
9 Christian Leaders Share Their Thoughts on Trump’s Big Win

Updated Nov 07, 2024
9 Christian Leaders Share Their Thoughts on Trump’s Big Win

Christian leaders across the nation offered a wide range of reactions after Donald Trump won on Election Day to reclaim the White House with a historic victory.

Trump will be the first president since Grover Cleveland in the late 1800s to serve two non-consecutive terms. 

More significantly, he is the first Republican president in 20 years to win the popular vote and only the second since 1992. He is on track to win more electoral votes than any GOP president since 1988 (George H.W. Bush). 

Here are the reactions of nine Christian leaders following Trump's win. 

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/SeventyFour

1. Billy Wilson, President, Oral Roberts University

Billy Wilson; Path Church; Oral Roberts University

"Congratulations, President Elect @realDonaldTrump and @JDVance on a history-making campaign and victory. Our prayers are with you as you lead our nation. I pray you will act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8) If you do this, He will bless you abundantly!"

Photo Credit: ©Facebook/The Communique

2. Franklin Graham, President, Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Franklin Graham, Graham decries the brutal assault of a Portland man

"I thank God that @realDonaldTrump won this election! This win is historic in many ways. Millions and millions of people were praying, and I believe God heard their prayers. It's a win for the family. It's a win for the economy. It's a win for millions of unborn children.

"It's a win for freedom of speech. It's a win for religious liberty. It's a win for law and order. It's a win for American manufacturing. It's a win for coal miners. It's a win for farmers. It's a win for the oil and gas industry. It's a win for national security. It's a win against bureaucracy and government regulators. It's a win for freedom-loving people everywhere, not just here in America, but around the world."

Photo Credit: ©Billy Graham Evangelical Association

3. John Piper, Desiring God

3. John Piper, Desiring God

"Presidential election results," he wrote.

"Having delivered us from one evil, God now tests us with another. 'The Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.' Deuteronomy 13:3

Photo Credit: ©Micah Chiang/Creative Commons

4. Albert Mohler, President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Albert Mohler

"The president-elect's victory speech to his supporters was gracious and positive," Mohler wrote at World Opinions. "Trump called for Americans to 'put the divisions of the past behind us,' and he presented a warm and inviting vision of America's future. He spoke of God saving his life when a shooter tried to assassinate him -- and came so very close to doing so. In the course of his campaign, Trump has often spoken in far darker terms and with far less graciousness. The American people have given him the rarest of gifts: a second presidency. Only President Grover Cleveland can claim the same. So much now rests on Trump's shoulders.

"The right response of the American people is to prepare for a new president and to work together to address the great challenges we face. Political divisions remain, and big struggles lay ahead. We had better enjoy the moments of graciousness and unity when we can find them. We need Donald Trump to live up to the spirit of his words presented this morning. He has an opportunity to change history. He was elected with great hopes and expectations and giant challenges. He has often proved to be his own worst enemy. We need Donald Trump to be as strong as he sees himself to be and to be a statesman equal to these demanding times.

"As Christians, our task is now to pray for President-elect Trump and for our nation. We know that much before we know anything else. The American electoral system worked and produced a clear winner. Wow … what a night. History was made right before our eyes. Americans alive today will remember this election night for the remainder of their days. It was a night for the ages."

Photo Credit: ©Facebook/Albert Mohler

5. Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council

Tony Perkins

"We saw two very stark visions for America, and I think evangelicals clearly identify more closely with the vision that Donald Trump has cast," he said on CBN. "But I think the Church… has to assume its prophetic role of speaking into government, giving guidance and direction, and seeking accountability over access. And I think we've got to be very careful. The Church is not of the government, but it should be involved in the government."

Perkins later added on X (formerly Twitter), "Election 2024 must not be the finish line for Christians in America; I pray it is a starting point. It's time for the Church to arise. Our hurting nation needs a revival that only God can provide."

Photo Credit: ©Facebook/Agape Women’s Clinic

6. Samuel Rodriguez, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Samuel Rodriguez

"'I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people -- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.' – 1 Timothy 2:1-2

"At the end of the day, the number one battle in America is not between the donkey and the elephant. It is between the serpent and the Lamb. It is between hatred and love, lies and truth, the pathetic and the prophetic.

"We want this nation to be governed by principles undergirded by our Judeo-Christian values. We're not seeking a theocracy -- that can only happen when Jesus returns. What we do seek is a nation that lifts up values and virtues that remind us to see each other as those created in the image of God.

"This is a call for reconciliation, for unity, and for all of us to work together to address the real issues facing us -- not just for today, but for the sake of our children and our children's children. Let's join hands, rise above the division, and build a nation where truth and love prevail."

Photo Credit: ©Instagram/pastorsamuelrodriguez

7. Greg Laurie, Pastor, Harvest Christian Fellowship

7. Greg Laurie, Pastor, Harvest Christian Fellowship

"After winning the presidency, Donald Trump made this statement -- 'God spared my life for a reason — to save our country and restore America to greatness.'

"I believe this is true. America needs restoration. President Trump could have died so easily in the assassination attempts on his life, but God did indeed spare him. When President Ronald Reagan was shot early in his presidency, he too felt God had spared his life. The night Reagan returned to the White House, he confided in his diary, 'Whatever happens now, I owe my life to God and will serve Him every way I can.' Ronald Reagan went on to have one of the greatest presidencies in American history. Let's pray now for President Trump that he will be surrounded by godly and competent people who will give him good counsel in the days ahead. God bless President Trump, and God bless the United States of America!"

Photo Credit: ©Greg Laurie Facebook

8. Clint Pressley, President, Southern Baptist Convention; Pastor, Hickory Grove Baptist, North Carolina

SBC Clint Pressley

"Thanks be to God for a decisive result in the presidential contest and for pro-life victories in Florida, Nebraska, and South Dakota. Congratulations to President-elect @realDonaldTrump and Vice President-elect @JDVance. I and millions of my fellow Southern Baptists will be praying for you. 'The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice.' --Psalm 97:1.”

Photo Credit: ©Facebook/Clint Pressley

9. J.D. Greear, Pastor, The Summit Church, North Carolina

J.D. Greear, Greear asserts that Black Lives Matter

"Congrats to @realDonaldTrump and @JDVance. Much to be hopeful for. We @SummitRDU will be praying that you lead in ways that protect liberty and life and promote peace and justice for all. Praying for God to prosper you, give you wisdom and strength."

Photo Credit: ©RNS/Southern Baptist Convention

Originally published November 06, 2024.


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