During the winter months, it can be hard to connect with family. While we connect with them on Christmas and sometimes New Year's Day, it can be difficult to stay in touch after the holidays are over. Even though it can be hard, we need to continue to communicate with our family. This will help them to know they are loved and valued.
Whether we are grown adults living alone or we have a family of our own, it is important to take time to draw closer to our family. Winter is the perfect time to do this as there are more breaks from school and work. There are also many snow days and weather alerts that can keep us at home and give us the privilege of spending extra time with our loved ones.
If you are looking for a few ideas to help you draw closer to your family this winter, here are seven ways to do just this.
1. Start a Bible Study with Your Family
Drawing closer to family doesn't have to be as difficult as we make it. A great way to draw closer to our family is to start a Bible study with them. If you are a single adult without a family of your own yet, this is a perfect way to stay connected with your parents and siblings. Arrange a meeting once a week in person or over video call to do your Bible study. It might take a few sessions before you get into the swing of things, but this activity will prove to be helpful in drawing your family closer as well as bringing your heart back to the Lord.
If you are married and have kids of your own, you might be able to do a family Bible study every night. By taking time out of your busy schedule to sit down with your spouse and kids, you will be able to dive deeper into God's Word together. If anything is too difficult, you can explain it to your kids in a way that they can understand. Nightly Bible studies can help the entire family draw closer and have a stronger bond with each other.
2. Meet One Day a Week for Lunch or Dinner

2. Meet One Day a Week for Lunch or Dinner
Something that my mom used to do with her own parents was meet them out for lunch each week. This helped her spend time with them while she was off work or had some free time in her schedule. Although some weeks she didn't have time to meet with them, most weeks she was able to see her parents and cultivate her relationship with them. This is ideal for anyone, whether single or married with children.
If you are married with children, lunch might be a better option as some children have to go to bed a bit earlier. However, if your children are older or you and your spouse have not had children yet, meeting for dinner might be a better option. Access your own unique circumstance and see which option would be best for you. The Winter months can keep us locked inside, but by meeting with loved ones for a nice meal, it can help warm our hearts.
3. Go Ice Skating

3. Go Ice Skating
If you and your family are avid ice skaters, ice skating is the perfect idea to bring your family together. Even if you haven't gone ice skating in a while, trying your hand at it again can be fruitful. I went about ten years in between ice skating get-togethers, but within five minutes, I got the hang of it again. If time off the ice is what is holding you back, give it a shot anyway, and you might be surprised by how fast the skill returns to you.
It will still be a great time if you choose ice skating indoors or outdoors. In the process of having fun, you will also draw closer to your family. If your kids, nieces, or nephews don't know how to ice skate, this winter could be the perfect time to teach them. Teaching your family how to ice-skate can truly build a strong bond as well as form lasting memories. Winter doesn't have to be full of darkness if we choose to surround ourselves with our family during the colder months.
4. Go on a Day Trip Together

4. Go on a Day Trip Together
Yet again, whether single or married, you can go on a day trip with your family. If you are single, meet up with your parents or your siblings and travel to somewhere new. This could be a close-by city or a new country. Some people love to travel to warmer destinations when it is winter. If this is true for you or your family, plan to travel to a warmer destination for a week or so.
Even though this isn't a day trip, it is still a great option to draw closer to your family. If traveling long-distance is not ideal, try to go somewhere closer. If you are married with children, go to a closer city where they have museums, shops, and other fun activities. For kids, it doesn't really matter where they are, as long as they are having fun with their family. Try to channel that energy and know your day trip or longer trip doesn't have to break the bank.
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Vera Livchak
5. Take Advantage of the Cooler Weather

5. Take Advantage of the Cooler Weather
While some people cannot stand the cold weather, others love it. If you and your family love the cooler weather, try to do some outdoor activities with them. In addition to ice skating, you could go snowboarding, sledding, or just take a walk in the snow. Think about any winter hobbies your family used to enjoy and try to make new memories by doing these same activities together.
For example, if your dad always loved to build snowmen with you when you were younger, take some time to spend with him on a snow day and build snowmen with him. Even if you think he might not be interested in building snowmen with you, he definitely would love to. No matter how old you get, you will always be your parents' child, and they will forever love to spend time with you. Think about what you can do with your family this winter and get out there to enjoy the cooler weather.
6. Stay Indoors: Work on Crafts, Hobbies, and Interests

6. Stay Indoors: Work on Crafts, Hobbies, and Interests
Maybe going outside in the cold is not your thing, which is completely okay. Rather than spending time outdoors, you and your family could draw closer together by working on crafts, hobbies, and other interests together. Turn on the fire, get cozy, and do some fun activities together. When I was younger, my mom used to get the entire family together, and we would draw pictures together. Even though my mom didn't have much time, she still made time to spend with my sisters and me.
Maybe you aren't keen on crafts, but your family loves them. Try to still do the crafts with your family and enjoy the experience rather than focusing too much on the craft. This can help you enjoy your time together even if crafts are not your favorite thing in the world. Part of being a family means doing some activities you don't like because you know your family enjoys them. Knowing that you are drawing closer to your family and building stronger relationships with them is worth it.
7. Healthy Communication with Your Words and Actions

7. Healthy Communication with Your Words and Actions
Lastly, it is also important to remember that if we are going to draw closer to our family this winter, we are going to have to have healthy communication with our words and actions. Sadly, arguments can sometimes erupt between family members when they are doing activities together, but we can avoid this by communicating with them in a healthy way. While you are doing any of the ideas listed above, try to steer away from any topics that could cause fights to break out amongst your family.
Politics is a main topic that normally causes fights among family members. Therefore, try to not bring up any political topics while you are with your family in order to preserve the peace. If your parents or siblings are not argumentative over politics but are argumentative over something else, then it is wise to avoid that subject. You know your family better than anyone else; therefore, try not to talk about any topics that could cause harm.
Winter is a beautiful time to spend with our families and by spending time with them, we will become closer. Communicating with them in a healthy way will ensure that bonding moments and lasting memories will be formed. God wants you to strengthen your relationship with your family; He is the one who placed you together. Deepen your relationship with your family and focus on the good times this winter.
Originally published February 05, 2025.