Last year, my husband and I grew closer spiritually. It wasn’t a decision on our part but rather a series of circumstances and events that drew us into deep conversations, prayers, and a thirst for spiritual insight.
There is still plenty of room for growth (until heaven, I suppose), but I’m grateful for the increase of faith as we seek God together, trusting Him to guide us. If you’re hoping for spiritual growth in your marriage this year, here are 7 things you can implement.
1. Pray for Each Other First
How often does your spouse get your leftover prayers? I know I’m guilty of this. But the Holy Spirit has encouraged me to pray daily for my husband, making him a priority and covering him with words of life and blessing.
Prayer not only boosts Spiritual growth, it brings couples together. Though it might be uncomfortable initially, set an alarm on your phone to pray together each morning or evening. Here are specific prayers for each day of the week:
Monday: Lord, please fill our hearts with Your love until it overflows into our marriage. Lead us to work out conflicts with patience and grace. We commit our relationship to You and ask for a deeper bond in Jesus’ name.
Tuesday: Lord, please give us calmness of mind and remove all worry, doubt, and fear. Replace it with peaceful assurance that You are in control. Give us the wisdom needed to make right decisions with unity and clarity, in Jesus’ name.
Wednesday: Lord, please remind us that Your Spirit dwells in us and guides us in all truth. Help us resist the evil one who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. Please produce abundant fruit in our lives - fruit that spills over into our families and workplace, in Jesus’ name.
Thursday: Lord, please show us how to be kind and empathetic by listening well and offering genuine compassion. Help us set aside our own agendas and come together in full support of one another, in Jesus’ name.
Friday: Lord, please bless our marriage and remind us of the vows we made. Keep us pure in thought and action and rekindle our affection for one another, in Jesus’ precious name.
Saturday: Lord, please provide plenty of downtime for us to enjoy. Show us ways to have fun and experience new things together, in Jesus’ holy name.
Sunday: Lord, help us grow Spiritually this year, guiding us through Your Word and teaching us things we do not know. Expand our discussion to examine what the Scriptures say as we study together and receive Your wisdom, in Jesus’ holy name, amen.
10 Powerful Prayers for Your Husband in 2025
9 Powerful Prayers for Your Wife in 2025
2. Read the Classics

2. Read the Classics
In the classic book Yours, Jack: Spiritual Direction from C.S. Lewis, he writes, “Away with tears and fears and troubles! United in wedlock with the eternal Godhead Itself, our nature ascends into the Heaven of Heavens. So it would be impious to call ourselves ‘miserable.’ On the contrary, Man is a creature whom the Angels—were they capable of envy—would envy.”
Reading Christian classics is a great way to stretch your thinking and grow Spiritually with your spouse. Unique talking points will arise as you delve into the plethora of books found at most thrift shops. Here are a few titles to choose from:
-The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
-The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
-The Pilgrim’s Progress by Paul Bunyan
-Knowing God by J.I. Packer
Consider starting a couple’s book club and choose one Christian classic per month. Imagine the Spiritual growth by the end of the year!
3. Spend Time with Couples a Few Years Ahead

3. Spend Time with Couples a Few Years Ahead
Discipleship doesn’t have to be a formal thing. Simply hang out with Christian couples a few years ahead of you. Chances are, they’ve experienced things you haven’t and can pass on a few valuable lessons for faith and life.
Consider reaching out to an older couple in your church and inviting them to dinner. Express your desire for spiritual growth and ask if they’d be willing to meet once a month. Remember, it doesn’t need to be a major commitment to be beneficial. You can alternate between fun outings and in-home Bible studies. Building relationships with seasoned Christians can ultimately mature your marriage and provide trusted mentors for the journey.
Here are a few couple’s studies to help you get started:
FamilyLife Bible Study for Couples by Dennis and Barbara Rainey
Love Like You Mean It by Bob Lepine
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman
Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs by Emerson Eggerichs
4. Memorize Scripture Competitively

4. Memorize Scripture Competitively
This idea for spiritual growth isn’t common, but it could be a fun and insightful way to memorize Scripture through friendly competition. The instructions are simple: Choose a passage and set a date when you will recite it aloud. Keep track of completed milestones and celebrate with fun prizes such as a couple’s massage, movie night, or chocolate.
Here are 12 key passages to memorize this year:
Photo credit: Unsplash/Cassidy Rowell Aawzg
5. Listen to Spiritually-Rich Podcasts

5. Listen to Spiritually-Rich Podcasts
Whenever my husband and I take a road trip, we download our favorite podcasts to help pass the time. Spiritually rich episodes spark meaningful conversations about life, faith, belief, and eternity with the Lord.
This can be helpful for couples who aren’t in the same place spiritually but are seeking growth together. Just remember to keep your discussions respectful and understand each other’s perspectives.
Here are a few growth-spurring podcasts to enjoy with your spouse:
-Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage with Greg and Erin Smalley
-FamilyLife Today by Dave and Ann Wilson
-Team Us: A Christian Marriage Podcast by Ted and Ashleigh Slater
-Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere
-Greg Laurie Podcast
-The Alisa Childers Podcast
-The Living Waters Podcast
6. Talk about Spiritual Things

6. Talk about Spiritual Things
It’s easy for couples to discuss everyday things, such as who will take the kids to soccer practice and who will handle the grocery pick-up. But including spiritual things in our conversations takes intentionality and effort.
Here are a few conversation starters to help guide your discussion toward Spiritual matters:
“When did you first feel a tug on your heart from God?”
“What are the first words you remember reading from the Bible?”
“What were your feelings about church growing up?”
“How do you envision heaven?”
When you ask simple questions like these, you might be surprised at your spouse’s answers! Hopefully, these conversations starters will lead to deeper discussions about God, the Bible, heaven, and your personal faith journey.
7. Sign Up for a Retreat

7. Sign Up for a Retreat
Marriage retreats can be just what’s needed to move the needle for Spiritual growth. They provide the opportunity to leave work and responsibility behind and truly connect. Through powerful teaching sessions and intimate break-out groups, couples can learn a lot about each other and take their relationship to the next level.
If it’s been a while since you’ve gone to a marriage retreat, or if you’ve never signed up for one, this is the year to give it a try. Go online to find a church in your area that offers a weekend retreat, and start planning your spiritual getaway. You won’t regret it!
Here are a few nationwide retreats offered this year:
Marriage Getaways by Focus on the Family
Closer: A Marriage Retreat for Christian Couples
Love Like You Mean It Marriage Cruise
Here are a few nationwide retreats offered this year:
Marriage Getaways by Focus on the Family
Closer: A Marriage Retreat for Christian Couples
Love Like You Mean It Marriage Cruise
Related: What Is a Marriage Retreat?
Do you have any marriage-related goals for the new year? Share and join the conversation on Crosswalk Forums!
Originally published January 06, 2025.