Dad's matter.
They are the rock that our families are built on. Their love, example, investment, and influence make all the difference in our kids' lives. A father's presence in their kid's lives directly impacts their children's cognitive and social development. There is no one like Dad!
Yet, we live in a culture in which fatherhood is being abandoned at an alarming rate. About 20% of dads in our country are considered absent or not living with any of their biological children. While moms are strong and capable of nurturing their children, they can't replace Dad. God designed family to be a team effort. Mom and Dad are the best-case scenario for our kids, and we need to encourage and support parents as they do the hard work of remaining committed to being involved in the lives of their biological children or when they step in as foster or adoptive parents when the need arises.
One amazing way to let our dads know their efforts are valued is by making sure they are celebrated! Let's not overlook their faithful service to the family. We've got to make sure they feel loved, seen, appreciated, and honored as faithful fathers.
Here are some fun ways to celebrate Dad:
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/skynesher
1. Shower Him with Cards and Praise

1. Shower Him with Cards and Praise
If you have young kids, they absolutely love making hand-drawn cards for the people they love. My kids probably produce ten or more special pictures for me a day; bless their enthusiasm. Channel that creative energy and have everyone make something special for Dad, affirming how much everyone loves him. Deliver the cards along with your own words of praise to Dad, and he will be floored by your great display of appreciation.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/andreswd
2. Find Ways to Pamper Dad

2. Find Ways to Pamper Dad
Dad likes to be pampered every now and then, too! My husband loves a good massage and has been known to even participate in a pedicure from time to time. Plan some ways to let Dad relax because he needs time to have his cup filled so he can keep up the good work of fatherhood. You know your guy best; what helps him unwind? Golf? Racquetball? Video Games? A trip to the movies? Set him up with one of his favorite pastimes and let him know it's all because you see his hard work and want to bless him back.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/andreswd
3. Honor His Opinion and Affirm His Ability to Parent

3. Honor His Opinion and Affirm His Ability to Parent
Our culture has created this caricature of "Dad" who is a glorified babysitter only minimally capable of taking care of the kids if Mom has to be away. This is not the biblical role dads are called to fill! In our marriages we are instructed to "love and respect" each other (Ephesians 5:33). The picture of marriage and by extension parenthood is of an equal partnership. That means Dad is more than capable of taking the lead with the kids; we have to empower him through our words and actions, just as Mom does.
One of the best hard seasons we went through as young parents required us to trade off taking care of the kids because my husband worked a day job and I worked nights and weekends to make ends meet. It was hard but it gave my husband the chance to own his role as Dad. He did all the things with the kids without me around to correct, overrule, or critique his methods. Our kids thrived and I've never once felt unsure about taking time away from the home to work or invest in myself because my husband is an amazing parent. I often tell people he's a better Dad than I am a Mom, and I am very grateful for that!
4. Stay Unified as a Parenting Team

4. Stay Unified as a Parenting Team
Unity requires humility and the ability to honor one another. When one parent gives an instruction, that instruction should be honored and not undermined. Kids love to go between parents to try to get a different answer to their questions, but we have to be smarter than our kids. If Dad says no, then that needs to be honored as a family unit. This lets Dad know his role and voice is sacred in the family. In a world that has become dismissive of Fathers, this seemingly small commitment to being unified is actually very powerful!
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/SrdjanPav
5. Gift Him Something He Will Love

5. Gift Him Something He Will Love
What is Dad's top love language? For the Dad who loves new gadgets, gifts, and toys, presenting something from his wishlist is a great way to tell him he is loved. Brainstorm as a family what new item will bring a smile to Dad's face and find a way to get it for him. Seeing the smile on his face when he realizes how much you care about him will be so worth it.
6. Plan a Special Outing with Dad

6. Plan a Special Outing with Dad
Does Dad love quality time? Plan an outing that will allow him to soak up some extra special family time. Some inexpensive ideas include a camping trip, fishing, hunting, hiking, or going out biking. If you have a bigger budget, plan a vacation that will give Dad a chance to spend extra special time with his very favorite people.
7. Bake Dad His Favorite Treat

7. Bake Dad His Favorite Treat
They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and I believe there is a lot of truth to this! Dads love yummy treats. Surprise Dad with some of his favorite indulgences ready for him to dig into when he gets home. Your thoughtful gesture will make him feel extra special.
8. Take Dad Out to Eat

8. Take Dad Out to Eat
What is Dad's favorite meal? Plan that meal for dinner! Bring the family out to his preferred restaurant and allow him to enjoy quality time and some quality food. Happy bellies lead to happy Dads.
Being a faithful Father is such a valuable gift for the growing generations. Our kids need men who will step up to parent their biological kids, foster, adopt, mentor, lead, and more. Let's do all we can to applaud our husbands for stepping up to the plate and doing their vital part in training our kids in the way that they should go. Their influence is so important to the future and the potential faith of our kids.
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Minerva Studio
Originally published June 14, 2024.