even better. The greatest miracle and gift of all is not found in the fulfillment of the heart's desires or in the ushering forth of long-awaited promises but in the individual moments spent with You. You never leave us, never forsake us, and You are with us in every detail and every step of life. Lord, help us to not forget that beautiful truth and to feel Your presence more and more each day. Make our hearts and minds more sensitive to Your Spirit, to Your leading, and to what is on Your heart. We praise Your Holy Name that You are a Father Who cares for us beyond what we can even fathom.
We just want You, Lord. More and more of You.
In Jesus's Name,
Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomed, is available everywhere now. Connect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram CallyLogan.com
Originally published December 17, 2024.