With the rise of inflation and many struggling in this economy, it can be difficult when you want to give from your heart at the holidays. Remember that you can give big without a big price tag; it just takes a little creativity. Also, keep in mind that celebrating with others is more than something tangible. What you give can last for years to come when you give it with a sincere heart.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/FTiare
1. The Gift of Regifting

1. The Gift of Regifting
Regifting has seldom received a good reputation, but it can serve as a blessing to others, not a cheap cop-out from the giver. What if some of the items you have been given that are sitting around your house holds a purpose of redemption for someone else? You may have in your possession another man’s treasure. There have been times when I have witnessed a particular item collecting dust, and there has been a nudge within my spirit to give it to someone else. Even if it did not make sense in the moment, there has been an incredible experience to behold when that item has blessed another person. In a way it was almost as if I was merely holding on to the item and its intended recipient all along was the friend receiving the “regift.” Don’t underestimate the gift of passing along gifts; you may just be the channel God uses for that person to acquire something precious.
2. A Hot Cocoa Night

2. A Hot Cocoa Night
Experiences can be a beautiful gift to others as well. If you want to share an experience with others but don’t have a lot to spend, consider a tacky lights night or a classic Christmas movie night that ends with a hot cocoa bar at your home. Even with marshmallows, whipped cream, and sprinkles, cocoa is not super expensive, but with that warm cup of cheer, you can share the gift of time. Choose loved ones you’d like to connect with and offer intentional time in love. An experience is a lovely way to give something meaningful and long-lasting, even if it is not tangible.
3. A Meaningful Note

3. A Meaningful Note
If the receiver of the gift you would like to give has the love language of words of affirmation, a heartfelt note or card may serve as a great gift. Write out your heart or pen a poem or short story for someone that really captures how you feel about them. Highlight exceptional aspects of their personality, their character, or their demeanor. Help them to understand that you see them, really see them. It is a gift to feel seen, known, loved, and appreciated for one’s true self, and through a meaningful note, you can offer such a gift this Christmas.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Kerkez
4. Prayer Jar

4. Prayer Jar
In the same line of thinking, you can also offer a jar or bag of little prayer cards. Choose a certain number of days you’d like to cover, perhaps a week or a month, and intentionally write prayers for the person in mind. Gather verses or ask the Lord to drop Words of encouragement in your spirit that He wants them to know and write them down in little letters or notes for them to open each day. Ask the Lord to guide you and to use you as a vessel of the Holy Spirit to the person you care about, for He cares about them too. This gift is virtually free in cost but consider how valuable this gift is for someone to have not just love from you but love from our Heavenly Father as well.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/FreshSplash
5. Buy in Bulk

5. Buy in Bulk
If words are not the top love language of the recipient or if you are looking for a way to give a tangible gift, consider some of the great ways to give gifts from buying in bulk. As adults, we tend to smile with glee at opening socks, even if it was to our chagrin as children. Buy festive socks in bulk and spruce them up with ribbon or an individual face mask to serve as a mini spa night gift. Keep an eye out for good deals on candy or treats, and divide the large size of an item into smaller items by utilizing mason jars, mini treat bags, or the sort. Getting creative is key with these kinds of gifts, but you would be surprised just how cute something can come together with a little maneuvering.
6. DIY YouTube or Instructional Videos

6. DIY YouTube or Instructional Videos
You are fully capable of making gifts, and not just easy craft ones, either! Take some time to look up how to guides or videos on YouTube to make nice gifts with inexpensive or easily accessible materials. For example, with some pine wood that you can cut for free at a hardware store and some nails or glue, you can make an exquisite spice rack for under $20. Even if you cannot sew, you can make a fleece blanket by cutting the ends of two pieces of fleece fabric and tying the fringe pieces together to make a blanket they will use for years to come. You can also print off pictures at a drugstore for typically around fifteen cents a print and Modge Podge the prints on wood rounds or ceramic tiles to create custom coasters for less than a dollar a piece. Another idea is to take cardstock and work on your best calligraphy skills by writing out a verse or meaningful quote for someone in a nice felt tipped ink pen. Step into the courageous and creative realm and give it a shot, you may just find that you are quite the DIY’er!
Photo credit: Getty/Margarita Khamidulina
7. Custom Playlist

7. Custom Playlist
If you are looking for a gift for those who miss the days of mixed tapes and cd’s, consider trying a modern-day spin on the idea. Spotify and Apple Music have the capacity to share custom playlists with a QR code that you can share even virtually with someone, or you can print it out so that they have it stored in their own library forever. Along with it, give a note explaining why you chose each song and the heart behind the song. Perhaps the song encapsulates how you feel about someone, or there is a comical memory attached for you both with the song. Show them through the medium of music that you value them. Such a gift will also serve as a reminder each time they hear one of the songs that they are not alone and that you care intentionally for them.
8. A Beloved Book

8. A Beloved Book
A final idea is to give the gift of a good book. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with videos, a good paperback book cannot be beat. Books typically are not overly expensive, but they offer a richness to the reader. This book could be a devotional or Christian encouragement book that you feel led to give to help that person in their current or upcoming season. You may choose a book that is just for fun to open an outlet to adventure or escapism, or to take them to a world beyond their imagination. Giving the gift of a good book gives that person a new sort of freedom.
Remember that the worth of a gift is not in how much it costs, but in how much you give. You can give your thought, your prayers, your creativity, your time, and your love through giving a gift from the heart. Don’t let tight budgets keep you from giving someone an invaluable gift this Christmas season.
Photo credit: Unsplash/DavidLezcano
Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomed, is available everywhere now. Connect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram CallyLogan.com
Originally published November 01, 2024.